Personally, I don't see what this has over Rock Band 3's pro mode. A decent electric guitar would run you about as much as the new Stratocaster they just put out (which in itself is a working guitar, albeit midi). Now, as a person who actually owns a real electric guitar but lacks the initiative to learn how to play it on my own, I still think this wouldn't be worth it. For one, I remember this exact concept being announced a good 4 years ago, under the name "Guitar Rising" - the studio claimed they were having note recognition problems, and nothing's been heard of it since '08. Ubisoft may have more funding to put into such a project than the unknowns handling Guitar Rising, but I have my doubts about the stability and accuracy of their system, whereas with Rock Band 3 I know that it will recognize my fingering accurately because the controller was intentionally designed for that. Then consider that Rock Band 3 has support for other instruments, including other such 'pro' instruments; that it already has, as of today, 118 tracks with pro guitar support; and that their Music Store is an existing back-end for providing new download tracks with a proven history of consistent updates. Honestly, this was a great idea when I first heard it four years ago, but now it's just too little, too late.