Ubisoft Online DRM: It's Worse Than Expected


New member
Nov 28, 2009
CopperBoom said:
Playbahnosh said:
Hell, I won't even pirate them, I just won't play any of them ever again.
Sounds like the system works!
I am glad not to have to deal with the likes on you in a Splinter Cell multiplayer match.
It's discriminatory what Ubisoft is actually doing. Even in this day and age, there really aren't a lot of people that are able to play games online. At all! For Ubi to dictate how people can play their games is misguided on their part and is sure to cause a lot of unhappy customer service calls (and trade ins to Gamestop) for games that will work.

All in all, it's more work for less pay if I do say so.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
CopperBoom said:
Why would not I be fine with it?
I think this is just looking to the future when we are all connected.
That's...an extremely charitable way of looking at it. But even if they are looking to the future, they're being completely ignorant of the present. Y'know, where the rest of us live.

Gindil said:
[...] sure to cause a lot of unhappy customer service calls (and trade ins to Gamestop) for games that will work.
Actually, GameStop probably won't take trade-ins, because this DRM will prevent Ubisoft games from being resold. That, more than piracy, is probably the reason they did this in the first place.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
CopperBoom said:
Playbahnosh said:
Hell, I won't even pirate them, I just won't play any of them ever again.
Sounds like the system works!
I am glad not to have to deal with the likes on you in a Splinter Cell multiplayer match.
The system works? Sure, if they want to scare people away and don't want anyone playing their games, then yea, it seems it works perfectly. Soon, there will be no one playing Ubisoft games, and that will be justice.

BTW, what the fuck do you mean by "the likes of me"? Bah, nevermind. And don't worry, I don't care a rat's ass about Splinter Cell or it's multiplayer, so you can do whatever.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
You know there are pirates out there already working on a crack for this system, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Personally, I can't wait untill PC gaming just up and dies. You PC gamers say you aren't going to buy the game because of it's insane DRM, yet we know that it will be pirated to hell, which will generate even more complicated and frustrating DRM.

Yet, somehow, Ubisoft is still making money by putting out PC games. They must be doing something right.


New member
Feb 2, 2010

Oh, perfect! We have excellent, "reliable" net connections here in India!!
Way to go guys!!!


New member
Nov 1, 2007
xyrafhoan said:
What world does Ubisoft live on when they think people are connected to the internet all the time? This is probably the worst DRM I've ever seen, ever.
The Vast Majority of Americans are not connected to the internet all the time.

In other news the pirated version won't have this DRM.

sooperman said:
You PC gamers say
Welcome to Ignorant Land, Population: You (and millions of others).

Reminds me of when I was in retail. Old people would tell me about some race they weren't a part of and use lines like that.

"Black people always say..."

"Chinese people say..."

"White people say..."

Yeah. Right. That's how it works. Kudos for hacking into the matrix and discovering the truth.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! My connection is finnicky dammit, DAMN YOU DAMN YOU DAMN YOU!

*sigh* Looks like I have no choice but to get a console if I want to play this. *sob*

Look, I waited and waited for this to come out on the PC. It was bad enough we had to wait an extra four months for AC2 to hit the PC, and now THIS!? I am so royally pissed right now it's not even funny.


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
I'd like to protest the whole thing but I wasn't going to get it anyway. Besides it is a console game anyway.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Looks like some people have started a petition against this. I encourage everyone to sign it. http://www.petitiononline.com/ew15dl94/petition.html


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Or we can just go back to killing pirates and not prosecuting innocents.

Plus, think about the awesome reverting to Spanish galleons on the sea, filled with video games and movies, and servers for uploading pirated torrents. Think of the cinematic possibilities in 200 years!


New member
Jul 17, 2008
I'm not even slightly annoyed. Ubisoft won't get my money and Razor1911 gets my bandwidth when they correct this flaw.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
And now I must mention the reason that publicly traded companies are nearly always to the detriment of the actual public.

All that the companies care about is providing the "investors" with return on their investments while at the same time being clueless as to the needs of the customers.

Jacking up prices (or imposing ridiculous limitations as to the use of the product/service (ie: the methods imposed by Ubisoft as mentioned in this post, let's not forget the absurd price tag that Ubisoft has imposed on their products/services)) in order to raise profit to appease the investors is counter-productive as it in reality costs customers.

This causes fewer customers (by definition, think about what a customer is willing to pay for a product/service), and thus the greater need to raise prices for services/goods. Raising prices results in fewer customers. In the end the publicly traded company ends up the killing of their customers... and then who wins?


The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
That's ridiculous, why? There's no online play so what's the point?

I guess it's probably to stop pirates but it's still ridiculous, a hope most PC gamers can find a console for Ubisoft games and they can see how much they fucked up


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Ufff, reading 11 pages of hatred is not an easy task. I won't delve too deeply on why this will probably get the "cookie of the year award" for the stupidest decision ever. I just want to say, because I haven't seen a very active voicing of this problem: THE WORLD DOESN'T HAVE A FOOL-PROOF INTERNET CONNECTION!

I know the majority of posters is either North American or European (I'm Portuguese myself, though we have our share of problems with the internet - I've been forced to change provider 5 times), but South America, Africa, Middle East, Asia (basically the rest of the world) also exist, and sometimes internet isn't available there.

My father is currently working in Angola, and we had to make a backup of every single music album we have (not counting metal) to a hard drive, because where he is the internet takes 25 long minutes to load a youtube video.

Soooo... alienating part of the world population.... niiice!


New member
Nov 17, 2009

The man represents pirates.
The car represents paying customers.
The Bus represents UBISoft DRM.

Christ so now I have to not buy anything from UBISoft AND Activision? Christ they really know how to stop making money.