UPDATE: Microsoft Disallows Public Lesbians on Xbox Live


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
Baby Tea said:
joystickjunki3 said:
Pretty sure it wasn't me who said that. I did quote the guy that said it, though.
Whoops! My bad!

Jamash said:
I'm sure that if I put in my profile that I'm a man who likes having sex with women, that I'm not homosexual or that I'm a straight man, I would get banned too
You had me up until this point. While I'll certainly concede that the terms of service were, technically, violated, I can pretty guarantee that you would not get banned for having anything in your profile that alluded to your enjoyment of women in a sexual way (Keeping it at the same level of saying 'I'm a lesbian'). All the prepubescent, tween, and frat guys would just say 'hur hur, I like gurlz too!!!one!', and then who would complain?

Really, it's bigotry that got her 'caught' and that is what I'm really annoyed about.
I agree with you, that it's the greater evil of the bigots who complained against her, which got her ToU violation noticed by Microsoft, that is the real issue here, not that she got banned for being a lesbian.

Microsoft can be accused of being many things, but I don't think homophobic is one of them (it's just not profitable to alienate a large section of society).

But I do still think that if I put "I am straight" in my profile, I will get banned, or at least made to remove it.

Maybe not immediately, it would probably go unnoticed or as you said, most users would agree with me and not complain at all.

However, once a sufficient number of complaints had been filed against my account to warrant closer inspection by Microsoft, I'm sure I would be banned or at least called up on it.

They would see that by mentioning "content of a sexual nature" on my profile, I had clearly broken the Term of Use I'd agreed to.

Also, as well as violating the Terms of Use, mentioning that I'm straight in my profile seem a bit bigoted. It implies that I think homosexuality is wrong, at least to the extent that I want to make it abundantly clear to everyone that I'll game with that I'm not homosexual.

Making a point of not being gay in my profile is reason enough for homosexual users to file a complaint against my account, which in turn would bring my ToU violation to Microsoft's attention.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Somebody should start a petition to get microsoft to reinstate her account. I would if I had any clue how to.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Well I don't think anyone should be banned for their sexual orientation but I also don't see the need to post it in your profile. Although MS could obviously do something about it, it's not actually MS that are homophobic but rather the people she was playing with. We also don't actually know if she was banned because of her sexuality, maybe she's just a total ***** that's always trash talking online. I have fairly open gay and bisexual friends on XBL who have never been banned.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Wouldukindly said:
This is mildly upsetting...but I have to ask...why can't we just keep our sexual orientation to ourselves in online games?
exactly, why do people put personal information (f.x. sexual orientation) on their gamertag?

X-box live is obviously infested with endless homophobes and idiots, so why complain about this kind of stuff when you know that someone is gonna harass you.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
An potential irony of the situation which has just occurred to me.

The same idiots who filed complaints against her are probably the same kind of idiots who do that 'tea-bagging' thing in FPS games.

That's always struck me as pretty suspect, I mean what could be gayer than putting your balls in another man's mouth?

If anyone's going to be banned for being homosexual then it's people who do that, but to ban people for "acting in a very homosexual manner" in FPS games would be bigoted, although it would be poetic justice of a sort.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Jamash said:
Also, as well as violating the Terms of Use, mentioning that I'm straight in my profile seem a bit bigoted. It implies that I think homosexuality is wrong, at least to the extent that I want to make it abundantly clear to everyone that I'll game with that I'm not homosexual.

Making a point of not being gay in my profile is reason enough for homosexual users to file a complaint against my account, which in turn would bring my ToU violation to Microsoft's attention.
Oh I don't think so. Saying you're straight doesn't mean you're homophobic. It's saying you're straight. Just like this girl probably didn't mean anything malicious or demeaning to straight people. And I'm very certain that the homosexual community wouldn't take offense to you saying you're straight, or that you like women. It would simply be way too hypocritical.

Also, as a side note, I wouldn't be surprised if she put her orientation up there because so many guys would hit on her once they found out she was a girl (Basically, if she said anything). She isn't interested in guys, so what a perfect deterrent! Not saying it's the case, but I wouldn't be surprised.


New member
Nov 21, 2004
Jamash said:
I agree with you, that it's the greater evil of the bigots who complained against her, which got her ToU violation noticed by Microsoft, that is the real issue here, not that she got banned for being a lesbian.

Microsoft can be accused of being many things, but I don't think homophobic is one of them (it's just not profitable to alienate a large section of society).
That is exactly the truth, very insightful with that parenthetical. And as much as people like to demonize them for that attitude, what else would you have it do?

Microsoft is an IT, not a person. Its function is to make money. It has no feelings; it's a corporation. If it's not making money, it is failing in it's function and should (and will) die. If you see news contrary to carrying out this function of making money, there's likely much more to the story than you are seeing, in this case, the ToU violation.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
mrfredy5 said:
shadow_pirate22 said:
One thing is, the term "gay" is probably blocked for being an inappropriate slur against anyone, not necessarily just gay people. That's one of the main problems with society today. If we keep using those words as insults to other people, it's going to be hard to make progress.
But then what about homosexuals who call themselves gay and are part of gay rights groups surely it isn't an insult if the people who it is dirrected call themselves gay themself.
That's not what I mean. I mean you listen to teenagers (and even some kids) and they use the word "gay" to denote something bad. That's the real problem. Using the word itself is not the problem, it's what you mean by it. It's like the N-word which I choose not to use (you know the one). Rappers use it one way, but some people use it as a racial slur. It's all about how you use the word.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Wouldukindly said:
kawligia said:
Well on one hand, simply mentioning that she is a lesbian is not really that offensive. Everyone knows they exist. I doubt any kids are going to go gay just because they met someone on the internet who claimed to be.


On the other hand, there really is no reason to display your sexual preferences in that time and place. Its not exactly the type of environment where you would announce a foot fetish or love of BDSM, so why does anyone need to announce being gay or straight? It's irrelevant and unnecessary.

I see two wrongs here. That girl should have kept her bedroom in her bedroom like everyone else and Microsoft should have just had her simply change her profile.
As much as this seems wrong, that's the only thing that sort of bothers me, I mean, I could go into detail about my lizard fetish on my account, but it may upset a few people :p

I understand it's an 'About Me' column, but you have to be a little realistic when you're on a network like Xbox Live. I'm not saying it's right they banned her, I'm just saying one has to wonder 'why'.
Because it's a part of her life! I have that I'm a Christian on my profile, because it's a big part of my life! Both her, I, and anyone else shouldn't have to apologize or change our profiles because someone else thought something as simple as faith or sexual orientation is 'offensive'. It isn't promoting hate, it isn't saying 'convert to lesbianism!', it's just talking about her and who she is.

This isn't her fault in any way or form, and the people who did this to her (If I dare call them 'people') should be nothing short of ashamed for it, and they should be the ones who are banned.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
Microsoft: Because bigots pay more than you do.
Root, I wuv you.
Please try to understand that I am not disagreeing with you. I do NOT think she deserved to be banned or suffer any lasting penalties for her profile. I think she has a perfectly legitimate position here. It IS who she is and she doesn't have to apologize for that to anyone else.

HOWEVER, I AM saying that the opposing side is not entirely incorrect either. That subject is a controversial topic for a lot of people (obviously). Regardless of who is right or wrong, each side needs to realize that in order to get along together and have fun playing X-box live, there needs to be a little give and take.

That girl knew or should have known that her profile would create some negative responses in the real world, even if it wouldn't have in a perfect world. For the sake of getting along and having fun with others, she should have realized that this was not the right time or place to stir the pot, EVEN IF she had every right to say what she said.

Conversely, the complainers should have just dealt with it like adults. Nobody has a right to remain unoffended at all times. THEY ALSO should have realized that this was not the right place to stir the pot but they did it anyway.

This is why its just not appropriate to talk about certain things in certain places. Politics and religion should NOT be discussed in mixed company when you are all trying to work together to accomplish something ENTIRELY UNRELATED to either. All its going to do is piss EVERYONE off, ruin things, and accomplish nothing constructive. When somone breaks this social rule, they are in the wrong even if their argument is correct. AND when someone responds in kind with a counter-argument, they have ALSO broken the exact same rule and made things worse, even if THEIR argument is correct.

Seriously, you can see this concept at work on just about any internet forum. People can be talking about their favorite oldschool video games from childhood, but as soon as someone cracks a joke about politics, the entire thread devolves into a flame war. I doesn't even matter what party you are or which side will ultimately be proved th wisest. NEITHER side should have started it OR continued it after it started...don't feed the trolls. If you want to argue about that stuff, go to...well...a thread like this one.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
SuperMse said:
Also, how will saying "gay" turn Xbox Live or PSN into Red Light Districts? It can be used to describe many things, and even if used to describe the orientation, I doubt Xbox Live or PSN would become all about sex. Besides, she just said she was a lesbian in her "About Me" section, so its not like she was advertising it; she just thought that it was something about her important enough to put in her profile.
Not sure what my status has to do anything but the fact you reconized it's me and missed the humour and my post might mean you don't watch my show. When I say fag is a "perfectly acceptable" racial slur, I am meaning it as what everyone who uses it via internet gaming.

It means you are a newb.

When someone over an internet game calls you a "fag" they mean you are a "Newb". Someone camping behind a wall? That guys being a fag. Someone picks up all the extra health packs when your at 10% HP? Fag. Calm down, I nor the people using it like this really care about your sexuality, they are just saying it because they think you are lame. And you know what? In an Xbox live Profile, I don't need to know someones Sexual orientation because it doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to anyone else. In fact, I bet if you find some guy/girl with a profile that says "I'm Straight" you can just go report it to xbox and have it removed too because it shouldn't be on a GAMING PROFILE.

The girl who posted this story is seeking attention. Thats why she put "Lesbian" in her profile. She wants people to see her and know that shes a lesbian and thats not acceptable behavior in a gaming community. Sexual orientation does not matter. If someone was harassing her for being a lesbian.. err wait how do they know shes a lesbian? Why didn't she just report them?

You kids play nice. You are missing the point. Microsoft isn't being biggots they are just being put into bad light by Ms Give-Me-Attention-Because-I-Am-Different.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
So being open to your sexuality = bad enough to get suspended/banned from Xbox Live.
But being a prick and calling people fags, whores, ass holes, douche bags, or any other words that would make a childs ear bleed, even though it is most likely coming from them, is OK and not a suspendable/ban worthy offense?

I tell ya, some peoples kids...

Mental Mage

New member
Feb 26, 2009
See one thing people on the internet seem to forget is that when you sign up for any internet service. XBL, Steam, WoW, even something as menial as Runescape, you are adhering to THEIR rules, and their interpretations of those rules. No matter how much you whine, or complain or think it's not fair/right/politically correct, as Sony put it: Live in your world, play in ours. It's another world, it's not the same as everyday America/Canada. Technically Microsoft is entirely in the right in this situation, XBL, if they had it their way, is a place for a target audience of 14-20 to screw around and play games that you pay them for. Not a place to even hint at sexual preference, religious orientation, or even if your male or female. They put the about you part in merely to please their audience by making them feel it was a more social outlet.

Having said all of this, I do agree that the user being banned is ridiculous... but at the same time, they have the right, the means, and you agreed to be their ***** when you hit OK on ToS.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
Aries_Split said:
SirSchmoopy said:
Fag = Lesbian anyway imo. Perfectly acceptable racial slur and most likely she was called a fag not because she was gay but because she was being a fag which is totally different in the internet world.
I don't think she was flaunting it sir.
Then how did people know? Oh wait they most likely looked her up. Saw she was a lesbian. Wait what? Why is that kind of personal information in a Xbox live profile.

So.. wait. Now microsoft gave her a little break, removed the lesbian and now when people look up her profile they won't find intimate details to insult her of?

People don't go around expressing their sexual orination unless... "TA DAH" They want people to clearly know it. She wanted to let people know that she likes girls and that she doesn't care what they think. Well that right there is the problem. Personal information like that is what got her into little tiffs with people on the internet.

If some guy put his penis size on his Xbox Profile and everyone made fun of him and then he got suspended for having the size of his dick in his profile. Who is to blame?

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Fruitloops89 said:
So being open to your sexuality = bad enough to get suspended/banned from Xbox Live.
But being a prick and calling people fags, whores, ass holes, douche bags, or any other words that would make a childs ear bleed, even though it is most likely coming from them, is OK and not a suspendable/ban worthy offense?

I tell ya, some peoples kids...
The problem is more complex than that.

Our Lady of the Martyred Dignity was suspended because of sexual content in her profile, in print and indisputable as to who put it there. People (rightly or wrongly) found it offensive and reported it to Microsoft through the built-in reporting tools, and the Live staff found a violation of the Code of Conduct. Suspension followed, probably a short-term one with a warning to change her profile.

The Fearless Microphone Abusers, however, do their antics over voice chat... and because these antics are ubiquitous no one seems to want to bother to rat them out. I'll also add that unless it's a voice message sent directly to Our Lady's mailbox it's not recorded, so accusations of verbal abuse come down to "he said / she said" unless you start getting significant volumes of reports about particular users. (Or a user is unlucky enough to flap his/her gums in front of a Live employee who happens to be playing in the same match. It's fun to see that happen, but alas it's very rare to witness.)

So it's not that proclaiming one's undying love for boys/girls/hamsters/etc is the greater offense than hooting-dickholery, it's that violating the Terms of Use in writing is easier to catch and correct than violating the Terms vocally unless people report these violations with the tools provided, preferably every time.

-- Steve


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Anton P. Nym said:
So it's not that proclaiming one's undying love for boys/girls/hamsters/etc is the greater offense than hooting-dickholery, it's that violating the Terms of Use in writing is easier to catch and correct than violating the Terms vocally unless people report these violations with the tools provided, preferably every time.

-- Steve
This. The whole affair is a tempest in a teapot. Not that lesbians are gender-identity baiters as a rule, but I've known several with enough pent-up angst to take it to the streets when they didn't need to.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I don't really see the merit in her being banned. On the flip side, I don't think you should post stuff like that on your profile, cause kids could see it.

*sigh* It's a delicate issue to be sure. But MS makes the rules for their service, and if complaints pop up they'll make an addendum to them making it bad to do this sorta thing. I'm suprised there isn't one already. Honestly, I wouldn't call it obscene, but that's up to their interpretation.

I think that you should keep in mind this isn't really a MySpace profile: there's a place to post such stuff, and if you want people to know your orientation include a link to a website you use.

I'm not entirely convinced of her story either. Live players are often bags filled with douche, but if she only has this on her profile I doubt that she would get too much harassment: most players that rate down do so w/o ever veiwing the profile.

The way I veiw it, the word "gay/fag" is insulting only depending on context. I refer to gay people I respect as gay, and annoying gay people I hate as fags. To me there is no difference between this and calling a guy I hate a ass, besides the words being used. I'll also refer to bad situations as being gay: but I say the word another way. Context is KEY.

Ready for response Captain!


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Anton P. Nym said:
Fruitloops89 said:
So being open to your sexuality = bad enough to get suspended/banned from Xbox Live.
But being a prick and calling people fags, whores, ass holes, douche bags, or any other words that would make a childs ear bleed, even though it is most likely coming from them, is OK and not a suspendable/ban worthy offense?

I tell ya, some peoples kids...
The problem is more complex than that.

Our Lady of the Martyred Dignity was suspended because of sexual content in her profile, in print and indisputable as to who put it there. People (rightly or wrongly) found it offensive and reported it to Microsoft through the built-in reporting tools, and the Live staff found a violation of the Code of Conduct. Suspension followed, probably a short-term one with a warning to change her profile.

The Fearless Microphone Abusers, however, do their antics over voice chat... and because these antics are ubiquitous no one seems to want to bother to rat them out. I'll also add that unless it's a voice message sent directly to Our Lady's mailbox it's not recorded, so accusations of verbal abuse come down to "he said / she said" unless you start getting significant volumes of reports about particular users. (Or a user is unlucky enough to flap his/her gums in front of a Live employee who happens to be playing in the same match. It's fun to see that happen, but alas it's very rare to witness.)

So it's not that proclaiming one's undying love for boys/girls/hamsters/etc is the greater offense than hooting-dickholery, it's that violating the Terms of Use in writing is easier to catch and correct than violating the Terms vocally unless people report these violations with the tools provided, preferably every time.

-- Steve
I report every one of these people AND rate them down. Hint, hint: having a magic speaking device does not mean you have permission to make my ears bleed. I do not appreciate your suggestions about what my mother does in her spare time. You also happen to be 10, which means that you should shut up now, as you don't know what you're talking about.

Live employees play in games? As part of the job or off-duty? That must be a hoot.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
shadow_pirate22 said:
One thing is, the term "gay" is probably blocked for being an inappropriate slur against anyone, not necessarily just gay people. That's one of the main problems with society today. If we keep using those words as insults to other people, it's going to be hard to make progress.
yup..its a sad world...seriously Microsoft -10 for you!!!