From teen to Adult.... I have games that feature no blood, violence that would cause physical harm to one's SELF if attempted (i mean, i usually blurt this statement out that "Spines do not fold/twist/bend/contort like that" to art, but it applies here too), and Nothing huge exploding then somethings EGO or in a cartoon poof that is minor compared to say old Looney toons and they would fall under this catagory. Heck, the Okami series does, but it gains that rating from it's humor, suggestiveness, and very cartoony violence. Also isn't persona 4 rated mature? (please, don't bring Persona 3 into this; there are guns, but they aren't beings used to kill the monsters, the personas summoned by said gun are. If a person is naive enough to think that you can do that in real life, you need to either pay more attention to what your 7 year old is playing on a whole or should of gotten help already) You can't just generalize a game by it's rating with a law like this I think. I mean, the majority of the FF series would be hit by this law too.
Even then how would this moronic law applies to things like MMOs or Free to play, whose servers aren't in the aforementioned state? I guess you can force them to apply it, but what company wants to admit to their paying consumers that "we have to charge you cause of where you live."? These kinds of situations usually gets a very pissy response to HR. It's on par to say, trying to throw a law on... the classifications of hamsters. Overall, they're acceptable pets, but then there are the ones that are nippers, biters, gougers, and plain old pissy. So how do we sort out the ones that are ill tempered and are harming our children, or the ones that did it because the kid is trying to see is squishy its insides are.
While this may just be a attempt to appeal to the voters and parents, but it's a poor move.
Also... *Headdesk*
Even then how would this moronic law applies to things like MMOs or Free to play, whose servers aren't in the aforementioned state? I guess you can force them to apply it, but what company wants to admit to their paying consumers that "we have to charge you cause of where you live."? These kinds of situations usually gets a very pissy response to HR. It's on par to say, trying to throw a law on... the classifications of hamsters. Overall, they're acceptable pets, but then there are the ones that are nippers, biters, gougers, and plain old pissy. So how do we sort out the ones that are ill tempered and are harming our children, or the ones that did it because the kid is trying to see is squishy its insides are.
While this may just be a attempt to appeal to the voters and parents, but it's a poor move.
Also... *Headdesk*