Two Year Old Toddler Smoking Pot


New member
Dec 27, 2008
asinann said:
Ickorus said:
11 years in jail seems a bit excessive but I think a (very) hefty fine and a visit from the child protection service would probably do the trick.

For the record im not defending her, irresponsible idiots like her shouldn't be allowed to have children.
This is the US, if she had a brain in her head she would have given the kid meth and only gotten 6 months probation.

And pot might not have killed, but it's not all happy fun time good for you: you CAN OD on it but the amounts needed to OD on it are much like those of caffeine, so bloody high that you would have to concentrate it and inject the concentrated form directly into the body.
The kid is 2 years old and is given a mind altering and very much illegal substance.
Thats at least 3 charges right there that can get a person put away for 11. I think its reasonable as long as they put her on parole. i.e breaking big rocks into little rocks.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
flaming_squirrel said:
Mr Pantomime said:
Yeah, I agree with you there. I was just saying its worse per ounce. I dont remember where I know that from though. Maybe I made it up.

Ciggarettes have benzine, ammonia, acetone, tar and arsenic in them amongst other things, whereas weed is merely a plant which can have no long term physical effects whatsoever. There are theories that it can help bring out psychological issues but that's a tricky one to prove either way.
Dammit, youre right. I retract my comments and support yours whole-heartedly.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
flaming_squirrel said:
Cassita said:
dastardly said:
Se's proof that people shouldn't be allowed to have kids without taking a test or something.
Cool, another statement so ridiculous that I get to block you and don't have to bother with an argument.

Eugenics - supporting it makes you a bad person.

You're blocked.

Don't bother replying.

I don't care.
Blocking people who do not agree with you and then telling them that they're blocked is not a particularly mature or clever way of going about forum use..
You're blocked.

Don't bother replying.

She doesn't care.

Your avatar is kinda creepy.

OTSeriousness: How stupid do you have to be to give your 2 year old pot and record them smoking it? Did she want to go to jail?

Health facts aside, pot use is illegal here. Don't give it to your kids.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
Cassita said:
Demented Teddy said:
I don't support it but I do understand why some do.
And yet another person to block.

Boy is my list hefty.

Eugenics =/= freedom.

Freedom > everything else.


Don't reply.

I don't care.
Let's just ban this idiot. She says the exact same thing on every forum.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
give her community service, few years of probation, group therapy, the works... but 11 years in jail? seriously, talk about a fucked up system you guys have in the states.

Also, let's just legalize weed and get this stupid drama over it. Tired of reading drama about weed, which isn't that big of a deal, as anyone that has ever tried it will be able to tell you.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
Cassita said:
Super Toast said:
Let's just ban this idiot. She says the exact same thing on every forum.
Better yet, let's call her an idiot! Yeah, that'll teach her! -_-

'Idiot', ha. Where do I come up with these things?! -_-
Didn't you block me? Or are you just refreshing this page so you can start an argument? Either way, it's pathetic.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Cassita said:
Demented Teddy said:
I don't support it but I do understand why some do.
And yet another person to block.

Boy is my list hefty.

Eugenics =/= freedom.

Freedom > everything else.


Don't reply.

I don't care.
If you don't care what other people have to say then you shouldn't try to contribute to any discussion.

Also, blocking someone who replies sensibly and politely is the forum equivelant of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "LALALALALAALLALLA I CANT HEAR YOU" which is something people expect from a fucking 5 year old.

Just sayin'


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
Cassita said:
Funny, considering no one has ever died from pot.


Oh wait, that's right, it's not taxed.

Go back to drinking and smoking, people, nothing to see here.
I get what you mean about pot being harmless but It's a mind altering drug and when given to someone who's brain is still going through so much development it can really mess them up for life.
Plus that's just horrible parenting.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Cassita said:
Funny, considering no one has ever died from pot.


Oh wait, that's right, it's not taxed.

Go back to drinking and smoking, people, nothing to see here.
That said THC can trigger schizophrenia in those predisposed to it.I mean your certainly correct that it won't kill you I mean that estimate that I have heard floating around is that you would have to smoke 600kg of pot in a quarter of an hour to die of it, that said using your child to test a drug/chemical/fricken plant that has an amazingly poor and varied research history is irresponsible, and filming it is just fucking retarded. I mean ok if you read all the evidence and your child was suffering from acute nausea or pain and you didn't have the money to deal with the incredibly shite healthcare system in the states then maybe there is some sense in it (a tiny insy little bit) but filming yourself giving your 2 year old an illegal drug? Really... Filming yourself doing anything illegal is stupid but this, this is a special kind of dumb, you want marijuana legalized try stopping stoners from pulling crap like this because there is nothing easier than making a case for brain damage when the user group or complete idiots.


New member
May 25, 2008
Cassita said:
DazZ. said:
Well check again because the government will take it as their business, and you don't have a say about it.
Yeah, just let the government shit all over you - why bother fighting injustice and standing up for your rights? -_-

Because of how extraordinarily unintelligent that statement was, this conversation is over.

You're blocked.

Don't reply.

I don't care.
I'm wondering if you may or not be trolling with all these extremes you keep blurting out. When someone says they should raise their child responsibly, you say they think everyone should put their children on macrobiotic diets and put them in bubbles so nothing bad ever happens to them ever. Now when someone says the government can and will intervene when you raise your child wrong in the eyes of the law you say we should just let the government shit all over us, arguing we should be standing up for our right to raise our children however the hell we want.

No. You don't get to drive your car in whatever way you want, you don't get to treat your neighbours in whatever way you want, and if you think Burger King will still give you whatever you want, try ordering a triple whopper made out of ground baby beef, I'm sure they won't give you what you want either.

Raising a child is a responsibility, and there are certain rules tied to it, which in turn are overseen by the law. There's no point fighting those, because they won't ever change, and I don't see why you'd want them to change. They keep bad parents away from their kids, which to me seems like a good thing.

I have a feeling I just fed the troll. But no matter, you're bound to just blatantly go NOU! on me, then proceed to plug your ears and chant "nanananananana" until everyone just leaves you alone.


New member
May 6, 2009
All intoxicants have can have bad effects on you. When taken to extremes EVERYTHING does. Marijuana is a politicised subject owing to many factors concerning its production and usage etc etc. and all statements about it should be disregarded.

The woman was stupid for doing such a thing. But as mentioned above

amaranth_dru said:
Dumb, but then it doesn't matter one way or another. People will find a way to blame it on pot instead of the person doing it. Without going into a tirade/diatribe/rant/discussion on mertis/detriments of pot, I will say that we must hold ourselves responsible for our own actions and not externalize them by saying "its because of [insert drug here]"
Reiterating: Stupid people shouldn't breed, not because their kids will be stupid but rather have to endure having idiots for parents.
This individual person was very very VERY stupid and hopefully will learn from their mistake. 11 years is a bit harsh though, three to five in an educational facility would probably do the trick.

Unfortunately we cannot enforce a eugenics policy fairly and based on any form of selection owing to the inevitable bias of human nature. Although if offered the resources to do so I would happily shoulder burden of infamy that making the world a less crowded and reasonable place would entail.

Bottom line: Dumb idea, don't blame the drug if the baby was wrapped in an American flag and swigging Jack's no.7 it would still be wrong and hopefully we've all learned a lesson in constructive argument building if you've been following the thread.
Apr 24, 2008
Video really doesn't offer any context. Was this a regular occurence? I didn't see her hand it to the child, maybe she picked it up and tried to emulate her mother...and the mother figured that she would just let the kid have a shitty experience, and learn from it.

11 years is ridiculous...

In keeping with the tone of this thread, let me get in a pre-emptive:

/everyone blocked.

Don't reply.

I don't care...


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Cassita said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
No, pot isn't bad for you.

All of pot's effects are positive.

It cannot kill you.

You cannot OD on it.

Never has there ever been a study (of trust) that can demonstrate weed causing any harm at all.
It is bad for you. Inhaling hot air into the lungs damages your lungs, period. Also, psychoactive effects of pot CAN have long term mental effects. It doesn't cause schizophrenia and the like, but it can add to the chances of getting it.

Of course, all that said and done, it really isn't that bad. Especially if you don't sit and smoke it all day everyday. I smoke weed on occasion, and I have had no ill effects. (Also, you can OD on it. The reaction is small, but you can throw up or pass out.)