Ubisoft Cancels U.K. Release of We Dare


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
Wow. Game developers are usually all nervous about games being rated too high (in minimum age terms) and may pull their game from stores if they get an 18+, but this has to be the first recall because a game's rating is too LOW for the developer. And parents just can't win, can they? We complain about parents not paying attention to what their kids play as the cause of kids playing games they shouldn't, then when parents start doing what we ask them to do to avoid things like the Australia ban and the California law, gamers get all angry because they don't agree with those parents. And note: no government body or retailer banned the game in this case, this was a voluntary pull of the game by the developer in response to parental protest. Now, one can understand that this parental protest is over-reaction, but I don't blame them for looking at the ads and the rating and coming to that conclusion. As so many gamers keep saying, it's the parents' job, not the government's or the developer's, to "think of the children", after all. I'm just saying, don't be so quick to get on parents' case for actually doing their job with the information they were given, in the way it was presented.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
FightThePower said:
The videogame industry really has to grow out of this habit of folding to any kind of political/media pressure.
Yes I entirely agree they should stop listing to the opinions vast majority of poeple who live in the country and those with power to change the law ban the sales of unpopular video games. Its clearly smart decision to ignore public opinion in any democracy after all, politicians don't read newspapers and take polls on what those pesky voters think.


New member
May 18, 2009
On one hand im please we arent getting that disgrace of a game over here, i mean, if ubisorft are insisting its so damn sexy, and the PEGI rating people are saying ......no, you know it isnt going to be as riskay as ubisoft are trying to market it as and will just be a big flop and waste peoples time and money.

On the other, im not happy about how they just gave it up when some people protested, seems to present the idea that games companies can be stopped from bringing out a game if a few self rightious people grumble.

again, not dissapointed its not going to be sold here, just that it seems it was stopped so quickly


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Congratulations, you canceled the release of a shitty Wii game in the UK, now cancel all the other Wii mini game 'games' and start making REAL games for the Wii, not the same 50 mini games re-hashed till our eyes bleed.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
I don't think it has happen in the US, but I believe due to the nature of the voluntary system a Game Company can ask for and get permission to print a higher rating on the label by the ESRB.

ESRB ratings are not require for any game sold in the US, so if you don't like your rating, you don't have to use it.


New member
May 22, 2010
Greetings from the UK.

Let me start out by saying nobody gives a shit lol
The game was definitely gonna be a mediocre sale at best, bought mostly as a joke gift from one person to another, the vast majority couldn't care less about this game which is why no-one seems to have jumped up to defend it. As usual leaves the ignorant few as the most vocal. It's really no big deal as long as this isn't setting a precedent for caving to the whining of a few parents and tabloids crying "Won't somebody think of the children!" :/


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Seems the tabloids are now the most powerful factor in the UK.

I'd consider this a worrying move. Not that the brits are missing out on anything this time around, the game in question obviously sucks more than even an 18+ sex sim for vacuum cleaners could, but it's sort of a sad precedent that tabloid controversy means that games aren't released, and it's only going to spur on those who'd want more legal regulation.

Though of course they can just import it from the mainland.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calcium said:
I doubt anyone's actually going to be disapointed not to play it here. The palm mark has only just disappeared from my face since I saw the commercial.
Simply WATCHING the commercial got you slapped? I gotta say, that's rather impressive

Silver Patriot

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2008
Rationalization said:
So many things to say, I just want to point to the comments made here and /shame.[link]http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.267253-Ubisofts-Sexy-Minigame-Collection-Too-Naughty-for-U-S[/link] We're all the same, hugs everyone.
I want to know how Ubisoft plans on making ANY money back on this game if it keeps restricting who they are going to sell it to.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
PEGI - the only people in this story who were not total morons.

Also I was starting to trust Ubisoft again before all of this, but whoops! Never mind!


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Toriver said:
Wow. And parents just can't win, can they? We complain about parents not paying attention to what their kids play as the cause of kids playing games they shouldn't, then when parents start doing what we ask them to do to avoid things like the Australia ban and the California law, gamers get all angry because they don't agree with those parents.
This wasn't a case of parents paying attention to what their kids are playing. That involves doing a basic amount of research, or talking to a knowledgeable employee somewhere, or playing the games themselves. Or at least listening to the people the government set up to do the job for them.

These people saw a 2 minute commercial and started screaming.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
New respect for PEGI, even though I have been puzzled by some of their age ratings in the past.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Just as an aside, shouldn't we be FAR more worried about the kinds of people who complain, being that they hear there might be some vaguely sexual content and with sex on their minds, tell people to 'think of the children!'?

Personally I don't trust em around kids :)

I think I'd rather babysit my kids with some Sunny Delight and a copy of Manhunt.


New member
May 20, 2008
I can see another BBFC vs. PEGI debate happening again as a result of this...


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Ubi Soft should NOT have given in to pressure. The principle is the thing here - as an adult, I should be able to go into a shop and purchase a game with an adult theme, regardless of format or control method. Yes, age ratings should mean that such a game is not sold to a minor. And what's more harmful to a child - seeing adults mess around with a Wiimote, or their parents letting them play the latest Call of Duty game and watching thousands of soldiers be slaughtered?