Ubisoft Cancels U.K. Release of We Dare


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Toriver said:
I'm just saying, don't be so quick to get on parents' case for actually doing their job with the information they were given, in the way it was presented.
Wouldn't they have fulfilled their parental duties full well by keeping their own children away from the game? Why would they protest it being released to the general public?

And I most certainly think you can criticize them for acting on the information they were given. I mean, anyone who trust a commercial to accurately relay the truth is already pretty simple-minded, and when they trust a sensationalist tabloid who've only seen the commercial to provide them with sufficient info to form an adequate response, then all their higher brain functions must certainly have ceased to work.

If they knew the slightest about gaming, the internet, or just information technology in general, they'd worry far more about piracy. All kinds of nasty 18+ sex sims literally 3 clicks away for their offspring to stumble across...


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Woah. Some marketing guy's going to get fired for this. Assuming that PEGI is right and the game is ok it seems that whomever was in charge of that commercial has, single handedly, ruined a game's launch.

A Silent Enigma

New member
Feb 14, 2011
Seriously, there was a backlash?!? I must have slept through that one. Nothing on the TV and the Daily Mail didn't have a thing about it, and that's usually the first paper to jump on any story about how bad games are. Not that I'm fussed that this game got pulled, looks mediocre at best.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I guess good things do happen to British people sometimes. I'm quite relieved this game isn't going to see the light of day over here. As for everybody else, I hope you enjoy this wonderful game and cherish it as the intellectually challenging work of interactive art that it is.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Mm-mm-mm, can you taste that hypocrisy? It's so rich and thick, I could just drizzle it onto pancakes. Manufactured 'moral outrage' is always the best, isn't it? Especially when it's coming from a sleazy tabloid, a politician, and parents. Parents, the most corrupting influence on children outside of other children. If it weren't for all you parents and your sexual ways, why, you might not even have children to get morally outraged over in an attempt to exploit them to conform other people to your social beliefs. Let's ban parents.

If these moral guardians really cared about the safety of children, then they'd have their own children taken away at birth, and kept in a lightless, soundless incubation chamber forever and ever and ever and ever, where the only experience they could gather is to eat, piss, shit, and sleep. Eat, piss, shit, and sleep. There, problem solved: the rest of us can go about with less bullshit in our lives, and they can keep their pwecious wittle angels safe from society's eeeeeevils.

Oh, and Mr. Chalk, you have it wrong: PEGI standing by it's rating doesn't show something wrong with the system, it shows that they have principles. Something the rest of us could learn from.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
What a shambolic display Ubisoft, I mean come on Ubisoft your a big boy now you can't just run away and hide just because some people are being mean about the game you made. This is sad day to be English (like I needed another reason), a country where most newspapers have topless women in them, easily availible for kids to get hold of and there is uproar over a rubbish wii game that is slightly suggestive as it will encourage underage sex. I tell you what causes underage sex hormones and horny teenagers simple. I mean if we are taking this mentality how come twister has been pulled from shelves, because doesn't take a genius to work out way anyone over 11 years old plays that.

And another thing how come after years of complaining from gamers about their intrusive DRM scheme Ubosoft barely even budges, but a couple angry parents complain about a game who have only got half their facts from a 2 min suggestive ad and Ubisoft just cave over. /rant


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
RatRace123 said:
If Ubisoft didn't run that stupid ad, none of this would've happened.
The game would've come out, bombed and faded from memory within a month.

The moral guardian outrage is frustrating as it always is, but running a pointlessly "sexy" ad for a PEGI 12 rated game; they were practically asking for the watchdogs to bite them in the ass.
Agreed. You gotta love the typical ignorance shown.
Parents (AND) Politicians: "This game is encouraging our children to have sex!"
Rating Board: "We played the game, trust us, it doesn't."
Parents (AND) Politicians: "But we saw a 2 minute ad for it! WE KNOW IT DOES!"
Gotta give credit where credit is due. PEGI doesnt follow orders like EA and Ubisoft. . Haha. And they have nothing to loose.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
RatRace123 said:
The moral guardian outrage is frustrating as it always is, but running a pointlessly "sexy" ad for a PEGI 12 rated game; they were practically asking for the watchdogs to bite them in the ass.
To be fair, it's much more likely to be the Mail and the Indie, but yeah... I guess they didn't realize they were going to get such a low rating when they made the ad.

The Rascal King

New member
Aug 13, 2009
This will go down as one of the most laughable things in the history of videogames. I'd really like to see the release of this game someday so that some internet jokesters can make funny viral videos out of it but now that's just a pipedream.

Mr C

New member
May 8, 2008
'English expatriate hangs head in shame'

Thank Jehovah I don't live at home and haven't for quite some time. What on Earth is happening to my dear Blighty! Last time a load of prudish wankers tried to spoil the fun for everyone we sent them to America. I know it may sound unreasonable, but can't our cross-Atlantic cousins take these people from us. You guys have the space, leave them in the bloody desert for all I care!

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I wasn't going to buy this because there are much better sex games out there (like the board games found at Ann Summers) but pulling this is stupid

@Ubisoft: Cowards!


New member
Mar 8, 2011
I don't think there's any one party at fault here.
Ubisoft should have thought about how risqué their game really was before advertising.
The Tabloids as usual did their job of blowing things way out of proportion.
The parents and fools of the UK continue to believe everything the tabloids say.

I'm not overly sad that I won't get the game, but I am disappointed in the fact that this has happened. Again.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
mjc0961 said:
Maze1125 said:
While in America any game with even the slightest amount explicit sexual content gets rated AO and won't be sold by anyone but porn shops.
Okay, I don't know what America you're talking about, but here in the United States of America, that doesn't actually happen.
If what you claimed was true, that list would be sooooooooo huge. But it's not, because you're making shit up.
How many games on that list get sold anywhere but porn shops (or equivalent)?
How many games not on the list have explicit sexual content in them?

The answer to both those question is "zero". Which is exactly my point.

In the UK however, though many games get rated 18, they get sold in standard game shops, explicit sexual content or not. Explicit sex is treated here just like extreme violence. Something that's not for children, but still perfectly sellable. Whereas in America violence can be sold anywhere, while sex has to be as hidden away as possible.

And the size of the list is completely irrelevant. Game developers specifically tailor their games so that they don't get an AO rating, because of how utterly such a rating can ruin sales. So of course the list is small.


New member
Dec 7, 2008
Is the UK in denial that teens have sex or something? And why the hell would they even think that something as silly as this would promote it?

Also: why does the layman ALWAYS take advertisements at face value, rather that realizing they're exaggerating to sell a product?


New member
Aug 9, 2009

So they create a big old fuss over this piece of fucking shit, and then pull it, giving the impression that they were in the wrong (they weren't) and that these fucking parent groups and politicians are right.

If you're going to release it then have the balls to fucking carry it through - the game and its ad makes the industry look immature, but pulling it now makes us look pathetic.

Fucking idiots.
Mar 30, 2010
I live in England and haven't heard a thing about it. Haven't been able to find a thing on the BBC website either. Plus, we're on the BBFC rating system, not PEGI! What are Ubisoft on about?!?


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Lucifron said:

Ubisoft is now a meme.

Seriously though, someone isn't watching their Extra Credits. We can thank EA for setting the recent standard I guess.
They already were from the DRM shit they pulled with Screed 2 and Silent Hunter 5, remember?