Ubisoft ask's where the next Assassin's Creed should be set


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
wolf thing said:
putowtin said:
So theres a survey bouncing around in which Ubisoft are asking where the next Assassin's Creed should be set,
(This is not for the game due out next year (which is the end of Desmond's story) but where they go with the series after that)
The eight options are:

*The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China
*The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England
*The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt
*The invasion of the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
*The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution
*The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
*The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
*The rise of Cesar's Empire in Ancient Rome

Which would you pick, let us know!

(I'm torn between victorian england and Egypt)

link to original article:
mate the American revolution was white colonist fighting the British goverment, the natives had nothing to do with it

ot: world war one running from trench to trench would be bad ass
I'm just quoting from the survey mate, but I know what you mean.

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
More importantly, I'd like a female protagonist for variety's sake after four Creed games with a dude in the lead. (And for a chance to get away from Nolan North just once!)

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
putowtin said:
wolf thing said:
putowtin said:
So theres a survey bouncing around in which Ubisoft are asking where the next Assassin's Creed should be set,
(This is not for the game due out next year (which is the end of Desmond's story) but where they go with the series after that)
The eight options are:

*The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China
*The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England
*The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt
*The invasion of the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
*The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution
*The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
*The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
*The rise of Cesar's Empire in Ancient Rome

Which would you pick, let us know!

(I'm torn between victorian england and Egypt)

link to original article:
mate the American revolution was white colonist fighting the British goverment, the natives had nothing to do with it

ot: world war one running from trench to trench would be bad ass
I'm just quoting from the survey mate, but I know what you mean.
oh my mistake, still a bad mistake to make


New member
Feb 21, 2010
The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England

Followed by The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China.

Either one would be so badass. I'm just hoping not Japan, because I'm sure it will turn into some sort of ninja crap.

Or they could throw a curveball and set in in Greenland. Polar bear assassins is the way to go.

What... don't look at me like that.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
excusablegold said:
Thyunda said:
Any. I don't mind. Except for Feudal Japan. Fuck feudal Japan. I am sick of it. Every ten minutes somebody brings up how amazing Japan is, and I will genuinely not buy a game set in feudal Japan. I hate it. Every aspect of it. The names, the culture, the style, just...NOT feudal Japan. Please.
Amen to that! i was just thinking this. feuderal japan has been done to death as a game setting. we need more less-known historic eras for the next game to be set in. (like tzarist russia, eqypt or victorian england).

to all you people saying "japan! because ninjas!" you are why we can't have nice things
(plus how would you fit templars and christianity etc. in an AISIAN setting? it just doesn't make sense)
so yeah basically all of the others sound intriuging, plus who here thinks the Russian tzar would make an awesome templar)
Actually, at it's peak, 1,000,000 japanese were converted to christianity duringthe 1600-1700s.


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Feb 10, 2008
Michael Hirst said:
Second place would be Victorian England for amazing gentleman duelists and stuff, also industrialization is a good theme to play around in how a populace is controlled and capitalism is enforced.
That's why I vote for it. It's the perfect breeding ground for those juicy Illuminati conspiracies.

Other reasons:
- The more technically advanced period will require some gameplay changes, something the game could use
- Stalking around in a rainy 19th century London at night? FUCK. YES. Provided that they add some day/night cycle.

The Russian Revolution gets my second choice. It's just not London.

Third choice that's sadly not there would be 19th century New York. Has anyone seen Gangs Of New York? Yeah, that's why it would be completely awesome.

I can't see some of the other given options work as an AC setting though. I doubt the jungle-like environment of the Spanish invasion into South America would make a fun free-running environment, and neither would Egypt I think.

But mostly though, I'm hoping for a bit more stealth, a bit more cloak-and-dagger.


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Apr 14, 2009
Metalhandkerchief said:
No Norwegian/ Swedish unification of Viking clan setting?

I am disappoint. I abstain.

Maybe they don't want to make it seem too much like Skyrim. But it's not like I would ever buy another AssCreed game again >_>
I second your disappoint, fellow viking, but would very much like to see an AssCreed game set in russia or egypt.

OT: What I said above, although please don't do japan, there're enough ninja/pseudoninja games set there.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
I'd say Russian revolution is good and would be highly likely (there was an AC comic set in that period already) with a lot of important historical moments and plenty of mysteries. Of couse you'd have Rasputin with a piece of eden no doubt.

It's also a very unexplored area with a large geographic scale and buildings suitable for the setting. You'd also get to see the progress to and effects of world war I if the period spans long enough which could be interesting

EDIT: was also mentioned in AC2's glyphs that Nicholas II possessed a piece of eden too and was using it at the time, think it was his sword or something


New member
Aug 20, 2010
wolf thing said:
mate the American revolution was white colonist fighting the British goverment, the natives had nothing to do with it

ot: world war one running from trench to trench would be bad ass

I'm afraid you've been misinformed the American Revolution involved Native Americans, French,Germans (Hessians) as well as enslaved blacks.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Kukakkau said:
EDIT: was also mentioned in AC2's glyphs that Nicholas II possessed a piece of eden too and was using it at the time, think it was his sword or something

They covered the Nicholas II & III/ piece of eden (This piece is a staff) in


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
SecretNegative said:
NightmareLuna said:
I hope they can finally just fucking end the series in the future... We do not need any more Creed games. There are already way too many. :(
There can never be too many, heretic! You will burn at the stake! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! RRRAAARRRGGGHHHHH!
you two go to your rooms!

NightmareLuna, can I ask (and I'm not having a go or starting a war but), if you don't like the games why post on a thread about them?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
putowtin said:
So theres a survey bouncing around in which Ubisoft are asking where the next Assassin's Creed should be set,
Has nobody mentioned option 9; let the damn franchise die in dignity rather than carry on drawing it out 3 games after it jumped the shark?

On second thoughts, if it postpones them rebooting Prince of Persia yet-a-bloody-gain, let Ubisoft knock themselves out.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Batou667 said:
putowtin said:
So theres a survey bouncing around in which Ubisoft are asking where the next Assassin's Creed should be set,
Has nobody mentioned option 9; let the damn franchise die in dignity rather than carry on drawing it out 3 games after it jumped the shark?

On second thoughts, if it postpones them rebooting Prince of Persia yet-a-bloody-gain, let Ubisoft knock themselves out.
Technically it's not jumping the shark if you started off already in the air and never show any signs of landing any time soon.

Commissar Sae

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Nov 13, 2009
dyre said:
Commissar Sae said:
dyre said:
wait what? I thought the Czar was overthrown by the Russian Republic, which was in turn overthrown by the communists! In any case, I like having guns as secondary weapons in Assassin's Creed, so I don't really want a game dominated by bolt action rifles, regardless of how interesting that period was.

Medieval China seems interesting (though I wonder how the assassin will be related to an Italian guy or an Arabic guy), as does Victorian England
The Tsar atually kind of stepped down and let the Duma have a crack at Democracy while still maintainin his position and a veto if I remember correctly. The Bolsheviks overthrew both and assassinated the royal family. The Provisional government was just in charge until they could figure out exactly what to do.

I would love to see the Russian Revolution just because of how damned anti-climatic it actually was. Moscow and the Duma were seized with minimal bloodshed. I just want to climb to the top of St-Basils and dive off.
ah, I didn't know. I only have a cursory knowledge of the Russian Revolution from AP Euro in high school. Though, wasn't there a war between the Whites (+US and Britain and such) and Reds or something after the Bolsheviks took power?
Yeah and that was a bloody conflict fought largely on horseback all over Western Russia. That gets considered as a civil war rather than a straight up revolution though.

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
gphjr14 said:
wolf thing said:
mate the American revolution was white colonist fighting the British goverment, the natives had nothing to do with it

ot: world war one running from trench to trench would be bad ass

I'm afraid you've been misinformed the American Revolution involved Native Americans, French,Germans (Hessians) as well as enslaved blacks.
what was said implies that it was the native American led the fight agenst the english, but this was not what happened, sure they may have helped and so did the french because they where at war with britain, but the war was about white Americans against white brits trying to get there own government. what was said seems to imply it was the American india fighting the war or, god forbid, that they thought white people where native to America, both are so terribly wrong and should have been spotted.