Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked


New member
Nov 7, 2006
I'm pretty sure it had everything to do with Mr. Bay being associated with the movie, and blaming it on the writer's strike is about as poor of an excuse as I could imagine. I mean, Mr. Bay is only THE Director - it's just a small fry in the process afterall.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
ninja51 said:
Racist robots, balls, Megan Foxs terribe acting. THATS why it sucked
Megan Fox is an actress?

OT: I'll admit that the script was rough. But that doesn't excuse the mountain of problems with this movie.

I doubt I will see the third movie. I just saw the pic of Sentinel Prime and I'm more WTF than intrigued.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
... I enjoyed the first movie... It was a decent action-flick, I could ignore the horrible acting from the female lead, and the military guys were pretty believable and didn't overact their parts... For me, the most annoying thing was the parents... Why, oh why did they have to be there?!
And the voice-work for the transformers was pretty good...

The second one was... Confused for me... Sure the robots got more screen-time, and the more transformers the merrier, but the script was just idiotic... Seriously, too many sidestories, too many supporting characters, too many stupid human characters in general.. I agree with what someone else said here, the military actually stepping in was a good thing, but I just wish they would let the ROBOTS fight! And why is it the Decepticons always seem overpowered compared to the Autobots? IIRC, they're supposed to be pretty equal, in the power-department at least...
Why can't they just do what War For Cybetron did? I know it was a lot closer to the original cartoon, but that's WHAT WE WANT (we being my childhood-mind and hopefully Transformers fans)...

Best Regards :)

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
I'll admit to having enjoyed Transformers 2, but only for the scenes of robots beating the crap out of eachother. The rest of it isn't good.
The plot isn't that great, the humans (with the exception of the not-so-annoying soldiers) are among the worst in the Transformers franchise, the "humour" is flat-out painful to watch (although Jetfire was pretty funny) and there are a lot of robots introduced in the film who serve absolutely nothing to the plot and to just fill out the ranks for both sides during the end fight (and I don't think they even do that).
I'll watch the third film just to see how it all ends but next time I want see Transformers killing eachother, I'll stick to playing War for Cybertron.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
How about no more, instead? I'd be much happier with that. The first Transformers movie wasn't all that fantastic either, but at least that one had some longer scenes of the two teams legitimately beating the shit out of each other with their robot parts flying everywhere.

Then Revenge of The Fallen happened, and I was sad.


New member
Nov 7, 2009
...I quite liked the 2nd one.......

Don't get me wrong the story was horrible. But if your just with a bunch of mates and want to watch Robot Wars in epic form with some genuinely funny lines thrown in whilst watching megan fox bounce around. Then it begins to be a very good film.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
When you go to see Transformers you go for the giant robots beating on each other. I got that, and I was happy. I wouldn't mind if they took out all the lame jokes though. They're just jarring.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Only idiots say that it sucked. It did NOT suck at all but was an excellent movie...same as the first.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
im a transformers fanboy and fully admit i love the movies but i will not deny the movies sucked and michael bay sucks, too.

i enjoyed them, but that doesnt mean i think they were any good.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
I'm still going to blame it on Michael Bay considering that all the flaws of this film are in ALL of his other films. At least the ones I've seen, Which is all of them except for the two Bad Boys films. Unfortunately as I already know they're keeping Shia and probably the same writers.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
Michael Bay is like Nickelback. Just something everyone loves to hate because it's cool to hate (especially online.), but still manages to sell millions. Ultimately the people who hate bay ar ejust more vocal than the masses are online. People who enjoyed the film took it on face value and didn't expect any more than what it was. A big dumb movie with alot of stuff blowing up.

Despite all hate online I barely meet anyone in real life who claims it's this awful film. I remember people calling into a local station when it came out when the DJ asked if it was good or not. Everyone who called in said see it. People in the audience clapped both times I saw it in the theaters

I like Bay since he never pretends be something he isn't. He just does what he does and makes the movie he wants to make. He doesn't give crap what the critics think,and the world rewards him for it. I'd do same thing with my work if one of my story every gets published. I succeed or not that's fine. I'm not going pander to the critics. I'd crash and burn or do awesome telling the story I want to. So I respect him for how he handles it all.

Oh I hate Michael Bay...then why did you watch both films?(it's not like he hide the fact he was on the project.) Are you just that much of masochist? You hate money? Or do you just want something to complain about? I suppose you could gone to see the first because you were curious or a long time fan...fair enough. I suppose I'd give it another chance. Whatever the case, you know where you stand, don't bother watching the third then. It's that simple.

Transformers never was high art. It's always been something that's cool simply for sake of being cool. The 86 film sucked ass, and raped your childhood far harder than anything bay did. I hated it with the fury of a 1000 burning suns as a kid for a reason. Kiss players is easily the worst thing with the Transformers logo on it. The Series has been reinvented more times than Madonna. You don't like the current batch, just wait a bit. A new batch will come out as I'm soon there will be more Transformers movies made by other people in the future. Bay made Transformers more popular than they've ever been. Love or hate the films he's proven the IP has strength after 25 years to be a blockbuster, so it will get far more projects like War for Cybertron for years to come. (the game wouldn't have ever happened if these films didn't come out. Who knows if we'd seen transformers animated or Prime either.)

I'd chalk up the first film to budget for it's lack of bot time. It's a heck of alot cheaper show cars and humans than CGi robots. It was an unproven concept so it didn't get as much funding to do it right. All fights are rushed, and often cut away to a human character because of that just couldn't afford make the scenes long as they wanted. It proved the concept was profitable, and those they pushed forward.

I believe the second film would have been better if the writer strike wouldn't have happened. You can say well Bay should have waited blah blah. It's not as clear cut as that. Bay was taking a huge production where he was getting access to tons of stuff like pyramids and aircraft carriers. You can't just halt the world once these things are in motion. Movie making is a very complicated process that's not like oh just flip a switch that turns on and off. (if you've ever been involved in a shooting you'd understand.) It's not a baseball game you can just push back for rain. It's like having a 100,000 ton train at the top of a hill, once it starts going forward there's nothing stopping it. For better or worse.

I'd personally hope they cut out alot of the low brow humor. Kids are going watch these films, and they should keep that in mind. They probably won't but, I can wish for it. Over all I am glad the films came out. I had alot of fun watching them as it reignited my love for transformers. At the core the spirit of it all was maintained for me. I watch scenes like the autobots descending or the Forest battle, and they're perfect. The look the feel, its everything I could hope for.

The good outweighs imperfections.(I remember telling my brother in law they were going butch it back in early 2007, then I saw the trailer where prime rooled up. I'd never eaten my words so fast. My inner child went nuts.) I was glad to that my sisters kids got to see a new transformers that they could understand why Optimus Prime is one of the greatest fictional characters for themselves. I don't have to tell them. They just know. When my nephew thanked me for taking him to see the first movie about a 3rd of the way thru it, I knew he was hooked.

Is it the greatest movie ever? No. Greatest movie of 2009 ? probably not. The greatest 2 hour commericals? Absolutely haha. (I seriously wanted buy a camero after that.) I have watched both films probably 10 or more times. It's something that always cheers me up, like watching star wars, indianna jones, or good fellas. Movies I can just watch again if I catch on TV.

If people want to hate it that's their business. I'll be in line with the rest of the Decepticons on July 1st waiting to transform and rise up.


New member
May 6, 2009
That's it? Hmm, I thought it might have been the terrible camera work, atrocious robot design, spectacturaly bad acting, and some fairly questionable character choices.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
When I first saw it, I agree, as it was one of the first Blu ray movies to christen my HD television, and it was great to watch. The plot, characters, acting, ect... well, yeah, that was all horrible, and on second viewing, I think I would choke on those aspects.

It reminds me of G.I. Joe, in that the first viewing was quite good for me. But upon (recently) watching it again, I just couldn't help myself from being distracted by the awful attributes that overshadowed the film.

This in turn gets me because MovieBob (as an example on just this site) gave G.I. Joe a good review for what it was, but constantly knocks Transformers 2. And yeah, rightly so, as T2 was hard to watch in some parts - particularly two mechanical reproductions of a man's crown jewels - but I think it comes down more to Bay. From the article, it sounds like the guy would not be the most pleasant director to work with, and his ostensible reasoning/excuses for going with what should have been a draft comes off more as hiding the fact that he wanted to push out this movie ASAP. That speaks a lot about Bay, in that he sounds less concerned about quality than getting the project done, no matter how stupid Shia Lebeouf comes off.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
I will tell you why this movie was bad to me.

Because for an action flick full of explosions, I found myself fast-forwarding way to often to get to any interesting part, and I couldn't even finish watching it, I got bored.

Only good part in the movie was, Jet Fire.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
SelectivelyEvil13 said:
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
When I first saw it, I agree, as it was one of the first Blu ray movies to christen my HD television, and it was great to watch. The plot, characters, acting, ect... well, yeah, that was all horrible, and on second viewing, I think I would choke on those aspects.

It reminds me of G.I. Joe, in that the first viewing was quite good for me. But upon (recently) watching it again, I just couldn't help myself from being distracted by the awful attributes that overshadowed the film.

This in turn gets me because MovieBob (as an example on just this site) gave G.I. Joe a good review for what it was, but constantly knocks Transformers 2. And yeah, rightly so, as T2 was hard to watch in some parts - particularly two mechanical reproductions of a man's crown jewels - but I think it comes down more to Bay. From the article, it sounds like the guy would not be the most pleasant director to work with, and his ostensible reasoning/excuses for going with what should have been a draft comes off more as hiding the fact that he wanted to push out this movie ASAP. That speaks a lot about Bay, in that he sounds less concerned about quality than getting the project done, no matter how stupid Shia Lebeouf comes off.

Yeah, that's what happened to me to. I remember watching it and liking it, so I bought it... then I started to noticed everything wrong with it.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I loved Transformers 2. This just confirms what I loved about it: it genuinely had no plot. None whatsoever! And it was great! I didn't have to sit through what'd be a half-baked storyline anyway to enjoy a buttload of eye candy. It's a great one to put on with friends because if you miss something, it makes no less sense anyway.