UK Government to Recruit Soldiers Via Xbox Live

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
The Call of Duty franchise tends to paint an anti-war message in their games, even though it may be subtle in some instances. Imagine on the 'crawling around dead' level on CoD4 a banner saying 'Join the Army' came up. Besides, I highly doubt that advertisement of this caliber will make people want to join the army. A banner you half glance at wont do anything especially without justification behind it. People need a good reason to go fight a war and 'It's like this game' wont cut it for most.

dochmbi said:
Sometimes I think maybe I wanna join the army. I mean it's basically like FPS except better graphics, but what happens if I get lag out there? I'm dead! I mean, I even heard there's no respawn points in RL.
Pure Pwnge for the win!


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I think statistically the average modern "gamer" isn't twelve anymore. And just because they may be lardasses now doesn't mean they can't change quick. I never ran a mile in my life before boot camp, but I was... "Motivated", lets say.

As far as jobs go, support outnumbers combat arms by a significant margin. I'll quote the former Commandant of the Marine Corps here:
"I still need Marines who can shoot and salute. But I need Marines who can fix jet engines and man sophisticated radar sets, as well." (General Robert E. Cushman, Jr., USMC Commandant of the Marine Corps, 17 May 1974)

I don't see a problem with these ads. They aren't forcing anyone to join, but, if the UK military is anything like the US, they are offering these kids a chance to get their fat asses off a couch and get a stable job for a few years.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
Imagine if you will, an entire army of 14 year old twits who shout all day long into a microphone and assume teabag positions whenever possible.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I dont like the way this is heading probaly in the line of UK soldier yelling: "BOOM HEADSOT!!!!111!ONE!!!!" or something like that