Two men hugging means they're gay?

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
bdcjacko said:
Susan Arendt said:
GHudston said:
While we're at it, hugging your sister is incest and petting your dog is bestiality.

Only the most insecure of people would actually think this.
Beautifully put.

If they're hugging while naked, then yes, I'd say it's a likely indication of homosexuality, but otherwise? Good lord, of course not.
What if only one was naked?
Then they're probably in The Hangover.


New member
May 26, 2008
Unless one of the huggers is gay and is intending it to be in a slightly romantic way, then no, not in the slightest. I had this conversation with an good friend of mine a few months back (for references sake, he's Asian and neither of us are gay). We were on break from school and were out getting lunch at a Korean market around the block. While I'm paying he comes up behind me and puts both arms around my neck and kind of just hangs on me, and proceeds to start talking to the cashier in Korean. When we were leaving I asked what they were talking about, and he said he wanted to see if I would freak out at another guy hugging me out of the blue. He went on to explain that in Japan and Korea guys hug on each other all the time as friends, and it's only in America that he's seen negative reactions towards doing it. Thankfully, I'm used to hanging on my close friends all the time for no reason, and vice versa, so it didn't really surprise me at all.

I think it's only guys who are insecure about their masculinity that find hugging another man to be gay. I know I'm not gay, so it doesn't bother me. Hell, another good friend of mine that I graduated with is gay and openly attracted to me, and I still don't have a problem giving him a friendly hug (which, I guess, makes it half gay going by what I said at the beginning of the post).


New member
Dec 8, 2010
full on "please comfort me" is a tad strange, and could be construed as too touchy feely.
But a drunken "I love you mate" is fine, and thats talking as mildly homophobic physical contact hating pseudo-aspie.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
No it's not. I always hug my guy-friends not because I'm gay but because it's a way of showing joy.
Psycho-Toaster said:
Where I come from, it's sticking your dick in another guy's arse.
Wonderful reference man xD. You win an internet.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Only gay if balls touch... Wait, no, that was the rules of DP I think.

I only hug uncles or the old man if I haven't seen him in ages, and it's a manly hug. If there was even a hint of caressing, then yeah, totally gay.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
First of all, I don't hug my male friends or female friends. It's just not my thing.
But I dont't think it is gay when two guys are hugging, except when the hug lasts too long. 3 seconds is the absolute max for two straight guys!


New member
Jan 13, 2010
GHudston said:
While we're at it, hugging your sister is incest and petting your dog is bestiality.

Only the most insecure of people would actually think this.

Really people .. i know cultures in different countries can be different and stuff ... but a friendly hug between friends has nothing to do with being gay .. it's just like hand shaking ... but on the other hand ... a passionate tight hug and mouth to mouth kisses between two guys .. well .. that's something different.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
There's nothing better than a bromance hug :,)

This doesn't make you gay, it only solidifies your manly core... Uhm, wait a minute...


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Susan Arendt said:
bdcjacko said:
Susan Arendt said:
GHudston said:
While we're at it, hugging your sister is incest and petting your dog is bestiality.

Only the most insecure of people would actually think this.
Beautifully put.

If they're hugging while naked, then yes, I'd say it's a likely indication of homosexuality, but otherwise? Good lord, of course not.
What if only one was naked?
Then they're probably in The Hangover.
I only saw the movie once. Alls I'm saying is that some time I get tired of pants.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I don't really care if another guy hugs me, but any more than that and I'll start wondering, lol.

I also don't really hug anyone at all, except my gf.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Yep, definitely. Two men can only hug if they are homosexuals. It's just about as gay as wearing pink, or waxing your chest hair, or sleeping with a man.

In fact it's almost as gay as watching cartoons about multicoloured ponies.


New member
May 23, 2010
Nah, but it's a pretty feminine way to express fondness of a person. You don't have to be gay to be feminine, or feminine to be gay, but at the moment that is a link most people make.

I'm not really comfortable hugging people; which became a bit of an annoyance when my female friends at my new school insisted on hugging all the time. I learned to bear with it though. However, I am far more reluctant to hug men than women. I don't see why a man would want to hug me or why I should want to hug or even be comfortable hugging a man.
That said, I don't know 100% why I'm more comfortable hugging girls either.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
In the military the rule of thumb is that as long as you don't look them in the eye it isn't matter what your doing lol


New member
Aug 7, 2010
GHudston said:
While we're at it, hugging your sister is incest and petting your dog is bestiality.

Only the most insecure of people would actually think this.
Can we also add looking on the internet makes you nerd and holding a football makes you a jock?

Seriously though, good point. It's ridiculous to suggest only gay men hug each other.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Dude it's in the same sense of how me and my friends hang out, besides I'm pretty sure he was doing it as a joke to tell you that the hug is a stupid gift and he wants something else. If you want I'd gladly tell you what to give him...but you must quote me if you truly wish to give him a great gift. I mean, who gives hugs as a gift? I'm not trying to bad mouth you, I'm trying to suggest that he wants a better gift. Reunion hugs are good, but only when their unexpected, when you plan it it kinda ruins the magic and makes it weird. Bro hugs are okay(handshake, pull close, squeeze pat on back), bearhugs if they are children or people you haven't seen in a while. Common hugs are ironically typically intimate and if it is done in the terms of a friendship between to male it can be misconstrued as a homosexual relationship, unless of course the two friends are as close as Turk&JD from Scrubs. They had the best song in that musical episode.

Edit: Someone quote me and upload the video Guy Love from Scrubs off of YouTube.

(Mods its not what you think, the videos is actually hilarious)


New member
May 22, 2009
Pff, everything is gay these days. Do what makes you happy and don't care about what others think. Trust me, don't try to persuade them it's not gay.

Spoiler: You won't convince them.