Any DRM System where pirates are better off than paying customers is counter intuitive. A pirated copy needs no online connection and because its a single player game there is no reason not to copy it, you can also run it off your hard drive with a no cd patch and make as many copies as you want. And if you can spare the bandwidth you can have it for free.
Paying customers? well who knows what new restriction they will patch in? unless your servers go offline. In which case they (and they alone) are screwed. I mean never mind people who get it for free, your PAYING customers will pirate the game now. This is a DRM system that INTRODUCES loyal fans to the world of piracy and FORCES them to master it. I postulate that this hasn't just lost them buyers but CONVERTED the faithful to pirates, and that's a loss to everyone. Cept us pirates, we win. But what the hell does that mean anyway? Isint piracy supposed to be a symptom?(like all crime)
In the end ubisoft aren't just killing it for themselves, they're killing everything for everybody. Pirates don't make games and don't pay the people who do. If everyone who has the brains to prate is forced to by shit like this, the only games that anyone will buy (and thus fund) will be stupid games for stupid people. And that will be the end of it all, Puzzle bobble and bejeweled 14 will be all anyone knows and things like mass effect and halo and modern warfare and warcraft three and EVERYTHING, all of it! final fantasy, Alan wake and everything else you ever loved, you ever cared about. All of it will be pillaged and burn, remembered solely as games golden age before the crash. You'll be scouring amazon for 4th hand copies of games you've played a thousand times before. An ever diminishing supply.
Piracy Must be fought, Pirates must lose, we must be banished to the dark fringes of society and civilization, we must be kept at bay by a force greater than ourselves. we must be scattered and live outcast. For the rule of pirates is no rule at all, Greed sows no seed and reaps no harvest. And this? This is not an answer.
Pirates, Or more astutely scavengers and archivers who are by law called pirates. Who make their homes in the abandoned places and loot the treasures of the long forgotten, they have a place, but it is not at the forefront, not like this.