Ubisoft Cancels U.K. Release of We Dare

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
legend forge said:
Ummm... no it doesn't.
As I've already explained, the problem is not PEGI, it's that Ubisoft's behaviour implicitly undermines the validity of videogame ratings.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
I live in England and only know of this game because of the escapist pointing out the brilliantly terrible advert.

The Sun is not a newspaper.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
albino boo said:
FightThePower said:
The videogame industry really has to grow out of this habit of folding to any kind of political/media pressure.
Yes I entirely agree they should stop listing to the opinions vast majority of poeple who live in the country and those with power to change the law ban the sales of unpopular video games. Its clearly smart decision to ignore public opinion in any democracy after all, politicians don't read newspapers and take polls on what those pesky voters think.
You need to learn that the majority are not always right.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
I actually think this is a pretty cool looking game, I wouldn't play it myself but finally, someone has branched out at a more adult orientated party game.
We have all these silly little titles that are just for the kids to play on for the most part, sure adults can enjoy them to some extent but titles like this one probably could have been one of those rarities that adults buy for themselves that isn't serious like Wii fit.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
FightThePower said:
albino boo said:
FightThePower said:
The videogame industry really has to grow out of this habit of folding to any kind of political/media pressure.
Yes I entirely agree they should stop listing to the opinions vast majority of poeple who live in the country and those with power to change the law ban the sales of unpopular video games. Its clearly smart decision to ignore public opinion in any democracy after all, politicians don't read newspapers and take polls on what those pesky voters think.
You need to learn that the majority are not always right.
or the vocal minority in this case

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Vaccine said:
Wasn't Extra Credits yelling at EA for their marketing not too long ago? I'd add Ubisoft to that list.

Not only did they market it baddly, but then they give in like this.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Yes because the root of this game "Truth or Dare" was not always just about naughty things.

I can't recall an age in my life where that wasn't the root intent of that game. Exploring the confusing realm of sexuality.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Now how are all the Brits supposed to play the wii and make sexual innuendos at the same time?!!...[extra long pause]... That is just wrong. Now the only people there that will get to play it is criminals and politicians. Damn you, inconsiderate law maker!!!

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Wait... who complained after PEGI explained their decision? All news stories before that.

As for this game, I don't care. As long as games like Mortal Kombat are still released (PEGI 18+ release woo!) I'm not bothered.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Hah, when it was banned from the U.S. people laughed at the us and said at least the UK would get it. Seem's they're wrong. Ohhhhh, baby.

As for the thread: Dumb game, horrible marketing choice, all around ending in a disaster, which is disappointing.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
direkiller said:
FightThePower said:
albino boo said:
FightThePower said:
The videogame industry really has to grow out of this habit of folding to any kind of political/media pressure.
Yes I entirely agree they should stop listing to the opinions vast majority of poeple who live in the country and those with power to change the law ban the sales of unpopular video games. Its clearly smart decision to ignore public opinion in any democracy after all, politicians don't read newspapers and take polls on what those pesky voters think.
You need to learn that the majority are not always right.
or the vocal minority in this case
I'd suggest it's not sensible as a company to listen to the ignorant and unfounded opinions of people who aren't going to be your customers. That'd be like Simon Cowell cancelling American Idol because he heard metal fans consider it an offence to the music industry.

No they should carry on, release it anyway, enjoy all the free publicity the Daily Mail and Sky News gives it, and revel in it selling to idiots, who don't seem to realise you can play the same game with a vodka bottle, with the advantage that emptying it beforehand makes people far more likely to join in the pervy stuff.

Game - £40
Bottle of Smirnoff - £10

I know where I'd go for my inspiration for a slightly pervy game of 'Dare'


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Congratulations parents, politicians, PEGI and Ubisoft alike.

You've now cemented our reputation as one of the most frigid nations in the world, since we can't even lighten up for a game about having a little naughty fun.

For the parents and the politicians, you need to look deeper - kids will play whatever they want, whether or not you want them to. It's a fact of life, you can't police them 24/7. PEGI was perhaps a little irresponsible with the rating of the game and should have raised it to at least 15-16, if only to appease gullible parents, that think a sticker will stop people from wanting the game.

Ubisoft, you are reserved for the cherry on top though, as you defended the piece and PEGI's decision poorly and on top of all that, once you'd wound up the publicity mill, you pull it from release. There's no such thing as bad publicity and you'd have had a great selling game, more out of curiosity than anything else.

It was quirky, yes it had sexual undertones, but so did Grand Theft Auto! At least we weren't trying to kill one another, or beat up prostitutes for not paying you the money they worked so hard to earn. We are merely trying to have a little adult fun in front of the computer, with friends and I think it sounds like a niche market, that could be big bucks, if someone had the balls to try it.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
wait, they weren't expecting a backlash?
its sex minigames on the family fiendly wii, they knew it would happen. this is very similar to the deal with medal of honor, remember...if you dont, go watch extra credits, if you do, go watch extra credits, its really good.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
I don't think it shows a weakness in PEGI. If they had retracted their position, like the Australian Rating Board did for Aliens vs. Predator, (another game no one cares about), then it would have weakened the position.

If Ubisoft is pulling this game off the shelves because a few pundits isn't because they think the few pundits are unimportant, it means that they think their silly game isn't worth the hassle. May I remind you that it's the same company that just last year released a game that says Jesus could ressurrect the dead because he had a magical piece of cloth and then asked you to kill the pope.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Mcface said:
Lol ain't it great how Europeans think Americans are all up tight about sex?
Then go about banning everything?
Hrmmm, come back when your Age of Conan can uncensor the nipples.

America stands for |Violence = fine||Boobs = NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO



New member
Aug 30, 2009
Leviano said:
Mcface said:
Lol ain't it great how Europeans think Americans are all up tight about sex?
Then go about banning everything?
Hrmmm, come back when your Age of Conan can uncensor the nipples.

America stands for |Violence = fine||Boobs = NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO

Uhh my AOC's nipples have always been uncensored.. at least the last time I played.