Ubisoft ask's where the next Assassin's Creed should be set


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Aw that is just sick. How the hell can you choose between Rome, Japan, China or freakin' russia? That's not cool man. Not cool.


New member
May 22, 2011
*The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China
*The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt
*The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
*The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
*The rise of Cesar's Empire in Ancient Rome

Ugh, so many good ones! Can't chose..
Also, kinda off topic, but wouldn't it be nice with a female assassin too?


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Hmm my personal would be The French revolution, but from the options at hand I would settle for either Bolshevism revolution or Romance of three kingdoms style China.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I think they've shot themselves in the foot with all of the "innovation".
With the use of all the different bombs in revelation and the inclusion of firearms already, what can they change?
Fuedal Japan is easy to adapt the game for at least, ninjas used bombs and gunpowder so nothing would change for that, change throwing knives to shurikens, keep the crossbow, perhaps add a grappling hook, Mizugumo for walking on water, and kusiarigami...

And that's why they shouldn't do it, it's too easy to adapt.

Take us somewhere new!


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Lt. Vinciti said:
You know what...Anything except Japan... Seriously...Go play a Ninja game...dont want the weeaboo in my Assassin's Creed.
Yes, because obviusly, the japanese assassin will be running around with pink hair, and 3 meter sword coming out of his wrist, along with his busty female sidekick. This is obviusly the only thing that could happend if it was set in japan.

Joseph Alexander

New member
Jul 22, 2011
1930s-40s germany, what? it has been years since I last killed a nazi.
the last one i killed was in saboteur.
well maybe after 2 or 3 more assassin ancestors.
victorian england looks nice, maybe work with holmes*.

*make the books be autobiography done by Conan Doyle to hide his actual identity and contain secrets in code.
like how the government has area 51 be in every conspiracy movie so that we dismiss any claims that they are hiding anything in it, which they aren't the aliens are in the Cheyenne mountain complex.


New member
May 26, 2009
i will go with the rusia idea because ubisoft did a assasins creed comic set in rusia so why not make a game about that

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
IamQ said:
Lt. Vinciti said:
You know what...Anything except Japan... Seriously...Go play a Ninja game...dont want the weeaboo in my Assassin's Creed.
Yes, because obviusly, the japanese assassin will be running around with pink hair, and 3 meter sword coming out of his wrist, along with his busty female sidekick. This is obviusly the only thing that could happend if it was set in japan.
Japan can ruin its own history just fine....Besides I cant think of much Templar style influence that could be the MWHAHHAHA evil mastermind behind Japan...also


points to far better countries of origin for an Assassins Creed game


New member
Apr 23, 2011
I'm guessing Assassins Creed 3 won't happen in any of these places then?

OT: Japan
I want to be a badass ninja!

Quellan Thyde

New member
Jul 11, 2011
How about this: Let's forget about all this life-swapping bullshit and send Desmond out to stealth up the Combine or whoever the hell the big bad guy in this series is supposed to be. We've spend so much time dicking around with Ezio I can't even remember what I'm supposed to be doing anymore.

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
Communist fucking revolution. That would be really interesting to look at.

Second place would be Victorian England for amazing gentleman duelists and stuff, also industrialization is a good theme to play around in how a populace is controlled and capitalism is enforced.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Varanfan9 said:
I say American revolution. I can just picture all the cool gadgets they could make then. Plus it is a really unexplored time in video games.
Agreed! Only issue is that, since they're a french dev house, will they pull a heavy rain where, for some reason, everyone sounds vaguely foreign.

My vote is for Egypt or the American Revolution.

I suppose the Russian Revolution would be cool too... whoever the main character is could wear one of those awesome hats! but it would have to have a pointy front wouldnt it...


New member
Sep 28, 2010
NONE! even though the british empire would be cool...

They should either wrap it up with desmond'd thread because so far he's just a weak way of tying all the games together or have the french revolution, the company who makes the games are french meaning that it should be easy for them to get a really detailed game that they can be proud of their history.

Note: It should really have any famous civil war or struggle then it can tie in a lot of history and unsolved cases into its plot.

Olivia Faraday

New member
Mar 30, 2011
I've been saying I wanted an AC game in the Russian Revolution since AC1, so it's nice to see Ubisoft is at least thinking about it. Pretty sure they'll go with japan though because it's obvious and fill of ninjas and this is apparently design by committee now.

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
putowtin said:
So theres a survey bouncing around in which Ubisoft are asking where the next Assassin's Creed should be set,
(This is not for the game due out next year (which is the end of Desmond's story) but where they go with the series after that)
The eight options are:

*The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China
*The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England
*The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt
*The invasion of the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
*The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution
*The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
*The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
*The rise of Cesar's Empire in Ancient Rome

Which would you pick, let us know!

(I'm torn between victorian england and Egypt)

link to original article:
mate the American revolution was white colonist fighting the British goverment, the natives had nothing to do with it

ot: world war one running from trench to trench would be bad ass


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Egypt or china would be awesome!
This is off topic, but before i read the stipulations, I was hoping this was about the next game to come out. Which I think should go like this: The memory thing reverses allowing ezio to take over desmond and he goes about performing his assassinations in the present day.