UK Retailer Allegedly Discriminates Against Jedi

Electric Gel

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Isn't being a jedi all about blending in, not looking out of place etc. I thought they all wore poor peoples hoods and cloaks becuase that fitted in with the fashion of the times. So from a jedis standpoint he should be wearing jeans and a t shirt.
Feb 13, 2008
The real problem is that the Jedi himself is in breach of the traditions. Most of the "True" Jedi have come out condemning him for his actions and the "Drunk Vader" video they had done some time ago.

For once, I'm with Tesco's on this one.
Jul 11, 2008
Doc Theta Sigma said:
I can understand where Tesco are coming from. It's the same in most UK stores. I guess the point is if you stole something wearing a hood it'd be hard to identify you using CCTV. The same for not wearing sunglasses in some stores.
it'd be pretty easy to identify the only guy in jedi robes
Aug 4, 2009
Having never heard of "The International Church of Jediism ", all I can say is AHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAHHHAAAAAAAA, and.......well....... pretty much that.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."


New member
Apr 12, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
"I told them it was a requirement of my religion but they just sniggered and ordered me to leave ... I walked past a Muslim lady in a veil. Surely the same rules should apply to everyone."
Because that's a clever thing to say... "Islam and the novelty-religion-of-jedi are equally venerable"... Jedi Jihad anyone?

Points to Tesco for not giving in.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Machines Are Us said:
Ignoring the obvious criticisms of Jedi being a 'religion' I don't recall any of the Star Wars characters insisting upon having their hoods up in every crowded areas.
Ya wasn't it quite the opposite when they ran into big crowds. Didn't they usually remove thier hoods when they were in front of crowds. My memory could be fuzzy but it usually was they wore thier hoods when they were alone and took them off when they reached other people. Or kicked some ass.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
[blockquote] I walked past a Muslim lady in a veil. Surely the same rules should apply to everyone."[/blockquote]

Not to you they don't.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Hmmm... I think I may have a solution for Tesco. Just have them claim their business is in league with the Sith! Their business would be protected from refusing service to Jedis(pural spelling?), due to a conflict with the companies moral beliefs. I'm not sure about other countries, but in America some businesses (particularly in the medical field) can get away with refusing due to a conflict in morals.

*shrugs* Just a suggestion.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
"UK Retailer Allegedly Discriminates Against Jedi".

I don't even know where to begin.

Wow, to think you people took on the Nazis...and won.

What happened to you U.K.?

What went wrong?


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
No offense to anyone, but the jedi church makes my brain hurt because its a based on a fictional idea thought up by george lucas.

When thinking about it I oft times replace Han's response in this quote with my own.

Luke:You don't believe in the force do you?

Han:No...No I don't, now put that light saber away before you cut your own arm off or kill grandpa

[small]Disclaimer: I'm not racist, I hate every person equally regardless of race or religion[/small]


New member
Jan 27, 2009
I think I speak for most in saying that your religion sounds silly. I think most religions sound silly but damn...


Captain Hammer
Aug 14, 2008
"Jedi are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all went hoodless without going to the Dark Side. If Jedi walk around our stores with their hoods on, they'll miss lots of special offers."
Hahaha, okay that was a response I did NOT expect. Go go people with a sense of humor :D

No offense to anyone, but the jedi church makes my brain hurt because its a based on a fictional idea thought up by george lucas.
Well, considering what other religions claim it's not that stu-... okay you know what, people just enjoy going all flame-war on this religious stuff, so I'm not going to go there.

Also, I'm not against any religion in particular. Just all of them.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Sparrow said:
elvor0 said:
See this is why the PC in my country annoys me, I mean yeah the whole hood thing is kind of silly in itself, but the fact that Muslims and the like are allowed but he isnt is just silly, because Tesco know that if they did ask a Muslim to remove their veil they would be sued or put under immediate fire from the press, for something so simple as security measures in the event one of them did decide to steal something, surely allowing people to wonder around in veils where you cant see their face in a SHOP is a terrible security hole? Balaclavas or hockey masks would be counted as a security risk I'm sure, but the second Muslims are involved, ooh it's racism or discrimination.

Now, know I am not moaning at muslims here, in fact, quite the opposite, people in the UK are so PC about everything that companies are frightened to do anything for a logical reason due to non muslim (blacks, gays or whatever) suddenly shouting "DISCRIMINATION!", obviously i'm sure there are some people in said groups that have sued, but for the most part it's the non groups shouting over nothing, it's bloody stupid.

Sparrow said:
What a complete moron.

He thinks he should get the same rights as Muslims, when his relgion is based around a movie franchise. Muslims had to do alot of political fighting to get themselves recoginised in the UK, now this dick just went and completely undermined it.
However, I do ask what exactly gives them the right to do that? If you're not muslim you'd be arrested or made to leave by security for masking your face in public or in a shop/bank/whatever, but as soon as you're Muslim it's okay to create a massive hole in security procedures?
I would argue instead, what gives the government the right not to let them wear their hoods? It's part of their faith, which they pratice day in a day out with dedication, some even going as far to die for it.

This "Jedi" is just an attention grabbing whore.
If it is an officially registered religion, It deserves the same rights as any other religion. If it is not, Then he needs to get it registered for the future.

Tesco may be mocking, But (i hate taking the right wing "Sun View" on this) they wouldnt ask a woman with a Burkah to remove it. All this because of "religion".

I'm targeting Muslim vails because they hide identity, But i share the view across the board with religious symbols. They shouldn't be a right if security is a concern.

Say for example i made a religion & part of the religion is that you wash one a week. I wouldn't be able to get a job...well...Anywhere food related, in an office, Anywhere. Same example, but the rules instead where that you had to where a bike helmet everywhere, Its ludicrous to honor that in an airport, or in shops, Etc, Just for security.

Anybody with an ounce of common sense in this day & age should be able to see that religion shouldn't be held as high as it is nowadays.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
It's okay. Clearly he wasn't a REAL Jedi as he would have just used Force Persuasion to change their minds about letting him in.

Supreme Unleaded

New member
Aug 3, 2009
What the fuck do you practice in "jediism". Use the force, no, im not going to since the force doesnt exist.

I don't get it, how do you make a religeon OVER A MOVIE, now I used to be a total star wars fanatic, but this is just stupid. I can see where the Tesco people are kind of coming from, If they say take of your hood, and you say no i practice jediism, you just sound like a smart ass just escalatin the situation.

So could anyone explain to me what the fuck is jedism.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Supreme Unleaded said:
What the fuck do you practice in "jediism". Use the force, no, im not going to since the force doesnt exist.
Neither does God or the Holy Spirit* but you still get Faith Healers and people 'Speaking in Tongues'.

On the one hand, Tesco is absolutely in the right and they're more than entitled to tell people not to cover their face for security issues or for CCTV Identification. On the other hand, this 'Jedi' is right: The same rules should apply for everyone. It's not a matter of religion at all in this case (althoguh it got brought into it via religion). It's a matter of some people being excluded from the rules because their Invisible Sky Wizard told them something different to the other Invisible Sky Wizards and that somehow gives them cause for special treatement.

[sub]*Should go without saying that it's my opinion and arguing here is pointless. If you do wish to take issue with my religious beliefs please do so via PM[/sub]

Supreme Unleaded

New member
Aug 3, 2009
Amnestic said:
Supreme Unleaded said:
What the fuck do you practice in "jediism". Use the force, no, im not going to since the force doesnt exist.
Neither does God or the Holy Spirit* but you still get Faith Healers and people 'Speaking in Tongues'.

On the one hand, Tesco is absolutely in the right and they're more than entitled to tell people not to cover their face for security issues or for CCTV Identification. On the other hand, this 'Jedi' is right: The same rules should apply for everyone. It's not a matter of religion at all in this case (althoguh it got brought into it via religion). It's a matter of some people being excluded from the rules because their Invisible Sky Wizard told them something different to the other Invisible Sky Wizards and that somehow gives them cause for special treatement.

[sub]*Should go without saying that it's my opinion and arguing here is pointless. If you do wish to take issue with my religious beliefs please do so via PM[/sub]
I'm not religeos, not that your accusing me, but the one thing that i dont get is that someone bassed an entire religeon off of a movie, A MOVIE, thats just sad.