UPDATE: Microsoft Announces Left 4 Dead 2


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
I can't help to notice they completely changed the zombies.Before they were virus-infected human beings who died if one of their limbs were shot off,but now they look like mutilated undead voodoo zombies you see in old school zombie movies.
Altough it kinda makes sense,being in New Orleans and all...

As long as I can throw a burning bottle of inflammable liquid at a grey-skinned female zombie on her knees weeping or at a giant zombie Hulk,I will remain happy.

red ant

New member
May 18, 2009
If this is true that Left 4 Dead 2 will use the same engine and it may virtually stop or slow down current Left 4 Dead sales, which is enormously stupid as it has been one of the most popular games to come about ans is still one of the best monthly bestsellers. While it is true most people already bought Left 4 Dead, people will be less willing to purchase Left 4 Dead knowing a new one is coming out.

It may be possible that Left 4 Dead 2 will be a new game around $49 or $79 for CE with 4 mini zombie statues or 4 human statues hopefully. For online players it could be $69 for the CE and you get certain maps with the option of playing the tank or witch anytime. All older game modes should be included and L4D2 players should be able to play with those owning L4D. It would be great is this was a stand alone expansion/update for example they may charge $20 to upgrade L4D to L4D2, while everyone else would pay $50. TF2 has free updates and is probably the best game they have ever released besides Half Life this is much different than the idea they have for L4D2.

Overall even though we may be incensed that we may have to buy a new game if they call it an upgrade and charge them $20s some of us may believe that they are actually be releasing a new game instead of an upgrade and we are getting a huge discount. If in the end they charge $50 or $60 for a regular L4D2 then this is will be a problem. Valve is unlikely to stop updates for L4D so L4D2 will probably not be released until 2010 at the earliest if they plan on making as much revenue off their current L4D. If they do the upgrade charge is acceptable for most people as long it the amount is not too high.

A great new addition would be the possibility of 8 vs 8+zombies, but although it is much scarier with 4 players having 4 vs 4+zombies is a great limitation. They already introduced a new boss type with the new Charger class and hopefully they will introduce 3 other classes as well. For the new classes I am hoping they will add a sort of overlord class which and call infected to follow them or attack wherever they are pointing at. Another great class could be the sloth class one that is slow on the ground, but extremely fast on climbing and jumping off buildings and trees with a a sort of sniper vision, but always hugging the ground or building making it appear dead. Lastly they could make the witch a playable random class, but do not make it too easy for instance requiring 5 kills before you could become the witch.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Ok, read this, it's put my mind slightly at ease and hopefully it will help you guys.


It does basically feel like a great big HUGE bit of DLC, but it's big enough that I can understand a completely new game (I'm not that happy about it but still). It's basically Left 4 Dead, and then some.

That means all the original boss infected (Smoker, Tank, Witch ect) plus new ones, of which two have been announced. One is a kind of mix of the tank and a normal infected, like it's take sterioids but it's only worked down one side. It basically pushes with his huge heman arm (sounds like how a big daddy does) or grabs you and keeps smacking you to the ground until someone rescues you. Theres a wondering witch (only appears in new day light levels) who instead of crying sings an eary song and actually moves around, creeping up on survivors and so on, meaning its a lot harder to avoid her.

There seems to be a little more enthesis on story this time. Not hugely but each campaign leads into each other for instance, and the new survivors have more back story and develope as they move though the campaigns

The maps also sound a lot more open too, theres lots of different directions and secret paths to take, some of which I think the Director may force you to take (puts a vehical in your way or something)

Theres also weird minor stuff like zombies that wear hazard suits (these ones won't be effected by fire) and bullets that set your enemies alight.

Theres also ofcoarse melee weapons, which include a bassball bat, a frypan (What?) a chainsaw and another I've forgotten (I think it may be a shovel). I think you may have less bullets meaning that melee weapons become essential.

This is still really, really weird, like weirder than by dad turning out to be a goldfish. But still...congratulations ValvE! It took you less than a decade to make a game. That quite an achievement.

EDIT: Forth melee weapon is an axe. You can use it to put off zombie limbs and head as they run at you.

Delmar Wynn

New member
Nov 12, 2002
oliveira8 said:
From Valve said:
June 1, 2009 - Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2), the sequel to the best-selling and critically-acclaimed co-operative multiplayer thriller...

...Set for release on November 17, the title adds melee combat to enable deeper co-operative gameplay, with items such as a chainsaw, frying pan, axe, baseball bat, and more.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
I say, fuck valve, I feel fucking betrayed...
As if having only one new map on the fucking update wasn't enough.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Wait, so VALVe take forever to make the next Half-Life episode yet they make a sequel to Left 4 Dead the very next year?

Who are you and what have you done with VALVe?


New member
Jun 1, 2009
oliveira8 said:
DaxStrife said:
Yep, not buying it. There's only a few scenarios that make sense here:
1) It's a hoax. Trailer looks very shoddy, nowhere near Valve-quality.
2) Valve quietly sold the L4D franchise to MS, and they're running it into the ground.
3) Valve's development philosophy has been chucked out the window, sacrificing quality and fan-loyalty for a few quick bucks.
Well, that about ends the debate of a Hoax if there ever was one.

Also, I do like that trailer, doesn't look that shoddy
Mar 17, 2009
Screw all of you guys! This is awesome and I just creamed my pants.
I can't wait to hit the streets of New Orleans and kill myself some zombies all over again!


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I know I swore to myself after Fable II I wouldn't allow myself to fall prey to hype ever again but OMFG AHHHH I WANT IT NAAAOOO D':


New member
Mar 19, 2008
The infamous SCAMola said:
Screw all of you guys! This is awesome and I just creamed my pants.
I can't wait to hit the streets of New Orleans and kill myself some zombies all over again!

Dude I vote around the few days after release we gather us some gamertags and have a good ol' fashioned zombie hoedown!


New member
Nov 1, 2007
harhol said:
SomeBritishDude said:
Maybe it's a bit soon to be making assumptions yet. Maybe Left 4 Dead 2 will be worth £60-£50.
Where do you buy your games?

L4D was £22.99 in most places if you pre-ordered it, and I've never seen it on sale for more than £29.99.
AHHH! Damn you americans! Your weird cheap dollars and game prices keep messing with my mind!

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
The big black guy
It's the Cole Train, in left for dead form.
Serious I was let down by left 4 dead, I'm not paying for another uneless this on has a fuck load more weapons.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
WanderFreak said:
Valve's site has absolutely no mention of this whatsoever, so I'm... I'm just so bloody confused.

Either way, I call Nick the gambler.
Damn! Ninja'd!

Fine, in that case dibs on the black chick!


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Ashbax said:
/sigh. Its not coming out 'half a year later' its coming out A year later, (Ok so its off by 2 days. Go flame it then.) But listen here - The COD games all have a 1 year gap, except cod 1 to cod 2, but since then its 2005 - Cod 2, 2006, cod 3, 2007, cod 4, and 2008, cod 5...And later in 2009, guess what? Cod 6.

And those were all good games. SO CALM, THE FECK, DOWN. Thank you.
but they were developed by different teams, treyarch and infinity ward, so in effect each developer had 2 years to produce each game not one


New member
Nov 22, 2008

Uncouth jokes aside, I'm not too sure i'm keen on this particular mob of survivors...