Ubisoft Says Gamers Just Don't Understand The Wii U


Dec 24, 2011
I think what he's saying makes sense, there are some things you simply can't demonstrate properly through word of mouth or videos, perhaps people are ignoring the benefits of the extra screen because most of us haven't actually tried playing games with it yet. The 3Ds had a similar problem though at least with that most people had seen 3D before in movies and such. But of course since it's a Nintendo console let's completely distort what he's sating to make it sound like he's blaming gamers for his own incompetence and then dump all over him and the console for it.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Nazulu said:
SkarKrow said:
Nazulu said:
Every thing SkarKrow said, and from what I've seen in some forums, a lot of people were very disappointed with some of previous hardware, software, online connection and popular game titles on the Wii and just don't trust Nintendo any more.

Also, not every one likes the idea of looking down at the mini screen in the middle of the game. That turned me off as soon as I saw it, but thankfully that isn't for most games that I've seen.

I'm saving money and looking out to see if there is any games I really want on it.
Ehh well there's not many games at the moment and probably won't be until next year now apart from Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Mareio Bros U and some unannounced stuff. Maybe Lego City.

Scribblenauts has been hammered back in the EU for some bizarre reason and Rayman Legends has commited retail suicide. Looking at unannounced stuff and the first party stuff from the recent Nintendo Direct for content.

The asymmetric gameplay isn't a bad idea if it's done right. It can be nice for smooth inventory management and such, but if companies do the Ubisoft thing and make me tap boards to unail them from doors in zombiu then they're doing it wrong. Of all ZombiU's features the touch integration is not a strong one apart from inventory management.

I like my Wii U but I'm suffering from early adoption and I can't hold the lack of titles against it. I can however get angry at publishers who delay stuff to die against GTAV.

Oh and if you stroke my ego please do quote me :3 I don't always stroll casually through threads.
Lol. I love your responses.

I guess it was most of the games I had some interest in that didn't require it, or maybe the box lied to me, I don't know. I went to the store and was impressed, that's all that matters.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind so much just using the gamepad if it was just to select things faster. I am a little curious about ZombiU still. I literally do a fair bit of research these days before buying games, it's a habbit that comes naturally to me now. It's just the need to make sure for what ever reason, even if it means going out just to test it.

Believe me when I say that the lack of titles don't bother me, as foolish as it sounds. I bought the SNES, N64, Cube, PSN and some other consoles (including hand helds) straight away on the first day, and all of them lacked games (except the N64 since Golden Eye and some other games kept every one busy). The WiiU is different though cause I became skeptical because the Wii found ways to annoy me, and I just don't have as much money at the moment. I want one, but at the same time I feel I should wait. It's a really annoying feeling. I'm very very sure that there are going to be some games that really interest me in future, how could it not? But I hope the gamepad is used the right way if forced.
Um, why do you love my response? xD I'm glad I'm becoming recognisable at last, might be to do with the abject lack of employment.

The gamepad is interesting and the fact it's a full controller as well as all the fancy stuff are big points in it's favour, it can just be used to play off the TV, or for something simple like menus and maps being streamlined.

ZombiU is hit and miss with it, it's also decidedly survival horror above anything else, combat is difficult and a touch repetitive but you should avoid it anyway. The gamepad is used for your map and radar and management while everything goes on in real time and it works really well, you genuinely check between screens and mildly panic if you see something shuffling in the shadows while you're faffing about looting a corpse. Thats a stroke of genius to me but it doesn't translate to things like unboarding doors or opening manholes, which are reduced to "Tap the screen" over and over until it happens, and it's more annoying than anything else, it might have been less so had you had to maybe flick at the nails on the board to pull them out for example. It just seems unimaginative and I know that it's there to add that panic element due to the momentary vulnerability it creates, but because it's so dull as "tap the screen!" it falls flat. The rest of the game is pretty solid though and it's definately fun to play, the multiplayer is grand too even though it's local only, it presdents tonnes of opportunity to be a dick to the other player.

Mario Bros U you can play on the touch screen and some dude can make platforms in multiplayer, otherwise the gamepad is unused in it. No idea ow it's used in Tekken, nor The Cave (demo), Rayman Legends makes some neat uses of it and I'm sure there's videos up on youtube about it (really annoyed by the 7 month delay, I likely won't buy it now until it's pre-owned for under £20 near the end of 2014 as it slips under my radar due to GTAV, Pokemon X and Y, etc).

Virtual Console titles can be played entirely on the gamepad and the emulation is good and it's easy to make save states and such, though I've only got Balloon Fight. I do hope the VC fleshes out well this time, Nintendo should really push a load of classics out ASAP and consider some HD remakes, Mario 64 remade from the ground up would be a pretty swish thing methinx, but they do need to work on new IP's and new titles for existing IP's.

Very happy with the Wii U itself, but the lack of titles stings a bit when things get pushed back, partially because I've finished Mario Bros and it's just collecting coins and star road left (it'll keep me going and the game took me a good 12-15 hours to finish!), ZombiU is survival horror and thus I need to find good stretches of uninterupted time (no girlfriend, nobody around, can just lock myself up with a game) to really get my teeth into it, same as why I've never got into Dead Space though I'm working on the first as I type, and Tekken is a frustration vs fun thing for me and it's only fun in short bursts since I took a long hiatus from fighters and now SUCK at them.

At least the PS3 has me covered with Sly 4 at the end of march (isn't it out in the US now?....... stupid random delay for no good reason...). I really want Sly 4... and there's a few good 3DS games looming on the horizon.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
OlasDAlmighty said:
I think what he's saying makes sense, there are some things you simply can't demonstrate properly through word of mouth or videos, perhaps people are ignoring the benefits of the extra screen because most of us haven't actually tried playing games with it yet. The 3Ds had a similar problem though at least with that most people had seen 3D before in movies and such. But of course since it's a Nintendo console let's completely distort what he's sating to make it sound like he's blaming gamers for his own incompetence and then dump all over him and the console for it.
The Wii U gamepad is great to use, they really need to set up demo units in stores. Game where I live is terrible for it as they only ever have a 360 setup for demo.

The Wii U is something you need to use before you can really judge it effectively, demo units would solve the problem and I think that's what the guy means to say, though I'm pissed off at Ubisoft at the moment anyway.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Sylveria said:
Gmans uncle said:
The WiiU is going to "win" this console generation, there's no doubt in my mind, after Sony patented it's disturbing anti-used games system, and the rumors that Microsoft may be doing the same, the WiiU will be the only place to play used games, do you know how many games enthusiasts will JUMP on the WiiU if Sony and Microsoft really are both removing an absolutely integral part of the games market?
Mark my words, the WiiU WILL reap the crop of Sony and Microsoft's failure.
If the PS4 and Xbox720 rumors are true, then you're probably right. The core gaming demographic typically uses the money from selling old games to buy new games. The vast majority of the video game enthusiasts are not going to buy a console where the concept of ownership is stripped from them and the games are still costing $60. The Playstation and Xbox will only remain attractive to the hardest of the hard-core, people who can and do buy their games new on launch day and never sell them whether they like them or not. With only a few exceptions, I predict every developer and publisher would face financial disaster or run screaming to Nintendo because the average person is not going to buy a $60 game they can never sell.
Allow me to step in as somebody who largely purchases games brand new, and very rarely trades anything in ever, because often I play half a game and finish it six months later unless it's something relatively short. (I'll beat CoD in a week or a good platformer, something around that 10 hour mark, but RPG's or sandboxes that require time, or survival horror that requires me to be in the right mood for it, I'll take months to get through) I am highly unlikely to be harmed by the decisinon to block out used games.

But, if used games are blocked, I will simply not buy the console because I like the option and I'm a bit of a retro enthusiast. If your console is no good in ten years because the servers are gone and I can't play used games, you can fuck off. I also find that principal of selling a licence and not a product to be utterly disgusting.

(For other things I find off putting here's a list: diminishing value of single player, lack of splitscreen experiences when the co-op IS RIGHT THERE, expensive DLC that doesn't really deserve it's price tag, selling a game unfinished to make a buck on DLC (Lords of Shadow, AC2), on-disk DLC/ULC (unless the DLC is patched in automatically and you thn buy the code, thats fine it's a convenience then), the steady rate at which games just aren't a whole product at release (for some reason, nothing this past gen has really screamed to me that it's a glorious shining completely finished product, because you can just patch it and flog DLC later))/angrymode


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
We're back to <url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ1qXJD76wg>this shit again? It's been so long!
That was my first reaction to the thread title, but then I realized it is Ubisoft saying it and not Nintendo. It does change the situation a little.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
SkarKrow said:
Um, why do you love my response? xD I'm glad I'm becoming recognisable at last, might be to do with the abject lack of employment.

The gamepad is interesting and the fact it's a full controller as well as all the fancy stuff are big points in it's favour, it can just be used to play off the TV, or for something simple like menus and maps being streamlined.

ZombiU is hit and miss with it, it's also decidedly survival horror above anything else, combat is difficult and a touch repetitive but you should avoid it anyway. The gamepad is used for your map and radar and management while everything goes on in real time and it works really well, you genuinely check between screens and mildly panic if you see something shuffling in the shadows while you're faffing about looting a corpse. Thats a stroke of genius to me but it doesn't translate to things like unboarding doors or opening manholes, which are reduced to "Tap the screen" over and over until it happens, and it's more annoying than anything else, it might have been less so had you had to maybe flick at the nails on the board to pull them out for example. It just seems unimaginative and I know that it's there to add that panic element due to the momentary vulnerability it creates, but because it's so dull as "tap the screen!" it falls flat. The rest of the game is pretty solid though and it's definately fun to play, the multiplayer is grand too even though it's local only, it presdents tonnes of opportunity to be a dick to the other player.

Mario Bros U you can play on the touch screen and some dude can make platforms in multiplayer, otherwise the gamepad is unused in it. No idea ow it's used in Tekken, nor The Cave (demo), Rayman Legends makes some neat uses of it and I'm sure there's videos up on youtube about it (really annoyed by the 7 month delay, I likely won't buy it now until it's pre-owned for under £20 near the end of 2014 as it slips under my radar due to GTAV, Pokemon X and Y, etc).

Virtual Console titles can be played entirely on the gamepad and the emulation is good and it's easy to make save states and such, though I've only got Balloon Fight. I do hope the VC fleshes out well this time, Nintendo should really push a load of classics out ASAP and consider some HD remakes, Mario 64 remade from the ground up would be a pretty swish thing methinx, but they do need to work on new IP's and new titles for existing IP's.

Very happy with the Wii U itself, but the lack of titles stings a bit when things get pushed back, partially because I've finished Mario Bros and it's just collecting coins and star road left (it'll keep me going and the game took me a good 12-15 hours to finish!), ZombiU is survival horror and thus I need to find good stretches of uninterupted time (no girlfriend, nobody around, can just lock myself up with a game) to really get my teeth into it, same as why I've never got into Dead Space though I'm working on the first as I type, and Tekken is a frustration vs fun thing for me and it's only fun in short bursts since I took a long hiatus from fighters and now SUCK at them.

At least the PS3 has me covered with Sly 4 at the end of march (isn't it out in the US now?....... stupid random delay for no good reason...). I really want Sly 4... and there's a few good 3DS games looming on the horizon.
Don't make it sound awkward :). I either find your posts interesting since it usually has some useful info, and it's amusing how you express yourself.

I'm aware now of all the gamepads uses (well, not in future), but I still have issues with it so I'd still rather use the pro controller. However, if the game really interests I may just deal with it. I said before I don't believe it's a bad controller, but it does make me focus more on the controller than usual. If (when) I do get a WiiU, I will most likely hire ZombiU a long with most games before buying. Like I said, I'll even test it to make 100% sure.

The virtual console might be a big selling point to me if they get certain classic games I want. I ended playing WiiWare titles more than Wii games on the Wii in the end since there are so many of them, and some of them are just that amazing. However, I honestly disliked the new design changes on the remakes of some popular titles. I wouldn't mind just a HD update though, but the remake on Ocarina of Time on the 3DS disgusts me.

I have so many games I want to play through all the time (I want to play the previous Sly games too) and that's because work and school keep using up all my time and energy. Not only that, but I still buy lots of albums and films and they take up a lot of time as well. Guess I can't complain, I'm spoiled with all this entertainment, but the WiiU will have to wait. At some point we'll be able to discuss the games, I'll let you know when I get one.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Nazulu said:
Don't make it sound awkward :). I either find your posts interesting since it usually has some useful info, and it's amusing how you express yourself.

I'm aware now of all the gamepads uses (well, not in future), but I still have issues with it so I'd still rather use the pro controller. However, if the game really interests I may just deal with it. I said before I don't believe it's a bad controller, but it does make me focus more on the controller than usual. If (when) I do get a WiiU, I will most likely hire ZombiU a long with most games before buying. Like I said, I'll even test it to make 100% sure.

The virtual console might be a big selling point to me if they get certain classic games I want. I ended playing WiiWare titles more than Wii games on the Wii in the end since there are so many of them, and some of them are just that amazing. However, I honestly disliked the new design changes on the remakes of some popular titles. I wouldn't mind just a HD update though, but the remake on Ocarina of Time on the 3DS disgusts me.

I have so many games I want to play through all the time (I want to play the previous Sly games too) and that's because work and school keep using up all my time and energy. Not only that, but I still buy lots of albums and films and they take up a lot of time as well. Guess I can't complain, I'm spoiled with all this entertainment, but the WiiU will have to wait. At some point we'll be able to discuss the games, I'll let you know when I get one.
Not that awkward lol. Fair enough.

It's kind of awkward at first but once you find a nice way to hold it it becomes rather natural. Might take a while though, took me 10 minutes or so to get comfy and about an hour or two to really adjust to it.

There are a fair few demos for games actually on the eShop and I think ZombiU is among them, but ZombiU is a thing that will either make you hate it or scratch an oh so rarely scratched itch. Honestly I have no school or work at the moment and the lack of anything constructive to do is a detriment to how much I play games, because it feels less like a reward and more like wasting my time, though I suppose wasting time on the forum is a much bigger misuse of my time.

The previous Sly games come highly recommended, the first is a wonderful platformer and it's sequels have a very unique brand of stealthy platforming and a great cheesy saturday morning cartoon vibe that all adds up to something any 80's or 90's child will be able to take something away from with ease.

Whats so bad about Ocarina 3D? I'm yet to play Ocarina of Time in any form to be honest but it's worth noting my Zelda tastes are unconventional. (Minish Cap is my favourite, then Wind Waker, then Link to the Past and Skyward Sword are joint 3rd.)


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
SkarKrow said:
Nazulu said:
Don't make it sound awkward :). I either find your posts interesting since it usually has some useful info, and it's amusing how you express yourself.

I'm aware now of all the gamepads uses (well, not in future), but I still have issues with it so I'd still rather use the pro controller. However, if the game really interests I may just deal with it. I said before I don't believe it's a bad controller, but it does make me focus more on the controller than usual. If (when) I do get a WiiU, I will most likely hire ZombiU a long with most games before buying. Like I said, I'll even test it to make 100% sure.

The virtual console might be a big selling point to me if they get certain classic games I want. I ended playing WiiWare titles more than Wii games on the Wii in the end since there are so many of them, and some of them are just that amazing. However, I honestly disliked the new design changes on the remakes of some popular titles. I wouldn't mind just a HD update though, but the remake on Ocarina of Time on the 3DS disgusts me.

I have so many games I want to play through all the time (I want to play the previous Sly games too) and that's because work and school keep using up all my time and energy. Not only that, but I still buy lots of albums and films and they take up a lot of time as well. Guess I can't complain, I'm spoiled with all this entertainment, but the WiiU will have to wait. At some point we'll be able to discuss the games, I'll let you know when I get one.
Not that awkward lol. Fair enough.

It's kind of awkward at first but once you find a nice way to hold it it becomes rather natural. Might take a while though, took me 10 minutes or so to get comfy and about an hour or two to really adjust to it.

There are a fair few demos for games actually on the eShop and I think ZombiU is among them, but ZombiU is a thing that will either make you hate it or scratch an oh so rarely scratched itch. Honestly I have no school or work at the moment and the lack of anything constructive to do is a detriment to how much I play games, because it feels less like a reward and more like wasting my time, though I suppose wasting time on the forum is a much bigger misuse of my time.

The previous Sly games come highly recommended, the first is a wonderful platformer and it's sequels have a very unique brand of stealthy platforming and a great cheesy saturday morning cartoon vibe that all adds up to something any 80's or 90's child will be able to take something away from with ease.

Whats so bad about Ocarina 3D? I'm yet to play Ocarina of Time in any form to be honest but it's worth noting my Zelda tastes are unconventional. (Minish Cap is my favourite, then Wind Waker, then Link to the Past and Skyward Sword are joint 3rd.)
I used the gamepad for over an hour, but who knows, maybe that isn't enough for me to adjust to it. Everyones mind works differently and I rather like than dislike things. Of course I will try it again, and not with just one game.

ZombiU will go through my 20 minute rule, which is: if I don't enjoy any part of it in that time then I don't give a shit any more. Does that sound fair to you? I wish school didn't use up my time otherwise I would have gone through most of my collection already.

I haven't played any of the Sly games yet, so thanks for the recommendation. I haven't heard any thing bad about them yet, and I've been researching them too.

Now Ocarina 3D has had very little but big changes in design and lighting. Some prefer it because they like the sharper detail, but to me they made some of the characters and other things look dopy, and the change in lighting just screws with the atmosphere and feeling they were trying to originaly convey. How the hell could they think this was a good idea? I don't understand at all why they felt they felt it was necessary to change the character designs and lighting. I'm sure there are many that don't give a damn, but to me this is ridiculous, you never ever change the original art. Games are very complex and every little bit matters. I should write a letter.

I wouldn't say your Zelda tastes are that unconvential, all your choices are popular for a reason.

Bleidd Whitefalcon

New member
Mar 8, 2012
...really, Ubisoft? REALLY? What could possibly make you think that insulting the people who give you money is a good idea? Seriously. What are your PR guys smoking to approve this?

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Nazulu said:
I used the gamepad for over an hour, but who knows, maybe that isn't enough for me to adjust to it. Everyones mind works differently and I rather like than dislike things. Of course I will try it again, and not with just one game.

ZombiU will go through my 20 minute rule, which is: if I don't enjoy any part of it in that time then I don't give a shit any more. Does that sound fair to you? I wish school didn't use up my time otherwise I would have gone through most of my collection already.

I haven't played any of the Sly games yet, so thanks for the recommendation. I haven't heard any thing bad about them yet, and I've been researching them too.

Now Ocarina 3D has had very little but big changes in design and lighting. Some prefer it because they like the sharper detail, but to me they made some of the characters and other things look dopy, and the change in lighting just screws with the atmosphere and feeling they were trying to originaly convey. How the hell could they think this was a good idea? I don't understand at all why they felt they felt it was necessary to change the character designs and lighting. I'm sure there are many that don't give a damn, but to me this is ridiculous, you never ever change the original art. Games are very complex and every little bit matters. I should write a letter.

I wouldn't say your Zelda tastes are that unconvential, all your choices are popular for a reason.
It's a touch odd to hold, I think Nintendo intends a four finger approach to the shoulders but that's not very natural to me so i kinda have my index fingers on the side of the gamepad just on the L and R buttons and then I can grip the triggers more comfortably. I always find a way to hold it comfortably. If the classic controller is an option I'll use that because it has a battery life of forever though.

I'm not sure if thats enough time for ZombiU to sink in, it definately has about that long before the training wheels come off and you'll have killed one or two zombies by then and had a bit of a look around. Everything you've heard about stuff taking forever to die from the cricket bat is pretty much true, but combat is often avoidable in some way or if you've been smart there are faster ways (flares and molotovs...). If you're a fan of Dead Space style horror, or Left 4 Dead style horror, thats about hordes and panic and things going to shit this does not provide that. This is more the silent hill and old-school resident evil approach, you wander around, get lost a lot, stuff is hard to kill and single mindedly aggressive and very capable of killing you, it's atmospheric and it preys on your fear of being grabbed, if that kind of horror appeals you'll love it. Oh and the multiplayer is a lot of fun. It's a matter of taste, I like both styles of horror and the latter is a rare treat.

No problem, I also recommend the MGS HD Collection and the Jak & Daxter HD collection.

Interesting, I may have to enquire further about it but I've never played the original Ocarina of time. Never had an N64, I have played Majoras Mask though and meh. Way too easy to not have a clue what the hell you're meant to be doing.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
SkarKrow said:
Nazulu said:
I used the gamepad for over an hour, but who knows, maybe that isn't enough for me to adjust to it. Everyones mind works differently and I rather like than dislike things. Of course I will try it again, and not with just one game.

ZombiU will go through my 20 minute rule, which is: if I don't enjoy any part of it in that time then I don't give a shit any more. Does that sound fair to you? I wish school didn't use up my time otherwise I would have gone through most of my collection already.

I haven't played any of the Sly games yet, so thanks for the recommendation. I haven't heard any thing bad about them yet, and I've been researching them too.

Now Ocarina 3D has had very little but big changes in design and lighting. Some prefer it because they like the sharper detail, but to me they made some of the characters and other things look dopy, and the change in lighting just screws with the atmosphere and feeling they were trying to originaly convey. How the hell could they think this was a good idea? I don't understand at all why they felt they felt it was necessary to change the character designs and lighting. I'm sure there are many that don't give a damn, but to me this is ridiculous, you never ever change the original art. Games are very complex and every little bit matters. I should write a letter.

I wouldn't say your Zelda tastes are that unconvential, all your choices are popular for a reason.
It's a touch odd to hold, I think Nintendo intends a four finger approach to the shoulders but that's not very natural to me so i kinda have my index fingers on the side of the gamepad just on the L and R buttons and then I can grip the triggers more comfortably. I always find a way to hold it comfortably. If the classic controller is an option I'll use that because it has a battery life of forever though.

I'm not sure if thats enough time for ZombiU to sink in, it definately has about that long before the training wheels come off and you'll have killed one or two zombies by then and had a bit of a look around. Everything you've heard about stuff taking forever to die from the cricket bat is pretty much true, but combat is often avoidable in some way or if you've been smart there are faster ways (flares and molotovs...). If you're a fan of Dead Space style horror, or Left 4 Dead style horror, thats about hordes and panic and things going to shit this does not provide that. This is more the silent hill and old-school resident evil approach, you wander around, get lost a lot, stuff is hard to kill and single mindedly aggressive and very capable of killing you, it's atmospheric and it preys on your fear of being grabbed, if that kind of horror appeals you'll love it. Oh and the multiplayer is a lot of fun. It's a matter of taste, I like both styles of horror and the latter is a rare treat.

No problem, I also recommend the MGS HD Collection and the Jak & Daxter HD collection.

Interesting, I may have to enquire further about it but I've never played the original Ocarina of time. Never had an N64, I have played Majoras Mask though and meh. Way too easy to not have a clue what the hell you're meant to be doing.
This is where video games beat movies for me (not in writing thought). Horror games always work for me. I just get scared too easily. It literally takes me seconds to get immersed some times, even if the game doesn't have much atmosphere. All those games you mentioned, they scared the shit out of me. Even the haunted mansion levels in Super Mario World played up on my fears.

I will extend the rule if I feel I haven't seen enough, but I believe the intro should be one of the most important things in a game. So in 20 minutes I should have found some thing I could call fun.

Holy Shit! I didn't know there was a MGS and J&K HD collection. I'll look into that, thanks again.

I'll get you video comparing the new and old OoT and you can judge for yourself. If it doesn't seem like a big deal, do what you like, I'm not going to hold it against you. However, Ocarina of Time is an amazing game in it's own way (I'm a little surprised you haven't played it honestly). I reckon it's best to experience the original, how it was intended.

There you go. It just shows the start screen so no spoilers. Of course there are more that follows.

You know my opinion on it. I can't even see why people would prefer the new one. It's always going to boggle my mind how people can't see how bland the new looks. Even when the start logo pops up, it's poorly designed and is sharpened so much it just looks out of place. Ok, I'm done. Sorry for that.


New member
May 5, 2012
I think the console is based upon a retarded premise and I think nintendo are lazy, so I didn't want it. If that means I don't "understand" it then call me Mr. Retard McSpasticpants.


New member
Jul 24, 2012

Drop the price, (It's power is on par with PS3/XBOX- can't be that difficult to drop the price)- they just aren't used to it because of the ridiculous success of the original NDS and Wii

Exclusives. When they come out people will pay attention. A good zelda-not a remake. etc etc.

Get some reluctant Dev's on your side. Short term deal where Nintendo take a reduced cut of each unit or something just to get the ball rolling. ORR dropping the price and shifting units will make them pay attention

How about some adverts. I have not seen one advert on UK tv


New member
Nov 27, 2010
A lot of people brought up good points for why it isn't selling and though those are my concerns for not getting it I do have another concern that perhaps someone could enlighten me about. Every time I look at the controller I think that looks awfully heavy to hold for prolonged periods of time, so how heavy is the thing?


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Frostbyte666 said:
A lot of people brought up good points for why it isn't selling and though those are my concerns for not getting it I do have another concern that perhaps someone could enlighten me about. Every time I look at the controller I think that looks awfully heavy to hold for prolonged periods of time, so how heavy is the thing?
Coming from a big skeptic, I didn't find it heavy at all. Hell! I found the Wii-mote heavier.

I recommend you get a hold of it before buying it though, and there's a pro controller you could use for most games instead that you may want to look at, just incase the gamepad isn't your thing. It isn't mine honestly.

Stavros Dimou

New member
Mar 15, 2011
I've passed by a store to buy a game for my PC,and I noticed they had 3 WiiU systems there for people to try them out.
Only one was occupied,the other two where standing without anybody playing with them. And I didn't get excited to play with it either.
When I saw a Wii for the first time it was also in a public place,and it was not only occupied by 2 people playing the Boxing mini game of Wii Sports,but there was a whole line waiting to get the controllers on their hands. And I could see by looking at the faces of those who played Wii Sports that really enjoyed it. But WiiU stands uninteresting.
There where more people standing before a screen watching trailers of games like Far Cry 3,Dragonborn DLC etc,than playing with WiiU. People who weren't of the 'original' or 'core' crowd that reads gaming news and researches gaming,thought it was just another tablet imitation of iPad,that just can be connected to a TV. They didn't even seemed to notice that there was an actual home console hooked up to the TV.

So yes,perhaps Nintendo hasn't communicated what the system is to the general casual crowd. To them it doesn't look like anything fresh,but actually like an imitation of Apple's products. Now why do 'core' gamers weren't interested in playing with it ? Who knows ? My guess is that WiiU doesn't have something to excite them and make them want to play with it.
When people seem to be enjoying more WATCHING trailers of ps3/xbox360/PC games than PLAYING WiiU games,well I think the message is pretty clear: WiiU doesn't have anything special to grab the attention of gamers. Neither its hardware all alone does,neither the games that have come out for it. So it seems that the only thing Nintendo can do to start getting WiiU to sell more,is to make GOOD games for it.But I don't know if Nintendo's own games only are going to convince the core crowd to get one such system. Nintendo fans will do,those who've been following Mario since Super Mario Bros will some time sooner or later get a WiiU,but what about those who aren't the biggest fans of Mario and Zelda ?
I really think WiiU's special hardware feature missed,it didn't captured the imagination and thought of people. So in comparison to Wii,WiiU will have less sales because it is missing that factor. What can save WiiU and Nintendo has to do to make this console relevant is good games. But where are they ? I don't see them.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
He's got the right point but I think it's pointed at the wrong people.
I still believe the reason gamers don't give the WiiU (and the Wii for that matter) a chance it the poor selection of games for it.
It is a large part of why the PS2 is so loved today still it had a massive game library and while games pretty much follow Sturgeon's law, the larger the library, the larger those 10% are.

And that's the developers fault, they are the ones who did/does not want to "play with it" and explore the possibilities, and therefore we do not get any games that use the hardware in a way that would sell both consoles and games.

On the other hand, any game that took properly advantage of the Nintendo machines would not be able to run on the other two consoles, without heavy modifications and apparently there's not that many developers who wants to make exclusives any more.
Either that or they just listened to the wrong forums, I mean the wii outsold all other consoles of its generation and somehow it still wasn't that attractive to make games for (I know, I know; Nintendo have some really weird guidelines for releases but still)