Like a reverse Alien vs. Predator. Whoever loses, we win.Never fear people; Elon Musk is prepared to fight Putin (literally) for Ukraine -
Of course, it would’ve been far more awesome if he called it “mortal” combat.
Like a reverse Alien vs. Predator. Whoever loses, we win.Never fear people; Elon Musk is prepared to fight Putin (literally) for Ukraine -
Of course, it would’ve been far more awesome if he called it “mortal” combat.
It feels as if the Russian official left out the word ‘cheeky’. As in cheeky little devil. The sort of thing you say to an overly performative five year old. Which is exactly how Elon Musk is actingNever fear people; Elon Musk is prepared to fight Putin (literally) for Ukraine -
Of course, it would’ve been far more awesome if he called it “mortal” combat.
"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened" -Dwight D. Eisenhower (1945)Sorry for the Vaush
Former Ambassador to Russia thinks the Putin is worse than Hitler because Hilter never killed any 'Ethnic Germans.'
He's been called out for this obvious factual mistake and said he was sorry... for breaking the taboo of comparing someone to Hitler
Fucking Centrists
No need to involve that troglodyte:Sorry for the Vaush
Except that's not what you're doing. You're supporting the most powerful empire in history in its efforts to weaken a country it has been treating as an enemy after participating in overthrowing the government of that country's neighbor; you support these breathtakingly hypocritical efforts that will likely kill people and cause much suffering apart from any deaths. You support making an international pariah of Russia for the awful crime of acting like your own country does without any significant penalty.So to get this straight: you believe that a country's own ongoing issues must be addressed and solved before that country can play any part in preventing other current atrocities elsewhere. That's the long and the short of it. And what a complete circus of a position that is: forego any ability we may have to prevent death or save lives, because some unrelated issues haven't yet been solved.
The evidence for this is incredibly weak because NATO, the United States, and Ukraine treated Russian demands and concerns-- which were not just about WMDs-- with stonewalling. You don't get to have it both ways; diplomacy has to be seriously pursued if you want to make counterfactual assertions about what would have happened that allege insincerity. As it stands, your evaluation of what would have happened is short-circuited to a reality which simply did not explore the possibility of treating Russia with anything other than contempt.Agreeing to annexation would not end the war. Because you may have noticed that Ukraine didn't have WMDs, and it didn't matter to Russia. This has been an annexation project from the start.
I dont even know if he even realised what he was saying. He thought he had the perfect line and never thought that anyone could be homosexual/Jews/disabled and German. Then, like normal, as soon as someone has pointed out what you said on Twitter as wrong, the Twitter people must be declared as wrong. Because taking a good hard look at what you are saying is just too hard"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened" -Dwight D. Eisenhower (1945)
Who wants to tell this poor bastard that all the photos in the world didn’t make an iota of difference? You know when you get to the afterlife and can find him.
I saw tweets of his that were mocking Ukraine support, one using the npc meme to suggest it's just a trend only npc sheep are following. He's garbage.Never fear people; Elon Musk is prepared to fight Putin (literally) for Ukraine -
Of course, it would’ve been far more awesome if he called it “mortal” combat.
...Ukrainians are also Slavic?
This guy's racism has won me over. Oh, he's the minister of defense. Cool and normal.
I think the tweet was an understandable expression of anger towards the invader and a reference to Putin's speech stating Ukrainians and Russians are one people and that Ukraine should have never existed....Ukrainians are also Slavic?
Daily mail (assuming the same incident).I just watched a video on Youtube that included the dead bodies of many civilians (I'm not posting it, but you can probably find it easily if you really want to). It was posted today by Patrick Lancaster reporting from Donetsk, and he claims it is from events that happened today. He surveys the carnage that is the result of what he called a cluster bomb attack by the Ukrainian army aimed at the center of Donetsk. Patrick called it a deliberate attack against civilians, as there were no military targets in the area, but I speculate that it might be more accurate to call it an indiscriminate attack. He also says that attacks like these have been happening for the past eight years. Make of that what you will. It is notable that the arguments that conclude "we have to help Ukraine", though the particulars may vary, also would seem to apply to helping Donetsk resist Ukrainian aggression.
Bonus...Kyiv hit back, denying the attack had come from them and claiming the missile was Russian - suggesting Moscow carried out the attack itself as a bloody 'false flag' attack intended to justify an attack in retaliation.
Denis Pushilin, self-declared rebel leader of Donetsk, gave a third account - saying a missile shot down by his forces had landed in a residential area and killed between 16 and 20 people. If true, it could mean the city was not deliberately targeted.
Donetsk is born of a military coup orchestrated by Russia and backed by the Russian army and Fascist Wagner. The Donetsk army is the aggressor. Had Russia never orchestrated that coup (which quite likely didn't benefit from popular support unlike in Crimea) nobody would have died. Instead Russia kept on providing military support and prevented Ukraine to retake territory indirectly annexed by Russia through two installed vassal states. You can blame Russia for the 14 000 victims (on both sides) who died.I just watched a video on Youtube that included the dead bodies of many civilians (I'm not posting it, but you can probably find it easily if you really want to). It was posted today by Patrick Lancaster reporting from Donetsk, and he claims it is from events that happened today. He surveys the carnage that is the result of what he called a cluster bomb attack by the Ukrainian army aimed at the center of Donetsk. Patrick called it a deliberate attack against civilians, as there were no military targets in the area, but I speculate that it might be more accurate to call it an indiscriminate attack. He also says that attacks like these have been happening for the past eight years. Make of that what you will. It is notable that the arguments that conclude "we have to help Ukraine", though the particulars may vary, also would seem to apply to helping Donetsk resist Ukrainian aggression.
Than why do you believe and repeat 99% of Russian propaganda?A discerning reader probably doesn't trust Russia to help in good faith. I can't say I blame you
NATO? NATO wasn't involved with Ukraine except for some low level cooperation. NATO is not what you believe it is. I don't trust the United States. But I trust that Ukrainians were tired of their inept and corrupt politicians and that refusing to sign the EU-Ukraine association agreement was the final straw.; but by that same token, why should anyone trust the United States or NATO to help Ukraine in good faith?
That's all on Yanukovych and failing to understand a lot of Ukrainians saw more opportunity in being associated with the EU rather than Russia. And who can blame them? Would you prefer to live in Belarus or Lithuania?What if encouraging turmoil in Ukraine by knocking over its elected government in 2014,
Ukraine has relatively free elections. The US has no say on who wins or not.installing anti-Russian nationalists,
Compared to how much the US is sometimes arming regimes Ukraine got very (little) armament support from the them weapons,
So whenever the US ignores atrocities in a country Russia is instantly triggered to invade said country? The same Russia which sends soldiers and support to help regimes commit atrocities against its people? Are you being serious?and ignoring the atrocities they were committing against people in the Donbass was actually designed to draw Russia into conflict there?
The annexation of Crimea and military coup orchestrated by Russian fascists in eastern Ukraine already provided that opportunity. Yet the US was very mild sanction wise. Recent history doesn't support your theory. The US and EU have been patient and lenient with Russia and its aggression in Ukraine, Russia decided to abuse that lenience by escalating the conflict to a full blown war. Off course the west is going to adapt its reaction to Russian actions. You can't just keep on being lenient. Russia escalated this on its own and forced the West to react.What if the opportunity to enact these sanctions and inflict casualties on the Russian military was actually the goal of US/NATO policy over the past decade just like what happened in Afghanistan under the direction of Zbigniew Brzezinski-- in which the mujahideen was armed by the CIA with the help of Pakistan before the Soviet intervention?
Oh derp, it was here.I saw tweets of his that were mocking Ukraine support, one using the npc meme to suggest it's just a trend only npc sheep are following. He's garbage.
"Efforts to weaken a country". Perhaps if a militaristic oligarchy requires unfettered ability to slaughter and annex other countries in order to maintain its position of strength, then we're not obliged to protect that strength.Except that's not what you're doing. You're supporting the most powerful empire in history in its efforts to weaken a country it has been treating as an enemy after participating in overthrowing the government of that country's neighbor; you support these breathtakingly hypocritical efforts that will likely kill people and cause much suffering apart from any deaths. You support making an international pariah of Russia for the awful crime of acting like your own country does without any significant penalty.
Ah, that's why all these sanctions were in place before Russia started invading the rest of Europe, of course.You realize that the sanctions are intended to promote regime change in Russia, right? So let's say they work; what do you suppose is going to improve about the whole situation there when the most powerful empire paves the way for another Russian leader to come to power AGAIN? Oh! Maybe instead of Russian oligarchs, we'll be able to capture the Russian economy for Anglo-Americanoligarchsbillionaires this time! Or maybe Kolomoisky will get a piece of the action; the investment in Zelensky will have really paid off then.
Russian demands were control over the foreign policy of another sovereign country, and the freedom to invade/annex with impunity. They were a fucking non-starter, and Russia knew that. And even if they had made a deal, there's zero reason to believe Russia would honour it, after they reneged on every other international commitment they made. So that deal wouldn't have even provided any security at all for Ukraine. Russia could still invade with impunity.The evidence for this is incredibly weak because NATO, the United States, and Ukraine treated Russian demands and concerns-- which were not just about WMDs-- with stonewalling. You don't get to have it both ways; diplomacy has to be seriously pursued if you want to make counterfactual assertions about what would have happened that allege insincerity. As it stands, your evaluation of what would have happened is short-circuited to a reality which simply did not explore the possibility of treating Russia with anything other than contempt.
Which begs the question, how does someone become the richest person in the world by having such childish, reactionary standards? Perhaps it’s a prerequisite for being filthy rich.I saw tweets of his that were mocking Ukraine support, one using the npc meme to suggest it's just a trend only npc sheep are following. He's garbage.
This guy's racism has won me over. Oh, he's the minister of defense. Cool and normal.
You missed a key step. The step where Russia was proudly parading said elected government around as their puppet and fifth column . Of course the poor sods lost all their legitimacy after that. Putin is to blame for the downfall of the Yanukovych regime. He forced them to self destruct and surrender any mandate they might have had. Russia has been the aggressor at every stage of this conflict. Everything was initiated and then escalated by them. Russia wasn't ''drawn into a conflict'', they forced themselves into this position by forbidding Ukraine to create ties with Europe and then piling on aggression after aggression when this backfired on them.What if encouraging turmoil in Ukraine by knocking over its elected government in 2014, installing anti-Russian nationalists, giving them weapons, and ignoring the atrocities they were committing against people in the Donbass was actually designed to draw Russia into conflict there?
Maybe because all of Russia's demands were completely unacceptable? Of course no one was going to agree to surrender Ukraine to them, or give Russia a veto or even outright ownership of other countries foreign policy. What other reaction than contempt should there have been when those are Russia's demands? When they insist they still have ownership of Ukraine and that other countries need Russia's consent to form ties with them then contempt is the only react it deserves.The evidence for this is incredibly weak because NATO, the United States, and Ukraine treated Russian demands and concerns-- which were not just about WMDs-- with stonewalling. You don't get to have it both ways; diplomacy has to be seriously pursued if you want to make counterfactual assertions about what would have happened that allege insincerity. As it stands, your evaluation of what would have happened is short-circuited to a reality which simply did not explore the possibility of treating Russia with anything other than contempt.
Again, Russia's economy is only the size of Italy. Billions of dollars sounds like a lot, but it is a tiny drop in the vast ocean of the EU's combined GDP. Again, this all comes back to a point I've been repeating. Russia is not actually a superpower. It is not actually a rival to the United States or the EU. It is a relatively poor country whose economy has been profoundly mismanaged by successive horrible governments. Having a comedically massive army isn't enough to be a superpower any more.But you just described them not working against European countries while European countries did precisely the opposite (to the deep though fleeting gratitude of their agribusiness lobbies, no doubt).
That is debatable.The point of such sanctions is to make the people suffer.
Then stop acting like it.One wonders how many times I have to ignore your weird attempts at poisoning the well on arguments I wasn't planning on making anyway before you'll absorb the hint that I'm not the caricature you've constructed in your head to be mad at and/or afraid of.
Worse for whom?I'm not supporting policy which will happen and will make things worse.
Dude, you aren't allowed to be angry. That'll provoke Putin and cause an invasionI think the tweet was an understandable expression of anger towards the invader and a reference to Putin's speech stating Ukrainians and Russians are one people and that Ukraine should have never existed.
Where have I ever showed that I think the US or NATO are doing things in good faith?I just watched a video on Youtube that included the dead bodies of many civilians (I'm not posting it, but you can probably find it easily if you really want to). It was posted today by Patrick Lancaster reporting from Donetsk, and he claims it is from events that happened today. He surveys the carnage that is the result of what he called a cluster bomb attack by the Ukrainian army aimed at the center of Donetsk. Patrick called it a deliberate attack against civilians, as there were no military targets in the area, but I speculate that it might be more accurate to call it an indiscriminate attack. He also says that attacks like these have been happening for the past eight years. Make of that what you will. It is notable that the arguments that conclude "we have to help Ukraine", though the particulars may vary, also would seem to apply to helping Donetsk resist Ukrainian aggression.
A discerning reader probably doesn't trust Russia to help in good faith. I can't say I blame you; but by that same token, why should anyone trust the United States or NATO to help Ukraine in good faith? What if encouraging turmoil in Ukraine by knocking over its elected government in 2014, installing anti-Russian nationalists, giving them weapons, and ignoring the atrocities they were committing against people in the Donbass was actually designed to draw Russia into conflict there? What if the opportunity to enact these sanctions and inflict casualties on the Russian military was actually the goal of US/NATO policy over the past decade just like what happened in Afghanistan under the direction of Zbigniew Brzezinski-- in which the mujahideen was armed by the CIA with the help of Pakistan before the Soviet intervention? It would certainly explain why Hillary Clinton and others publicly jumped to the idea of arming an insurgency in Ukraine like during the Soviet-Afghan war as somehow an example of a good idea.
Learn the difference between acting like something and declining to respond to some weirdo's asinine assumptions.Then stop acting like it.