Upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rerelease Appears on Square Enix Site


New member
Dec 28, 2010
I'd buy a copy if it was Windows 7 64bit compatiable, even more so if it encouraged them to release more of the older ones on steam (8,9, etc.).


Aug 27, 2010
I was hoping that it would never get an HD remake. Its legacy is pretty much entirely based on nostalgia, as far as I've heard it doesn't hold up that well if you go back and play it.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Can't wait, hopefully it's also on the Vita that would be beyond godlike.

Captcha: create new things, lol

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
I keep hearing people talk about HD graphics, but all I'm wondering is if they're going to replace that ear-bleedingly horrible MIDI soundtrack they put on the PC version.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Scars Unseen said:
I keep hearing people talk about HD graphics, but all I'm wondering is if they're going to replace that ear-bleedingly horrible MIDI soundtrack they put on the PC version.
How exactly do you get HD graphics into a rerelease of a 90's era game? Seems patently impossible.

Hey, if it goes on sale (and it will, it is steam we're talking about) I'll be sure to pick it up. I'd like to see the original version of Aeris again. She was actually a bit of a flirt, not that paragon of pureness that most of the other games make her out to be. Also, without a doubt one of the best Cids is in that game.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
WouldYouKindly said:
Scars Unseen said:
I keep hearing people talk about HD graphics, but all I'm wondering is if they're going to replace that ear-bleedingly horrible MIDI soundtrack they put on the PC version.
How exactly do you get HD graphics into a rerelease of a 90's era game? Seems patently impossible.

Hey, if it goes on sale (and it will, it is steam we're talking about) I'll be sure to pick it up. I'd like to see the original version of Aeris again. She was actually a bit of a flirt, not that paragon of pureness that most of the other games make her out to be. Also, without a doubt one of the best Cids is in that game.
As long as the original art assets exist(the assets, not the low res textures that were included on the disc), then it is comparatively easy(in the sense that it is easier to release a movie on Blu Ray if you still have the original film). Even if they aren't available, textures can be upsampled. That's what's being done with Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, another 90s era game that is seeing a HD re-release.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
Andronicus said:
In fairness, a remake is not the same as a re-release. Confirming everyone's suspicions that a "remake" is in the works would just result in bad press when the result is actually just the original game with extra features and achievements, and I suspect they'd want to keep anything FFVII-related under wraps until a more concrete release schedule can be confirmed.

Me? Already own it. I genuinely do love the game though, so whether or not I'm willing to shell out for the same game depends on exactly what sort of "extra features" we're talking about.
I was going to say this... but you said it first.

And that's all I have to say about that.

CrazyGirl17 said:
Hey, if this means that I can play it on my PC, I'd buy it...
FF7 had a PC release.


If you start bidding now, you can probably get it for what steam will charge

I was gunna link amazon... but they are all out.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
Doom972 said:
Sounds like a rerelease of the old PC ports of FF VII (and possibly VIII) with certain additions. I'd say they'll probably just add achievements, higher resolution modes, and fixes that will allow the port(s) to run on Windows VII... I mean 7.

I'd be very surprised if they add anything beyond that.
They never did do a port of IX, though. If they do indeed release both games, I hope that they'll cap off the PS1-to-PC port trilogy this time around. I'm fairly certain that most people who have played IX love it, and in all honesty, I think it should reach as wide an audience as possible, including those who may not own Sony consoles.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I played the PC version of final fantasy VII back on my old Win 98. Oh yeah, 2 GB of hard drive space, the majesty of it. It's such a pain in the ass to play old PC games, so good for steam if they patch it up some. I'm just pissed I can't get Freespace to work. I just want to ask since I'm being nostalgic about old PC games, anyone out there ever play Hardwar. Never met anyone who has, it's still a favorite.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Hrm... given the age, and the titles in question, It actually got me thinking of a potential new "anthology" series. Given it seems to be just a HD rerelease instead of a full blown remake repackaging them together hypothetically makes sense because it would also allow them to charge more for the bundle

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Remake or no money.

See, the reason why that one demo video that came out a while ago was so well received was because it showcased the game with beautiful graphics. Heck, FF is my least favorite FF game but even I'd get it if it was remade. No, I'm not talking about an HD re-release. I want better graphics. I don't wanna see Cloud looking like Minecraft's Steve's cousin. And you already have the voice actors! (See: Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, etc). You got the technology, Square-Enix! We know this because, well, FF.

They'd be smart to start thinking about a remake. Maybe even a Special Edition with goodies and stuff. Square could use the money and this would sell like pancakes. That's what every RPG fan has been screaming for since who knows when.

C-could this be Square is gonna finally listen to us and give us what we want? Oh, man! I sure hope KH3 is next!

Snake Plissken

New member
Jul 30, 2010
What's the deal with SquareEnix and their fear of money? All they need to do is a couple of the PS1 Final Fantasy games with an HD remake, and they'd be set for the next few eternities. I am highly confused by their denial and how standoffish they are about this ordeal every time a new rumor pops up.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Tanis said:
Okay, overrated, JRPG gets re-release of it's poorly done (without the fan made mod & patch) PC port.

More as this story develops.
You should probably think about the quality of games by what they are doing and the environment they are doing it in.

Similar to how Mario 64 is epic to levels that are hard to verbalize compared to what else was going on in its time.

Or banjo and Kazooie, or Goldeneye.

Etc. Etc.

Yes, they aren't literally the second coming of christ in all eras but for their time they earned their praise by doing things in ways that were considered insane. The kind of gambles you almost never see by any major developers anymore.

So not overrated, just well remembered for doing great things in their field.

Plus, just because something is popular and you don't like it doesn't mean it was overrated. That's like the term "Viral" I don't think it has any genuine meaning, or perhaps ironic, since that's frequently abused.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Snake Plissken said:
What's the deal with SquareEnix and their fear of money? All they need to do is a couple of the PS1 Final Fantasy games with an HD remake, and they'd be set for the next few eternities. I am highly confused by their denial and how standoffish they are about this ordeal every time a new rumor pops up.

I dont think its fear of money. I think it is sound decision because if they do remake one of the single most over hyped and beloved games from their entire history they know its more likely to spark outrage than adoration because people will feel betrayed because their vision through nostalgia goggles was not adhered to.

Same is true of Xenogears. There is definitely a crowd who wants it, but because its high pedestal the outrage would be horrendous.

Granted SE knows how to generate aggro, but they are smart enough to try to avoid it where the can.