UPDATE: Rumor: EA Already Has the 360's Successor, Microsoft to Reveal at E3


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Not surprising, the 360 came out first, so they've had plenty of time. It makes sense that they would have made a few now, knowing that they can modify and update the design as new technology arrives until they are ready to mass produce and ship out for the new generation.

In other words, I believe the story, however, I doubt that the one EA has is exactly identical to the one they will eventually ship, just similar enough for them to learn the ropes for programming to the new system.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
JET1971 said:
bleachigo10 said:
I still think its to early for the next generation of consoles. Can't we give these ones a few more years.
Why? the dated hardware is already stiffling game design and inovation. graphics are maxed out already and have been for a few years. features that can be packed into a game such as physics is limited to the hardware and pretty much maxed now.

Xbox 360 was released in 2005, in 2010 it hit the 5 year mark. possible release in 2012 is 7 years old. In the world of computers thats ancient, and the current generations of consoles are computers that dont allow you to use them as computers. MS wanted it to last? well it has and now its old tech in need of replacing so game design can become more inovative and better quality affects and graphics that wont make it stutter. and to think they dont even push what the TV its connected to can do, not by a long shot. Also as games are now becoming more and more multi platform, having such old tech for the baseline means that overall game design is at a relative standstill. That is not good for the industry as a whole.
Game graphics may be slowing, but considering graphics ain't been changing much in the last 5 or so years thats not an issue reguardless, however that hasn't stopped game DESIGN from evolving. Gameplay is not linked to graphics, its stagnation is due to modern 'CoD/BF/Halo' style games that keep pumping out the same thing with a bigger number on the end and people buying it. A new console wont change that, heck it may even make it worse as making games gets more costly.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
IF, and its a big if MS have a new console in development the chances are they are going to want proper backwards compatibility. That means power PC processor and AMD GPU just like Nintendo. That puts Sony in a bit of a situation.
Do they:

A. continue with cell and Nvidia meaning all next gen cross platform games programmed for Cafe/Xbox720 need to be completely re written.
This results in HUGE costs for the software houses and cross platform games dwindle on the PS4 due to costs.


B. Ditch the hugely costly Cell architecture and Nvidia GPU in favour of a setup more inline with Nintendo and MS to make sure the big cross platform games happen.
This results in no backwards compatibility alienating PS3 fans, and the massive write off of funds in the cell.

Either way sony could be in a difficult situation if the XBOX 720/ Cafe rumours are even remotely true.


Mar 24, 2010
Your Nightmare said:
Pilkingtube said:
Your Nightmare said:
Scott Bullock said:
could be released by the end of 2012
No one else found this quite a coincidence?
Why would it be? 0_o
I still don't get it, why do people care what the Mayan calendar states, the Mayans clearly didn't do very well with their predictions, look where they are now.. or not as the case may be. Is this just another time-keeping problem like when windows didn't include the year 2000 and everybody spazzed out thinking the world would end from the millenium bug?

Really don't get all of this 'end of the world' stuff, it happens like every 4 years. :/
Jun 11, 2008
Delusibeta said:
bleachigo10 said:
I still think its to early for the next generation of consoles. Can't we give these ones a few more years.
I'm going to be blunt: you must be trolling, right? The next generation of consoles is overdue by a good two years, frankly. It's about time, in my opinion.
You know just because he has a different opinion doesn't mean is trolling. A lot of people don't want a new generation of consoles.

OT: Personally I don't see a need for a new generation of consoles. Stuff costs enough as it is at the moment and people already pay for things that should be free(eg P2P multiplayer). So I will not be happy about this. Although after my experience with the 360 probably wouldn't of bought it anyway.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Hasn't this already been the longest console life cycle in history though?
I might be wrong about that, but I'm close to certain at least.

The big problem is that if these rumours are true, as with the new Nintendo machine rumours, these will be RUSHED. Meaning lackluster development and hardware optimisation. Remember how long we had to wait for THIS generations machines?

And see how crappy the hardware is on the 360 and ps3?
I've sent two of each back. My original playstation and SNES function to this day.
Jun 11, 2008
Penguin_Factory said:

I hope this is true, the last time we got two console reveals simultaneously it was great (the "Revolution" didn't count because they didn't show any games).

I still think its to early for the next generation of consoles. Can't we give these ones a few more years.
Gonna have to disagree with that. I've noticed console games struggling with frame-rates recently, I think it's time for new hardware.
Or on the frame rates they could stop releasing games at high graphic levels and stick to what they have now until they can keep costs down. Also frame rates this gen is nothing new. I had problems way big near when the 360 was released with games like Oblivion, N3 and Ninja Gaiden 2. Problem wasn't hardware. They wanted it to do stuff it just couldn't really do.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Xbox 1080

Now it can't be turned on without a Gold membership!

Seriously, MS. Free members can't even send messages now. >_>
At least some asshole hacker doesn't have your details that always cheers me up when i have to cough up the money for the next month of live.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Cpu46 said:
Your Nightmare said:
Scott Bullock said:
could be released by the end of 2012
No one else found this quite a coincidence?
Its no coincidence if it ships with a copy of Halo 5: Master Chief & Friends Superstar Adventures in Dreamland. [footnote] yay for ancient LRR reference! [/footnote]
Lets hope the opening cutscene isnt as long as lrr said


New member
Sep 25, 2008
No sense in anyone but Nintendo to release a new console.

Nintendo has a hardware shortfall compared to the PS3 and Xbox and now they want to tap into the HD market or back into the 'hardcore' gaming base (which I really dont know what that is) But honestly, the hardware MS and Sony are using right now is good enough to sustain future projects for years, simply with software upgrades and the like. I thought we were kind of growing out of this quick succession of new consoles


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Please not in 2012. I think I can accept it in 2013 or 2014 but they just released the slim and Kinect. I'm just so far from ready for a new Xbox.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
bleachigo10 said:
I still think its to early for the next generation of consoles. Can't we give these ones a few more years.
You're not the only one.
Launching the next gen of consoles now, before they've really opened up the ones we got, is a surefire way to get me gaming exclusively on the PC again.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Scott Bullock said:
"Why let Nintendo steal the thunder in June? It doesn't want to lose momentum. That's why I think Microsoft is rushing to make an announcement at E3," he said.
Hopefully not rushing enough to release another unstable console.
First thing I thought as well.

Your Nightmare

New member
May 28, 2010
Pilkingtube said:
Your Nightmare said:
Pilkingtube said:
Your Nightmare said:
Scott Bullock said:
could be released by the end of 2012
No one else found this quite a coincidence?
Why would it be? 0_o
I still don't get it, why do people care what the Mayan calendar states, the Mayans clearly didn't do very well with their predictions, look where they are now.. or not as the case may be. Is this just another time-keeping problem like when windows didn't include the year 2000 and everybody spazzed out thinking the world would end from the millenium bug?

Really don't get all of this 'end of the world' stuff, it happens like every 4 years. :/
It's the talk of stupid people. I was just saying that the supposed end of the world is also tied with the rumoured release of the new Xbox console.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
This isn't true. EA said it themselves. "Of course they wouldn't admit it" Just like they didn't admit the Project Cafe stuff, amirite?

Kinect is MS's future, sadly. They aren't going to launch a new console any time soon without exploring what the Kinect can give them in terms of market-base. Eventually a new console will come with a kinect like feature built in tho. Hopefully it'll have a higher storage medium than basic dvds too.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
No new console please. I'm still getting plenty of life out of my 360--and X-box--and frankly, I don't have ROOM for another console. Nor do I want to drop another $500-$800 dollars just yet.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
not only is the core hardware for the new Xbox 360 finished, but an EA development studio already has one on its desk.

Long as it's backwards compatible with the old Xbox, EA can most certainly make another lame duck Madden game right off the bat...

Look everyone! It's Madden! Whoop dee do, you always make it, heck I'd call the Madden games fairly safe for the new console since they are about 4 generations behind on graphics.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
RicoADF said:
JET1971 said:
bleachigo10 said:
I still think its to early for the next generation of consoles. Can't we give these ones a few more years.
Game graphics may be slowing, but considering graphics ain't been changing much in the last 5 or so years thats not an issue reguardless, however that hasn't stopped game DESIGN from evolving. Gameplay is not linked to graphics, its stagnation is due to modern 'CoD/BF/Halo' style games that keep pumping out the same thing with a bigger number on the end and people buying it. A new console wont change that, heck it may even make it worse as making games gets more costly.
Graphics have changed allot in the last 5 years actualy, they just havnt in the console games because they cant handle it. game design is going stagnant because of a consoles ability to do more than they are asked to do already. in BFBC2 the graphics had to be turned down lower to include destruction 2.0 and some amazing environment affects. people like a pretty game regardless if you believe it or not! thats why people are complaining about same ole brown shooter. it is a huge selling point for AAA games where it is expected to be the best, and if it wasnt somewhat important we would be playing all our games in 8 bit graphics.

But I wasnt just talking about graphics. i did say "features that can be packed into a game such as physics is limited to the hardware and pretty much maxed now." That means other things aside from graphics is at a relative standstill. what new and great innovation has come out of games in the past 2 years? notice I said new. none really, its all rehashed or pulled from another gametype and improved.

The 'CoD/BF/Halo' is the fault of many idiots that keep buying them even though they dont do much in inovation. to innovate on them and add better features would force them to make a sacrifice in something else. No game sequal should look worse, AI even more stupid, less variety etc etc than the previous version. thats always a fail. again hardware limits what can be done for innovation thus creating same ole same ole.

Cost, i do 3d modeling, and Its a whole lot more difficult to dumb something down to look good than it is to make a higher poly with current 3d modeling software that allows for quickly designing something that is obviously what it was supposed to be. same thing goes for textures. its harder to make a texture from scratch than it is to take a picture of one and make it a seamless tile. tools used to make games have advanced considerably since 2005, artists are forced to dumb down. pay the same for what they can realy do? less hours?

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
climbsyke said:
IF, and its a big if MS have a new console in development the chances are they are going to want proper backwards compatibility. That means power PC processor and AMD GPU just like Nintendo. That puts Sony in a bit of a situation.
Do they:

A. continue with cell and Nvidia meaning all next gen cross platform games programmed for Cafe/Xbox720 need to be completely re written.
This results in HUGE costs for the software houses and cross platform games dwindle on the PS4 due to costs.


B. Ditch the hugely costly Cell architecture and Nvidia GPU in favour of a setup more inline with Nintendo and MS to make sure the big cross platform games happen.
This results in no backwards compatibility alienating PS3 fans, and the massive write off of funds in the cell.
I'll concede the Cell-vs-PowerPC thing, but I have to take issue with the implication that any developer who's not already 100% Xbox-exclusive would drop support for Nvidia ? it is a necessity for making PC ports, after all.


Mar 24, 2010
Your Nightmare said:
Pilkingtube said:
Your Nightmare said:
Pilkingtube said:
Your Nightmare said:
Scott Bullock said:
could be released by the end of 2012
No one else found this quite a coincidence?
Why would it be? 0_o
I still don't get it, why do people care what the Mayan calendar states, the Mayans clearly didn't do very well with their predictions, look where they are now.. or not as the case may be. Is this just another time-keeping problem like when windows didn't include the year 2000 and everybody spazzed out thinking the world would end from the millenium bug?

Really don't get all of this 'end of the world' stuff, it happens like every 4 years. :/
It's the talk of stupid people. I was just saying that the supposed end of the world is also tied with the rumoured release of the new Xbox console.
So, if I run around saying "The new Xbox will end the world in 2012!!" and say that a stack of pancakes wearing a hat told me, i'm actually going to be less stupid? :D

I still love that avatar btw. :p