UK Ad Agency: Mass Effect 3 Advertising "Not Misleading"


New member
Oct 19, 2011
SageRuffin said:
Pfft, I just say fuck all this. Fuck canon, fuck goofy-looking character models, fuck the Starchild, fuck Reapers, fuck Cerberus, fuck indoctrination, fuck the Alliance, fuck Andersen, fuck Shepard, fuck everything.

I have my own version with my own protagonist (one who throws 'bows indiscriminately and drops more F-bombs than in the previous paragraph), and no one can change that. Not even BioWare. And really, I'm more upset at the presentation of the game rather than the actual content - I mean, c'mon... "Galaxy at War"? Fuck that.

Zydrate said:
It was made for speculation.
I like to think they just rebuilt/fixed the relays (Because I find it unlikely that they went unstudied, I know how we humans are. We study the shit out of everything).
Maybe it took a few years or more, either way, I like to think the universe was united again.

And fuck the Stargazer. I mentally retconned his ass.
Behold, the power of the imagination. I think some of you have forgotten what that is...

After all, when worst comes to worst, nothing's stopping you from picking up a pen, or firing up that word processor...
You sir, are a genius


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Aug 17, 2009
Buretsu said:
Emiscary said:
Anyone remember when the BBB reached the exact opposite conclusion? I do.
Anyone remember that it was some random employee of the BBB that said only that "It had some merit", and not an official statement of the Bureau itself? Because some people obviously don't.
If it proves their point, who CARES about context?!


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Yeah, thats great they can't get sued. Too bad it doesn't change the fact that the ending (specifically Gilligan's Island) is bunch of bullshit. But what really pissed me off was the fact they couldn't even admit it was crap and hid behind their "artistic integrity".


Silly Deerthing
Feb 13, 2011
PurePareidolia said:
I still disagree with the ruling, if only due to the implications of Arrival DLC. Regardless of how thematically different each colour is, the fact remains that in every ending, the mass relays are destroyed meaning every system with them in it is destroyed, especially Earth (the citadel is also a mass relay). This means that all three choices are a slightly different coloured apocalypse, so yes, in fact your choices do all end up as the same thing anyway.
There are two in game logical reasons why that doesn't matter.

1) The Mass Relay in Arrival was very different in terms of power compared to other Mass Relays. Remember, Reapers were going to JUMP to this relay (and no other) and by destroying it delayed the Reapers by 2 years. Which means that this Mass Relay must have had a lot of power behind it to be able to allow such a large jump. Its even reported that the Batarian Hegemony knew of the power of this Relay, fearing the worst if it got out just how powerful this Relay was.

2) We see the SOL mass relays discharging its energy off too the other relay, allowing for the plausible ideal that what energy is left, isn't enough to wipe out the system.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Snotnarok said:
I can't believe that people are still whining about the ending.
Go read the story about the guy writing about how nice america is and how he got shot by a random person while he was hitchhiking. What kind of control did he have over that.

And the ending really wasn't that bad, it wasn't great but come on. Let's compare it to this

You think that's bad?
OT: And this is why I believe in the Indoctrination Theory. It's nice to take a break from hating things once in a while. ^_^

Evil Alpaca

New member
May 22, 2010
I kinda get the impression that this whole issue of "Bioware is lying" comes from the fact that they don't normally build the hype with one of this world promises like other companies do... Mr. Molyneux.

Personally, I think the ending is one of the worst endings I have ever played but I don't think Bioware lied in their advertising. False advertising comes from selling services of a product that exists, not one in development that only exist in potential. Would you sue Blizzard because Starcraft: Ghost never came out; did they lie?

Really, I'm kinda surprised Bioware is even touching ME3 again. Since they are not changing the ending, nothing they do is going to appease people and its only going to dredge up the disappointment and arguments about why the game has a bad ending. Why not let it die, and then they can come back to it later.

Ham Blitz

New member
May 28, 2009
cursedseishi said:
I call bull.
The EMS affected nothing really EXCEPT for that 3-5 seconds of a chest for only one ending.
I've seen all the endings, the only thematic difference is what part of the RGB spectrum Bioware focused on.

And the Geth/Quarian and Genophage bits are negated by the endings as well, seeing as all the races get stuck in the collective pile of crap no matter how you chose to resolve a war or cure a disease.
Not entirely true. The amount of EMS can affect what ending choices you have, and some of there outcomes. The most depressing example of this is if you have extremely minimal amounts of EMS at the end, you are offered only the destroy all synthetics ending, but not only does it do that, the red explosion literally kills everything it touches, and since that goes through all the relays... Yeah, not a happy ending.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Murmillos said:
1) The Mass Relay in Arrival was very different in terms of power compared to other Mass Relays. Remember, Reapers were going to JUMP to this relay (and no other) and by destroying it delayed the Reapers by 2 years. Which means that this Mass Relay must have had a lot of power behind it to be able to allow such a large jump. Its even reported that the Batarian Hegemony knew of the power of this Relay, fearing the worst if it got out just how powerful this Relay was.
How do you know this?
The reapers had no way of super-FTL travel without the mass relays, in fact the first game pretty clearly established they couldn't perform relay jumps from dark space to anywhere other than the citadel, which was locked to them. In fact they were going to jump FROM it to the citadel to enact their usual plan. Destroying it slowed them because they had to travel to the next one at conventional speeds, not because it was a property of the relay, at which point they could travel between them with impunity. At no point in Arrival where they were explaining this property did they say the destruction of this relay was in any way atypical, nor at any point during Mass Effect 3 did they mention this. In either case, the citadel (a giant mass relay, plus the conduit which was also a mass relay) was stationed above Earth when it was destroyed, so if any relay were to go out with a bang it would be that. Either way, earth got nuked.

Do you have an actual citation for this or is this just something you heard?

Murmillos said:
2) We see the SOL mass relays discharging its energy off too the other relay, allowing for the plausible ideal that what energy is left, isn't enough to wipe out the system.
I got the impression it was relaying the energy from the catalyst, which was established by Hackett early on to be able to produce ludicrous amounts of it, and the strain overloaded them. But assuming that's true and the activation of the catalyst does in fact drain the power of the relays (which was never explained, the star child said "destroy" not "depower" or "drain") then we're left with the "everyone starves to death far from their homes with no way of getting back" scenario, which is a bit slower.

Of course I'd contest this given the shot of the galaxy with GIANT MULTICOLOURED FTL EXPLOSIONS visible from several lightyears away, meaning that if they didn't kill everyone (likely) then they at least blinded everyone because they're brighter than most supernovae. I mean, that much energy to maintain a coherent sphere of colour at that distance, that fast, even if it were a time lapse would be astronomical. Even if those weren't mass relay explosions, anyone caught in them would be incinerated if only because thermodynamics demands a portion of the energy be lost as heat

There's just no way the galaxy is coming out of that unscathed.

animehermit said:
That is unconfirmed whether or not the Relays actually explode. They don't appear to in the cutscene, and we only know they explode when a GIANT FUCKING ASTEROID hits them. Which is what tends to happen with any situation when a giant fuckign asteroid hits something.
Hit something with a giant rock, you smash it, you don't necessarily make it go supernova.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
So glad about that. The claim was ridiculous.

The game as a whole is the ending to the trilogy. The game has differences depending on your choices in earlier games. Deal with it.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
animehermit said:
doggie015 said:
animehermit said:
PurePareidolia said:
I still disagree with the ruling, if only due to the implications of Arrival DLC. Regardless of how thematically different each colour is, the fact remains that in every ending, the mass relays are destroyed meaning every system with them in it is destroyed, especially Earth (the citadel is also a mass relay). This means that all three choices are a slightly different coloured apocalypse, so yes, in fact your choices do all end up as the same thing anyway.
That is unconfirmed whether or not the Relays actually explode. They don't appear to in the cutscene, and we only know they explode when a GIANT FUCKING ASTEROID hits them. Which is what tends to happen with any situation when a giant fuckign asteroid hits something.
Actually, you can see debris from the local relay after the explosion except for in one color of ending where it appears to be damaged but debris is not viable
They don't actually explode though, they just appear to fall apart.

EDIT: I mean just compare the two of them:

not really the same explosion.
Yes well, the Reapers at the end of Mass Effect 2 all look different while the Reapers in Mass Effect 3 all look the same. I think it's safe to say that they could have not just checked and if the explosion wasn't the same, they did a very bad job of making that clear, another reason why people hate the endings, the facts are all muddled up.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
trty00 said:
I don't care, I'm going to buy the extended cut DLC, I'm probably going to enjoy it, and I'm going to be more mindful in the future. This game could serve as the centre-piece of a fable, I'm telling ya.
the DLC is free. you dont pay a thing.

yeah, right. the endings are so totally different. my outcomes really mattered. BS...
?A payed them off of course.
?A never will get my money again. they piss me off to much and bioware can go to hell as well for delivering such crap and still claim its good and nothing wrong with the product.
ha, so over 90% of the customers are all idiots and the people who like the ending, still cant answer any of the questions we have.

i wait for the DLC, if it doesnt deliver, bye bye ME and i hope i never ever see you again.


New member
May 14, 2011
I love how it was described as "Quite thematically different" which is what everyone else in the world thought... Makes you wonder why EA would clear a completely different ending when the primary tend of the gaming industry is to produce samey crap. In this case, repetition would have replicated one of the greatest franchises in gaming history. Still confused about that one :S