Ubisoft ask's where the next Assassin's Creed should be set


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
So theres a survey bouncing around in which Ubisoft are asking where the next Assassin's Creed should be set,

(This is not for the game due out next year (which is the end of Desmond's story) but where they go with the series after that)

The eight options are:

*The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China
*The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England
*The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt
*The invasion of the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
*The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution
*The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
*The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
*The rise of Cesar's Empire in Ancient Rome

Which would you pick, let us know!

(I'm torn between victorian england and Egypt)

link to original article:


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England.

Followed by Egypt then Feudal Japan.

But, if we're all honest it should be set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During the height of the troubles.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Oooooo, I'd say Russian Revolution, so much scope and scenario for that setting.
But Medieval China would be another awesome setting, BUT only if they dont try any bizzare mildly offensive Chi-English accents with the dialogue.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
I don't think the American settings would work as there weren't any really tall buildings around then AFAIK. Victorian England probably get my vote followed by Russian Revolution.

Actually now that I think about quite a few of these might not work given the prevalence of firearms.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Somewhere in the new world. Early era of English north American colonization and the birth of what will become USA......and im not even American :)


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Is it possible to have all those options, they all sound pretty badass. I suppose if I had to choose one i'd go with Fuedal Japan, you're already pretty much a ninja, may as well be in the proper time period.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Soxafloppin said:
But, if we're all honest it should be set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During the height of the troubles.
While that would be cool, I think it would be cool to have it set in the Irish Revolution ie; Easter Rising, perhaps even assassinating Michael Collins as an essential part of the plot. While I personally would like to side with the Free-Staters it would make a better campaign to be on the side of the anti treaty forces
Aug 19, 2010
either the overthrow of the Tsar empire
or the victorian england.. or maybe a different era england, centered around the gunpowder plot, and desmond would relive the life of one of the plotters who has gone unrecorded by history, and in the end escaped


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Victorian Britain please, more games need to be set in and around the British Empire.

Would say China, but it doesn't say which dynasty, there has been a few. Though it does say Medieval so that rules out Romance of the Three kingdoms era (too early) and the end of the Qing (too late), both of which would be epic.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
ksn0va said:
None! Set it in the present and wrap up Desmond's story already!
This, we've messed around enough with the past, time to actually continue the friggin story please. After that, I don't mind one bit if Ubisoft keeps churning out pointless expansions.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Nyargh Sex Robot said:
Russian revolution, definitely. It's such an incredibly interesting period of history that barely ever gets covered. You can have American, Japanese and British characters too, due to the foreign intervention, so there's a lot of opportunities for interesting situations. Interesting guns too. Nagant revolvers, Maxim guns, Federov assault rifles. Great stuff.
Crimsonshadow66 said:
While that would be cool, I think it would be cool to have it set in the Irish Revolution ie; Easter Rising, perhaps even assassinating Michael Collins as an essential part of the plot. While I personally would like to side with the Free-Staters it would make a better campaign to be on the side of the anti treaty forces
Soxafloppin said:
But, if we're all honest it should be set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During the height of the troubles.
Although these are both great too. I'd be very up for those. The only problem I can find is that Ireland doesn't have nearly as many tall buildings and built up streets as would be necessary for an Assassins Creed game. And of course, there already exists an Irish Assassins Creed, sort of, in the guise of the very underrated The Saboteur. Still though, I would love something Irish. Real Irish, not corny, fake Irish.
Yea, it would quite funny running along the roof of a Bungalow lol, The real issue is N.Ireland is still pretty politically sensitive and a game like this (Particularly when one side will be the heroic Assasins and the other would be the Evil Templars)people would get pissed.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Given all the hints in Revelations I'd be surprised if it wasn't set in China. Marco Polo's father made an appearance as well as Mongols, and Marco Polo ventured to China during the Yuan Dynasty which was ruled by Mongols so it's not hard to create a story where a Han Chinese assassin takes on Mongols.

If they did Japan they could do during the Meiji Restoration.

That or England During the Act of Supremacy when Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church.
Having a degree in history I think there's a lot more interesting periods of history than just Europe and Colonial America.

Freaky Lou

New member
Nov 1, 2011
Medieval China sounds the coolest to me, because of how very few games have had that awesome setting.