Treyarch Isn't Infinity Ward Yet, Says EA Boss

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Is he kidding? Blops beats the SHIT out of MW2, for one reason.

....*deep breath*.....

hahahahaha well, the only thing left is Dual M249

Zyphonee said:
I think both Treyarch and IW are more marketeers than game designers; none of them is particularly good at all, as all they do is stick with the always safe triple A action game formula, but Black Ops is definitely a better game than Modern Warfare 2; review scores on the most popular sites mean absolutely nothing, we all know IGN and Gamespot only hire those who give in to the hype as much as humanly possible. Overall, Treyarch has the stench of motherly milk all over; they are just starting and this lead for them taking more risks and going for the unfamiliar more often in BO, while IW did nothing but stick it to the safest possibility since ever.

Treyarch makes games a bit more with their hearts, while IW goes for the numbers.
i've got a question, who is the guy in your avatar? it seems a familiar author/whatever...


New member
May 19, 2010
6urk17s said:
"...then our big focus is Battlefield 3..."
Yay, i hope its gonna be great on pc.

On topic... well, i dont care if they arent the IW replacent, all i care is if the game is good.
I think the point was that treyarch will never make as good of a game as Infinity Ward did. Honestly, I think Treyarch is going to stop the innovation that Call of Duty had after every second interation (the Infinity Ward titles), and will just pump out a slightly improved title. But your point is taken.
I gotta say, I think Battlefield 3 is going to be awesome. As long as DICE keeps on innovating like they have been in every Battlefield game, it is going to be great. I just wish they would make a sequel to BF2142, I loved that game.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
I like how they got EA to speak about a rival company. Of course he's going to bash them, he's from a rival company. That's not to say he isn't correct though. IW made some pretty big leaps forward in the FPS genre, but so far all Treyarch have managed to do is copy those leaps. If they want to be a true IW replacement they have to figure out some leaps of their own.


New member
May 19, 2010
GrizzlerBorno said:
Can someone explain the difference between MW2 multiplayer, and Blops MP to me? I mean, i know about customization, and CoD points and them all (non-gameplay ideas), but what is different about it in terms of Gameplay? New maps, a couple new modes, slightly different stock of guns. It's not a different game (like Halo, or even Bad company, is) it looks the same, sounds the same, plays the same(i've played SP and they DO play the same) so why are people clamoring over it.

OT: As one of the five people on the planet who liked Medal of Honor:.... don't make another one, Riccitiello, cause the only 2 things I liked it for were it's atmosphere and it's ending. and those are one-time deals.
The sound effects will insane though. I think if they improve the game's single player and add more incentive for multiplayer, MOH will be back on top again.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Sure, Treyarch isnt "par with the original Infinity Ward".
But neather is Infinity Ward. Theyve fallen so far its sad. Sure, they made one of the best selling CoDs ever.
But its also one of the most hated ones of all times. Treyarch made World at War, which may not be one of the best selling, but its now considered the CoD that was underrated. Because it was. Its was a solid shooter that only had a few minor flaws. ((one weapon and one perk, which is better then most games can claim))

Treyarch is a Great studio. And they made what most people are saying is possibly one of the best CoDs ever. On par, or surpassing CoD4 or CoD2! Its well balanced, glitches are rare, lag is more managable then it was in MW2. Its a great game. Its not my game of the year, but thats only because other titles i like better were released. ((FO:NV, ME2, Monster Hunter Tri))

Activision is just pissed they were over-shadowed. Plain and simple.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Why does nobody ever mention anything before MW? Call of Duty 1 UO and 2 were better than anything either of them did afterwards.

Edit: damn it post after first page, look up after posting somebody has mentioned cod2 >.<


New member
Jun 27, 2009
"Treyarch still isn't a studio on par with the original Infinity Ward just yet."

...Except Treyarch made the second best game in the series... (next to Call of Duty 4) Johnny boy's statement is INVALID.

Granted, Call of Duty 3 was a pile of ass and blat-blat, but World at War was an under-rated gem in my opinion, and Black Ops feels like it had the best campaign out of all the games and probably the sweetest multiplayer. It felt like Call of Duty 2 with fully automatic rifles and none of that stopping power, commando, martyrdom, nuke, and juggernaut bullshit that plagued the others. You're all on a more or less level playing field, make do with what you can afford.

Unlike Modern Warfare 2 which said "Here's a perk that makes your gun do 40% more damage. Here's another that lets you use your knife from 10 feet away. Now here's another perk that will let you infinitely refill a grenade launcher and rocket launcher with increased damage!" MW2's main flaw was that they didn't have a beta. They changed too much from CoD 4 and people broke it. Black Ops felt like MW2 was the Black Ops beta. It all feels so tweaked and perfected.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Was this better?

I have agreed with the people at work on this one: MW2 had better single player game play.

Strip the story and the same features in both and you are left looking at game play. For BO there was nothing more then run and gun, run and gun, and... more run and gun. The run and gun wasn't broken up as well as it was in MW and MW2, where you took control of AC-130s, controlled predator drones, had to flee on vehicles and all that nicety. While in BO you had to choose between guns and... well guns.

Sure there was a tiny part where you got to control a squad but it was for a few seconds then back on the ground with you. Hell, it seemed like the launching cut screen was longer then you where in the damn plane.

That being said, BO had far, FAR, FAAARRRRR better story line. It was actually entertaining, had many many good points and was written out to actually have a plot.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I feel bad for Treyarch, they don't get any leeway with anyone, even the competition is bashing them now.

I thought WaW and BlOps was better than MW2 by far.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Jumplion said:
Doesn't it seem like forever ago when EA was the devil's company and Activision was the underdog?

My god, how times have changed
That was before Kotick bought down Activision.
ACtivision was founded by former Atari developers. They valve innovation. However they went bankrupt a LONG time a long and got bought down by a Business man and went Bankrupt again, and that is where Kotick comes in...


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
The problem with opinions is... everybody's got one.

Though this one seems particularly contrary to the facts, and from a mouth that has every reason to be unfairly biased.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
pulse2 said:
Thats actually insulting to Treyarch, IW only made two games and I even fail to see where they could go from there other than to make another generic modern warfare game, trearch kept things the way they usually do, old fashioned, and it worked. Black Ops was BETTER than any Modern Warfare game I've played.
Call of Duty 1, 2, 4 and 6? that's 4 games.

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
They see me trollin'... they hatin'...

I agree that Treyarch is not IW, but I never considered IW to be the peak of the FPS market. Alright, Cod 2 and 4 are really great games, mostly because of the jump in technology and innovations both game have in comparison to their predecesors, and I cannot recommend those games enough, IW is... or was, whatever, a great developer, but not quite the Best.
I loved Treyarch since W@W, and I didn't liked CoD 3, but I got a huge 2 out of 3 with Black Ops.
In any case, I think some people in EA are starting to ear my unrequitted hate as Kottick did, and that's a pity, I used to respect them.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Eh, I still prefer Treyarch to Infinity Ward so I'm going to have to call bull.

CoD: World at War is the only CoD game I play regularly. 4 was the only Infinity Ward game I enjoyed, and only for the campaign.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
I'm imagining Treyarch actually having some sort of Pokémon-style evolution in a transcript like this:

Bobby Kotick: Treyarch, I choose you!

John Riccitiello: Danger Close Studios, I choose you!

Danger Close studios uses AFGHANISTAN CONTROVERSY

It's not very effective!


It's super effective!

Danger Close studios faints!

Your Treyarch has evolved into an Infinity Ward!

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ugh... I seriously don't have an opinion on this, please Activision no more CoD this entire CoD debate bores me now, go make an original IP you lazy fucks


Aug 27, 2010
Until BF3 comes out, he really doesn't have a leg to stand on. MoH sucked compared to blops. But BF3 should kick all of their asses!


New member
Dec 19, 2010
HAHA, here is another amazing realization for the gaming world. Black Ops is Modern Warfare 2 with new textures and skins!!!

If you make a game by copying a previous companies work, it should get lower scores.

On another note, this is a rare breed of CEO, it's not the sales that matter? He is blowing smoke up gamers asses, he doesn't care one bit about game quality. He could have put the CoD name on any game and it would sell ridiculously. I took a CoD earlier today, I have it floating in the toilet still, who wants to pay me millions of dollars for it?!?