NeedAUserName said:
Right, so this would be a pretty bad movie, without it being tied into a preexisting franchise. And a very highly praised franchise, and you get a film that does a complete disservice to all the people that spent hours creating two amazing games. And the worst part is if, if, by some miracle this film doesn't suck, it still won't have any relevance to the original games (bar a character name) and so still gives the games very little credit.
You just described why I hate the Resident Evil movies.
Fool me once, shame on you... and you know the rest. After seeing the fuck-ups made when a director wanted to 'improve' the Resident Evil story arc for their movies (or, more accurately, create a playground so that he could play a game of 'look at how hot my wife is, y'all!'), I'm done with the Uncharted movie. It's a shame, really; my son and I were really looking forward to this, and even my wife's watched us play it enough to know that there's a deeper story in both games. But if you're going to just slap a popular name on your own brain farts so that Hollywood will buy what you're shoveling, well, screw that.
Game companies really need to wise up and start putting riders on their contracts allowing them creative oversight. Is it any wonder Valve has been refusing to sell the movie rights to Halflife for so long at this point?
Oh, and side note... those who think Drake's just a greedy, murderous bastard? Have you played the games at all, or are you jumping on the popular meme of bashing the games that began when the XBox fanboys learned it was a PlayStation exclusive? Having run through the game several times, if you're paying attention the story makes it very clear that Drake's quest begins as an archaeological hunt for proof of his family legacy and when that begins to look like it's just going to get a lot of people killed he tries to give up and leave the treasure hunting to the pirates. If you want someone to blame for his kill count, blame the reporter who tries to shame him into continuing on or the old friend whose ass he has to save after said friend betrays him. Personally, I think it speaks more to his character as a white hat that he didn't leave anyway and let Sully rot.