Ubisoft Passes on No More Heroes Remake


New member
Aug 2, 2006
Just as well, if No More Heroes wasn't a Wii exclusive it'd be one less game out of a handful that actually make owning the console feel halfway worthwhile.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Muh...It won't feel right if I'm not wanking the Wiimote to charge my saber (thats a weird sentence).

But, maybe this version won't be censored over here to make all the blood into coins. I shit you not.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
metroidgearsolid said:
this had better get a european release. that is all i will say...
Rising Star won't say one way or the other yet- which I suppose is better than Ubi's response.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I hope this gets a PS3/360 release - more people should get to play this game.

I would say that I think No More Heroes is probably one of the few intelligent uses of the Wiimote controls that I've used. While I'm sure it'd be piss easy to put it on a controller, it wouldn't feel right.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
God a PS3/360 release of NMH would suck so hard. What made the game fun was the Wii motion controls.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Wait, what? When was this announced? News to me...

Anyway, do those consoles really need it? It's not like there is any shortage of action games for the PS3 and Xbox360. And why should this be a necessarily better fit for them?

Oh well. I'm not going to question the decision of Grasshopper. If there really was a demand for this game, sure why not?

Perhaps Xseed will publish this game on America. A strange trend has Xseed publishing Japanese games on America, while Rising Star publishes those games on Europe. And since Rising Star published No More Heroes on the Wii...


New member
Mar 6, 2009
More Fun To Compute said:
SuperMse said:
Doesn't Ubisoft have the puclishing rights for the game?
Marvelous Entertainment have the rights which they licensed to Ubisoft for North America.
exactly which is why i am saying that it should get a european release and rising star better release this one. :)


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Am I the only one that thinks No More Heroes was a pretty bad game and doesn't really deserve to be released on other consoles? At least 50% of the content was just boring driving back and forth through an uninteresting town to get to jobs. Remake it as a version where everything of importance is located within the motel and I would be thoroughly interested; I might actually get to see the humour and fun of the game if I didn't have to put up with all the bullshit.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I can actually understand Ubisoft's decision. As Mr.Fister said, HD games can cost significantly more to produce. The Wii version made a sufficient profit because SD graphics aren't as expensive to develop, so they'll obviously say yes to the next Wii version because it has inherently less risk.


New member
May 26, 2009
Please please i hope that PS3 and 360 don't get this game...No More Heroes is great game that made very good use of the Wii's motion based controls and changing all that to a controller based system of combat would be stodgy and boring.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Mr. Fister said:
inb4 GonzoGamer.

And I'm gonna have to disagree on the game being a better fit on the PS3/360, as part of what No More Heroes great was how well the motion controls were integrated into the combat. Taking that away would make the game less fun to play for sure. And I can't see this game picking up another publisher. Games have to sell way more on the 360/PS3 to make a profit than they do on the Wii, and No More Heroes isn't exactly a game made for mainstream audiences.
Dude, you're totally right. This game was made for the Wii and it was awesome. Playing it on my 360 wouldn't give the same feeling as having it on my Wii. I would think the gameplay would get bland and boring without the wii making it what it is.

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
I'm a big fan of the Wii and its potential for great games. The problem is that it is called juvenile by a lot of "mainstream" gamers and people. True, the good stuff is far and inbetween but when the Wii actually gets good adult oriented games like the messed up Suda51 No More Heroes or the guilty pleasure gorefest of Madworld, it is harassed for trying to mix things up. The Xbox and PS2 already tried going for kiddy platforms with Grabbed by the Ghoulies or milking the Lemmings franchise, and they were sadly not that great.
My weird point is that No More Heroes deserves to be a Wii exclusive in the same instance that InFamous deserves to be a PS3 exclusive or Halo deserves to be a 360 exclusive. They appeal to a certain demographic that keeps the systems well rounded. But I guess I can't convince the developers to realize this is a bad idea and just say love it or hate it, I'll always prefer the Wii version because it got the formula right the first time!!

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
Yopaz said:
Mr. Fister said:
inb4 GonzoGamer.

And I'm gonna have to disagree on the game being a better fit on the PS3/360, as part of what No More Heroes great was how well the motion controls were integrated into the combat. Taking that away would make the game less fun to play for sure. And I can't see this game picking up another publisher. Games have to sell way more on the 360/PS3 to make a profit than they do on the Wii, and No More Heroes isn't exactly a game made for mainstream audiences.
Dude, you're totally right. This game was made for the Wii and it was awesome. Playing it on my 360 wouldn't give the same feeling as having it on my Wii. I would think the gameplay would get bland and boring without the wii making it what it is.
Agreed, I got the same feeling when I downloaded the Banjo-Kazooie game on Xbox Live Arcade. It didn't feel the same as playing it on the N64 because it was unique and there wasn't the stink of Rare selling out something good to Microsoft.


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
I think the PS3 EyeToy and the Xbox 360 could make a decent replacement for the Wii's motion control so I would wait and do the sequels (if they make them) on the other consoles.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
NMH didn't even really need the motion controls. they enhance the experience but they're far from necessary. the one exception might be switching stances, which is something you often do in the middle of combat, while you're already pressing buttons to do other things. Everything else (the wrestling moves, deathblows, and charging) could be mapped to buttons or an analog stick easily enough.

honestly, i think the problem is that there just isn't much of an audience for NMH on the 360/PS3.