Trying to convince my friend he's not a paedophile


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Fifteen is too old for pedophiles (especially if your friend is only nineteen). If your friend was thirty, I'd be a bit more concerned.

Not that he wouldn't be considered a sex offender if he went after that hot jailbait ass (yes, I am aware this is a guy we're talking about), but there's no reason to be concerned as long as the target of his affections is well out of elementary school.

Rule of thumb: If the object of your affections has already experienced sexual desire for a member of the opposite (or same, as the case may be) sex, being physically attracted to them does not make you a pedophile. For the record, I was thinking about sex CONSTANTLY when I was that age.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
I've had girlfriends on both the positive and the negative side of a 6 year age difference (me 20, she 26; me 20, she 14) and I've never been really one to take into account the whole "oh it's sexual depravity!" period, you like someone because you like them not what they are well then... pretty much not a sex offender (do note: I am not saying a 30 yr old guy could go for a 5 yr old girl cause you know that weirdo isn't into her personality).

Fun fact: If 2 14-15 year old teens have sex (straight or homosexual, doesn't really matter, it's the same) they are both considered, by the law, to be sex offenders so...yeah go figure (I read up on that little clause in the law which is never really applied).


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Yea hes not a pedophile, but if hes homosexual i would suggest to him not to make any sort of moves on this guy unless he knows hes gay too. Theres nothing wrong with being gay, but if your a straight 15 year old, the last thing you want is a 19 year old guy hitting on you. If he checks out, and he is gay, then he can go for it if he wishes, just dont be too pushy.


New member
May 22, 2009
The age difference is on the upper end of what I'd consider okay, but what really matters here is how the guy your friend is attracted to feels about it. If my friend were convinced he was a pedophile I'd roll with it and call him a creepy pedophile constantly, but that's because I'm an asshole.


New member
May 27, 2010
fundayz said:
Either way, I have no sympathy for thew OP's friend. I don't care if he's gay or not, but if you're 19 you should not be messing with 15 year olds.

He's an adult and likes minors. Sounds like a pedophile to me, or at least a pedophile in the making; specially considering a lot of 15 year old boys look like they haven't even hit puberty.
Legally he may well be a pedo (I have no idea about the laws involved), but this is technicality. A 15 year old is capable of deciding what to do with his own body and 19 year old is in no better position to take advantage of him than another 15 year old.

Your post doesn't make it explicit, but from the sounds of it you think that the legal definition of "minor" and "adult" is both justification for the immorality of this situation and the idea that the OP's friend is some kind of sicko, or a sicko "in the making." I find that a bit hard to swallow though, as that differentiation would make me sick too. As well, it would leave room for a relationship between an 80yo and an 18yo to be perfectly ok.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, I think you're forming a bit of a straw man by suggesting that the 15yo in question looks prepubescent. There's nothing to suggest that in the OP, nor is it so that most guys look prepubescent at 15. Sure, it may be some, but that's a pretty late age for it to start.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Is this guy even interested in your friend? if not but he still wants to do something with this kid maybe he should be more worried about being a rapiest!

If thay want to get it on tell him to take the boy on holiday to:

So many places where the age of concent is 14/15
if you are in the uk tell him to man up and wait until the guy is 16.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Yes but mainly no

Yes - because the child in question is underage
No - because the age difference is not big enough for it to be considered pedophilia
No - attraction is not a crime

I'll admit I'm 19 myself and do find myself staring at some of the high school girls in the upper years that I see (must be around 15-17). Does make me feel a bit guilty but if it makes your mind tick you can't really help it.

Although I have to ask since it's one kid in particular how many times has your friend seen them and are they around him often?


New member
May 27, 2010
Scobie said:
Paedophilia is a medical condition in which someone has a primary sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It is not a crime. Child molestation is called child sexual abuse (CSA) and it is a crime. The two are not synonymous. You can be a paedophile and never touch a child in your life, and you can sexually abuse a child without being a paedophile. Basically: paedophilia is a medical definition, not a legal one. You can go to prison for sexually abusing a minor, but there is no such crime as "paedophilia".

Concerning the OP's friend in particular, I explained in my previous post [] why he is not a paedophile.
Wow, it seems I knew less about the laws involved than I thought. Excuse me.

And your other post is very well done; it was informative and organized. Good, good post.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
If he's not trying to have sex with ten year olds then he's not a pedophile. Tell him to chill and if he's that curious he can blow his money and consult a professional.