Ubisoft Cancels U.K. Release of We Dare


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Mcface said:
Lol ain't it great how Europeans think Americans are all up tight about sex?
Then go about banning everything?
Honestly the first time i can ever remember a (mainstream) game being pulled over here. Plus it wasn't banned. Just pulled by the publisher.

So you are still are.

Still its embarrassing. This is what happens when those fu*ksh*te tories get in.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
SenseOfTumour said:
direkiller said:
FightThePower said:
albino boo said:
FightThePower said:
The videogame industry really has to grow out of this habit of folding to any kind of political/media pressure.
Yes I entirely agree they should stop listing to the opinions vast majority of poeple who live in the country and those with power to change the law ban the sales of unpopular video games. Its clearly smart decision to ignore public opinion in any democracy after all, politicians don't read newspapers and take polls on what those pesky voters think.
You need to learn that the majority are not always right.
or the vocal minority in this case
I'd suggest it's not sensible as a company to listen to the ignorant and unfounded opinions of people who aren't going to be your customers. That'd be like Simon Cowell cancelling American Idol because he heard metal fans consider it an offence to the music industry.

No they should carry on, release it anyway, enjoy all the free publicity the Daily Mail and Sky News gives it, and revel in it selling to idiots, who don't seem to realise you can play the same game with a vodka bottle, with the advantage that emptying it beforehand makes people far more likely to join in the pervy stuff.

Game - £40
Bottle of Smirnoff - £10

I know where I'd go for my inspiration for a slightly pervy game of 'Dare'
The problem with your analogy is that the poeple expressing views on the escapist are the hardcore metal fans and the Daily Mail and Sky News watchers/readers are the viewers of American Idol. Just because most people posting here agree with you doesn't mean that those views are the majority view in the real world.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Encourage underage sex?!! I think as soon as people mature sex becomes inherently encouraged. Now if an underage couple has a private place to play this game it would only be after sex. People always fuck and sometimes kill, it has nothing to do with videogames, maybe give the little bastard some of your time.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
On one hand, the game would've sucked anyway. On the other, it gives the worry-warts reason to believe they can get away with their ignorant fear-mongering.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Vrach said:
But PEGI rates CONTENT and saying that game has content that's 18+ would simply be inaccurate.
It's not whether or not PEGI accurately rated the game that counts, it's the reaction to the rating that's at issue. At least on the surface of it, an ignorant but vocal minority was able to pressure Ubisoft into canning a game because the rating was "wrong" - which is to say that it disagreed with the assigned rating, despite having no factual basis for doing so, and that ultimately carried the day. Kneejerks reacted, Ubisoft caved, but it's PEGI that is ultimately undermined.
Isn't that something we should be slapping Ubisoft for, not PEGI? The vocal minority wasn't able to put pressure on Ubisoft because PEGI did it's job badly. It was able to do that because Ubisoft doesn't have the balls to go against a vocal minority. That's their problem and shortcoming, let's not scapegoat PEGI because they were in the middle just doing their jobs.

Ubisoft is well capable of putting external warnings on the game. In fact, that's what they're doing, they're just falling back in the UK market, which is probably more because of their own reasons (they probably figured the game won't sell well enough in UK) than it is because of anything related to this incident. I mean think about it. You're the sort of person who wants to buy a sexy motion control game. Do you really give half a shit about what the rating on it is or how some conservative dude out there reacted to it publicly?

PEGI did it's job and did it right. They were pressured to their job wrong by people who didn't know what they were talking about. They said no and stuck to their guns. That's how they SHOULD'VE acted and we should support them for it.

But again, I see what you're saying. You're saying that PEGI was undermined in the uninformed public eye due to the way the whole thing was presented to them. But that's the fault of bad journalism (hi Sun/Daily Mail/any other picturesque toilet paper) and we need to stand up and defend PEGI right now from bad press that it doesn't deserve.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Yeah, Ubi is definitely the catalyst in this particular incident. But I see it as a symptom of not necessarily a malaise but an inherent flaw in the system. The trouble is, that flaw essentially boils down to the power of noisy ignorance, and that's a pretty common phenomenon.

At the end of the day, I'm hopeful that not too much damage is done to the credibility of PEGI by all this nonsense. And I hope that enough damage is done to Ubi's credibility that the next time something similar happens, the publisher behind it won't collapse under the weight of the controversy it's responsible for creating in the first place.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
i always find it hard that people don't understand that some games aren't created for kids. they are always crying 'thin about the children', but is it really that hard to see that those games were created for adults. and would a young kid want to play something like that. wouldn't they be like: 'goshhh, boooorinnnng, lets play mario galaxy!!!'


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Simalacrum said:
English equivalent of Fox News... but meh, I don't think anyone will really miss the game :p
Thats the daily mail the suns just shit.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
That game seemed doomed to bomb hardcore anyways. The dead island version of the trailer was pretty effing hilarious.

The Hungry Samurai

Hungry for Truth
Apr 1, 2004
As many have pointed out to the others this is a disturbing reaction. PEGI gave the game a proper rating but instead of using that to defend itself, Ubisoft caves to the protesters.

Ratings boards like the PEGI and the ESRB are supposed to be objective and unbiased judges of the content of our beloved medium. When developers cater to a minor outcry instead, they invite the loudest opinion to dictate how the gaming community is shaped.

Today We Dare is pulled off of shelves because the loudest opinion finds digital spin the bottle is too much. Tomorrow a similar knee jerk reaction to a higher quality game, such as the one's we've seen with Mass Effect, Bulletstorm, or any GTA, may result in that PEGI or ESRB rating failing to make a difference, causing it to get pulled from the shelves.

Couple this when the fact that that loud opinion usually has some other political agenda driving itself and you'll see more and more games shut down simply because someone finds them disagreeable. Imagine a world where Fable 3 would be considered obscene simply because of it's underlying left wing message, or Harry Potter games being pulled for "Witchcraft"

Though we don't always agree with the rating's boards they are a mediator, not the enemy, and when developers fail to take heed of their judgments,for better or worse, then they invite societies bullies to take control of something they have no business, being a part of.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
im just curious if all the Publicity is gonna hurt sales or actually boost it?

Im thinking its gonna boost sales tremendously, the game looks like Shovelware if it wasn't for the completely misleading commercial XD


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Good, marketing a "sexy" game to children is just fucking ridiculous, how about marketing Rapelay to them next?...
Jan 22, 2011
Phoenixlight said:
Good, marketing a "sexy" game to children is just fucking ridiculous, how about marketing Rape-play to them next?...
In rape play's defense oh wait it's such a bad game i formatted my hard drive twice after playing it for 3 minutes. That aside I don't think this was marketed towards children it's just a party game with dirty words, which kids will look up in the dictionary or text books anyways. I am all for the ban not because of the content but because it's just another horrible wii party game that never needs to see the light of day.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I really really don't understand Ubisoft's approach...i mean why push for a 12+ rating at all? Who would buy this game? Adults going "meh the game is 12+ rated so it can't be all that daring can it now" ? or actually teens at that age who would want to buy it even more if it was 18+ or so rated (and let's face it we all know that if you want a game/cigarettes/alcohol you aren't allowed to buy yet you can get it anyway)

Still remember how badly i wanted to see "the evil dead" when i was around 15 because it was supposedly this super gory banned (which it actually was in germany for a period of time) movie with a perverted tree.