UK Retailer Allegedly Discriminates Against Jedi


New member
Jul 16, 2008
cjbos81 said:
"UK Retailer Allegedly Discriminates Against Jedi".

I don't even know where to begin.

Wow, to think you people took on the Nazis...and won.

What happened to you U.K.?

What went wrong?
You not reading the article?

KeyMaster45 said:
No offense to anyone, but the jedi church makes my brain hurt because its a based on a fictional idea thought up by george lucas.

When thinking about it I oft times replace Han's response in this quote with my own.

Luke:You don't believe in the force do you?

Han:No...No I don't, now put that light saber away before you cut your own arm off or kill grandpa

[small]Disclaimer: I'm not racist, I hate every person equally regardless of race or religion[/small]
Scientology was born by a science fiction writer...


New member
Oct 10, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
"Jedi are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all went hoodless without going to the Dark Side. If Jedi walk around our stores with their hoods on, they'll miss lots of special offers."
Oh god, they shouldn't get boycotted for the response alone. That was just fantastic to read in response. Bravo Tesco, Bravo.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Doc Theta Sigma said:
murphy7801 said:
Doc Theta Sigma said:
I can understand where Tesco are coming from. It's the same in most UK stores. I guess the point is if you stole something wearing a hood it'd be hard to identify you using CCTV. The same for not wearing sunglasses in some stores.
What and a burka isnt
I never said it wasn't. Either way regardless of religion its a security risk. Did I say at any point in my post that it'd be different if he was Muslim?
Ah but the point was trying to make was that tescos would never dare try that on someone in a burka making it seem some what hypocritical. I wasnt trying to make direct attack on your statement merely generate convo!


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
elvor0 said:
See this is why the PC in my country annoys me, I mean yeah the whole hood thing is kind of silly in itself, but the fact that Muslims and the like are allowed but he isnt is just silly, because Tesco know that if they did ask a Muslim to remove their veil they would be sued or put under immediate fire from the press, for something so simple as security measures in the event one of them did decide to steal something, surely allowing people to wonder around in veils where you cant see their face in a SHOP is a terrible security hole? Balaclavas or hockey masks would be counted as a security risk I'm sure, but the second Muslims are involved, ooh it's racism or discrimination.

Now, know I am not moaning at muslims here, in fact, quite the opposite, people in the UK are so PC about everything that companies are frightened to do anything for a logical reason due to non muslim (blacks, gays or whatever) suddenly shouting "DISCRIMINATION!", obviously i'm sure there are some people in said groups that have sued, but for the most part it's the non groups shouting over nothing, it's bloody stupid.

Sparrow said:
What a complete moron.

He thinks he should get the same rights as Muslims, when his relgion is based around a movie franchise. Muslims had to do alot of political fighting to get themselves recoginised in the UK, now this dick just went and completely undermined it.
However, I do ask what exactly gives them the right to do that? If you're not muslim you'd be arrested or made to leave by security for masking your face in public or in a shop/bank/whatever, but as soon as you're Muslim it's okay to create a massive hole in security procedures?
I think, and I know a lot of people have told you what they think, but I'll toss my two cents in, is that by Tesco standards, the hood is being used specifically to hide someone's face from the cameras (so that when they shoplift, they can't be picked out of a lineup). In fact, if you look at the movies, the Jedi almost only wear their hoods when they're concealing their identities. So even by the "religion's" standards, it's indicating a sense of duplicity of action.

Contrast this to the veil, which is worn strictly by women, and strictly by very observant women (moderate Muslim women view the veil as very restrictive). And very observant religious women, especially for a religion where obedience is a pretty high value, generally don't overlap with the demographic that shoplifts. I mean, Sharia Law (or Islamic law, as it's sometimes called) in some countries suggests cutting off thieves' hands. It's not quite the same as a "religion" who suggests that you cover your face to avoid being recognized by stormtroopers.

So, you might actually consider Tesco as being very religious savvy, perhaps even more so than normal.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Though Jones said he would consider asking the religion's followers to boycott the store if it happened again, a Tesco spokesperson countered: "Jedi are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all went hoodless without going to the Dark Side. If Jedi walk around our stores with their hoods on, they'll miss lots of special offers."
Wow. That is a very nice rebuttal. This UK retailer gets my gold star of approval.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
No offense to anyone, but the jedi church makes my brain hurt because its a based on a fictional idea thought up by george lucas.
Well, it's more about following the rules of behaviour rather than believing in the fiction part of it. Protect the weak, help your fellow man, don't abuse your power, etc. It's like every other religion claims to be, except without an actual god.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
olikunmissile said:
cjbos81 said:
"UK Retailer Allegedly Discriminates Against Jedi".

I don't even know where to begin.

Wow, to think you people took on the Nazis...and won.

What happened to you U.K.?

What went wrong?
You not reading the article?

KeyMaster45 said:
No offense to anyone, but the jedi church makes my brain hurt because its a based on a fictional idea thought up by george lucas.

When thinking about it I oft times replace Han's response in this quote with my own.

Luke:You don't believe in the force do you?

Han:No...No I don't, now put that light saber away before you cut your own arm off or kill grandpa

[small]Disclaimer: I'm not racist, I hate every person equally regardless of race or religion[/small]
Scientology was born by a science fiction writer...
Don't you get it? This is less about getting rights FOR jedis and more about making people THINK about the special treatment that Scientology is getting as well as other more well established religions.

Why should people be allowed to do certain things just because there are a lot of them that have the same beliefs that may be based entirely on fiction?

The issue of Jediism is the perfect test case, in many ways it is like the "scopes trial" of secularism in a liberal society.

Whether Jedi's are accepted or expelled, either way is bad for all the new age religions and quasai-cults out there and even well established religions.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
This must be one of those arrogant, old republic jedi. Yeah, well done, now everyone is supporting the dark side (Tesco Corp) because you suck at PR.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Doc Theta Sigma said:
I can understand where Tesco are coming from. It's the same in most UK stores. I guess the point is if you stole something wearing a hood it'd be hard to identify you using CCTV. The same for not wearing sunglasses in some stores.
Easy, it's the dude with the green glowing toy and the robe that children are warned against by their parents.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Score one for Tesco, just for that I want to go shop at one! And shame on the Jedi Temple for being so uppity and making their own rules. Jedi don't go hooded everywhere..sheesh.


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Though Jones said he would consider asking the religion's followers to boycott the store if it happened again, a Tesco spokesperson countered: "Jedi are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all went hoodless without going to the Dark Side. If Jedi walk around our stores with their hoods on, they'll miss lots of special offers."

But... how the could anyone believe in Jedisim, when the force doesn't even work... and remains a crucial part of their culture?

This just falls in the same vein as Scientology.

Just damn stupid.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Machines Are Us said:
Ignoring the obvious criticisms of Jedi being a 'religion' I don't recall any of the Star Wars characters insisting upon having their hoods up in every crowded areas.
Jediism is a religion intended to demonstrate the hypocrisies present in today's culture and to erode the preferential treatment of religion vs any other form of organization. AFAIK the initial founding was because the UK wanted to pass a law that bans criticising a religion so tons of people announced they're jedis and if anyone says anything against jedis they'd get arrested under that law.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
KDR_11k said:
Machines Are Us said:
Ignoring the obvious criticisms of Jedi being a 'religion' I don't recall any of the Star Wars characters insisting upon having their hoods up in every crowded areas.
Jediism is a religion intended to demonstrate the hypocrisies present in today's culture and to erode the preferential treatment of religion vs any other form of organization. AFAIK the initial founding was because the UK wanted to pass a law that bans criticising a religion so tons of people announced they're jedis and if anyone says anything against jedis they'd get arrested under that law.
Am I to assume this is why he insisted on wearing the hood? To show that Religions (like Islam) shouldn't get away with it? If so I would have thought he'd have mentioned that.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
It was a really good answer by Tesco, but inaccurate. Luke did fall to the darkside, but that is only in the books, no movies yet about that.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
flaviok79 said:
It was a really good answer by Tesco, but inaccurate. Luke did fall to the darkside, but that is only in the books, no movies yet about that.
Ressurecting a 2-year old topic is usually frowned upon, just fyi :)