Update: Xbox One To Take Cut With Every Pre-Owned Sale


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I don't really understand why people are freaking out about the mechanics of used game sales, except for perhaps the system check with Azure servers to validate whether you still own the game or not (which the timeframe during which this would occur still hasn't been verified yet).

First off, a maximum used game price of $45 is definitely not terrible, and of course Microsoft is going to take a cut for processing and hosting the Azure service and serial keys. This is an obvious result of the system that they put in place. While it's true that the rumored 10% minimum for retailers involved would indeed suck, I think we're forgetting something that I find quite amazing about the new system.

The publisher gets a cut of used game sales.

While it's true larger publisher's like EA really don't need to be making more money than they already are off of micro-transactions and DLC, smaller publishers could very well thrive under the new system which, hopefully, would mean for money for the studios that develop our favorite games as well.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Are they actually trying to piss people off or is this just the way the cookie is crumbling?

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
RJ 17 said:
At that point, why not buy it used for a lower price?
Oh, I dunno, supporting the developers instead of the vultures at gamestop?
I'll do more to support the developers when they do more to encourage said support. And no, I'm not interested in debating this with you.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
LoL why do people care if gamestop gets bent over on this deal? Its not like they havent been ripping people off for years themselves. Who buys used that much anyway?
I do, for one, but not from GameStop. I support a locally owned and operated game store. I don't buy all my games used, but I DO want to have that option, and I want that option to include my local game store. This policy may very well kill that mom and pop place I love so much, unless PS4 used sales keep them afloat. (The Wii U certainly isn't helping them yet)


New member
Jun 30, 2009
GameStop (and others): "What's that? You only want to give us 10% of each sale? Ha ha! See how many people buy your system when we don't stock it! Oh, and people want to buy the new games? Too bad we only have this small kiosk of Xbone games. After all, we had to devote this entire wall to the WiiU and PS4 games."

Really MS? Really? Did you actually think ANYONE would go for this?
Aug 1, 2010
This is just getting hilarious now.

I can't wait to see what Microsoft is going to fuck up next.

This thing was already doomed to failure. I hope it fails even harder than we're expecting and Microsoft learns something of a lesson.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Reyalsfeihc said:
I don't really understand why people are freaking out about the mechanics of used game sales, except for perhaps the system check with Azure servers to validate whether you still own the game or not (which the timeframe during which this would occur still hasn't been verified yet).

First off, a maximum used game price of $45 is definitely not terrible, and of course Microsoft is going to take a cut for processing and hosting the Azure service and serial keys. This is an obvious result of the system that they put in place. While it's true that the rumored 10% minimum for retailers involved would indeed suck, I think we're forgetting something that I find quite amazing about the new system.

The publisher gets a cut of used game sales.

While it's true larger publisher's like EA really don't need to be making more money than they already are off of micro-transactions and DLC, smaller publishers could very well thrive under the new system which, hopefully, would mean for money for the studios that develop our favorite games as well.
I don't think most people are upset over it. I see it more being a case of people realizing this is a horrible move on Microsoft's part as they're alienating basically every Used Games retailer.

Personally, I don't care who gets the cut of the sale, and you also make a good point regarding the price. However, when places like Gamestop are the leading retailer for games for most people, if they decide to simply not carry Xbox One stuff because of this, MS is going to feel it.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Yopaz said:
So the retailer get 10%? Yeah, say good bye to support from Gamestop, Microsoft. I'm glad I'm not interested in the Xbone because then this would have been depressing. Now I am saying that and I don't even like buying pre-owned games. I like it even less when a company screws over its customers though.
Yea, I can't say I buy pre-owned anymore either but I used to and I probably wouldn't buy as many new games now if used games were as expensive back then as they are now. So I'm not exactly a big fan of Gamestop as they're the ones mostly responsible for gouging the prices on the used game market but all this is going to do is pre-gouge the market.

Once again, its an example of the new consoles getting the worst parts of the PC experience with none of the benefits.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
spartandude said:
omicron1 said:
Microsoft gambled that Sony would take the same anti-preowned stance this generation. That has to be it. There's no other reason why they would think this would work, except if retailers and consumers had nowhere to turn.
i think this is a reason but then they came out after the ps4 announcement, IF they had any sense they would have changed it. but no all theyve done is piss off retailers, piss of their consumer base, piss off their potential consumers and pissed of europe by having most of the presentation showing the xbox doing things that arnt avaliable out side of north America (some not outside the US even)
They would have made this development decision ages ago - and they didn't have enough time to change it following Sony's reveal.

Put another way, once Sony made their move, Microsoft knew they were XBoned.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
Hmmm Microsoft...since my xbox 360 is permanently offline this gen because fuck xbl and now you are messing around with the used game market next gen?

Fuck off.

It's looking more and more that I'll be going PS4 this gen if I'm getting any console at all...

I'll wait for E3 though to be sure.

The Pink Pansy

New member
Jun 17, 2010
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
LoL why do people care if gamestop gets bent over on this deal? Its not like they havent been ripping people off for years themselves. Who buys used that much anyway?
A large portion of the market buys used games; why pay more for the same product if you do not have to? For most of the public, $60 is alot of money. Used games allow many gamers to play games by 1) allowing them to buy games even if they can't afford to shell out $60 and 2) allowing them to trade old games they no longer play for new ones. The other advantage of getting games on the cheap and being able to turn them in is that it allows you to try games you're not sure you'll enjoy, widening the audience for the game, which is beneficial for both the consumer and the publisher.

Gamestop and other retailers are brought up in this discussion for a couple reasons, but honestly being 'fair' to Gamestop is not the main reason people are upset about this. The big reason is simply that this forces prices on Xbone games to start high and stay high perpetually (please note, 35 British Pounds = $53 USD) and kills the used game market, preventing people who can't afford to buy full price games from buying games at all.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
MCV Misquoted their Source.

MCV states that in the article from ConsoleDeals.co.uk it is suggested that retail will only receive a 10% cut from used game sales.

However, when reading the ConsoleDeals article it states that the maximum retail price of used games at 35 euros would only be a 10% discount on RRP.

The source revealed that game retailers will be forced to sell second hand games at just a 10% discount on the original RRP. This news will come as a shock to consumers who are currently used to purchasing trade-in games at up to 50% of the retail value.
[URL="http://www.consoledeals.co.uk/blog/exclusive-xbox-one-second-hand-game-licenses-are-30-each-2201" (title,target)]Source[/URL]
Nowhere in the source article does it discuss the percent cut retailers would take from any used sales.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Supporting used game sales is not about supporting Gamestop. It is about supporting your right to ownership. You know, the same right you have when you resell any other product you buy - from clothes to cars.

Microsoft wants everything based on a licensing model. This is terrible for the consumers. The sad part is that they will probably throw money at their plans until they work, and I don't know if the public will have the stamina to resist.

A lot of people bought SIMcity, a lot of people still buys EA games in droves, Diablo 3 is successful.

Yeah, we have yet to see the aftermath of all those issues - will people buy the next Dragon Age or Mass Effect on the first day? But the sad answer is that they probably might.

Same thing with Microsoft. If they somehow manage to get a few great games, people wont care about the ethics of the whole thing.


New member
Aug 27, 2012
I think what Microsoft is miscalculating, is that they think their main consumers are casual gamers who don't care about this shit, just swallow whatever is being advertised.

Which they are, but unfortunately unlike Wii soccer moms, XBox gamers are the kind who might not spend hours on the escapist, but at least they like to claim that they are hardcore gamers. Teenagers, dudebros, and the likes, who might not check out all the reddit memes about the new Xbox, but they will sure see them on 9gag.

They might not UNDERSTAND what is wrong with the Xbone, but they will sure as hell try to catch up with the term "Xbone", and with the general Internet consensus that it is a bad thing.


New member
May 17, 2010
I used to feel bad that I couldn't keep up with current consoles...now, not so much.

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
It'd be quite ironic if these same game retailers then refused to sell the XBones. Not going to happen but it'd make me chortle.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Me: Ah, good to see you take proper form Microsoft. I'll be supporting you all the way.

MS: "So you'll buy one on launch day, and help boost our sales of our great new machine?"

Me: Yea, no. With the combination of your totally unreliable hardware and you're constant attempts to undermine your customer base by excluding SD Tv's that, many people still have due to financial or personal reasons, I probably won't ever be getting a "XBone". I'll probably just get a PS4 and maybe a WiiU. The new inFamous looks pretty cool and Nintendo always rolls out gems.

MS: "But why them and not us? Sony put that pointless share function that you'll never use with no backwards capability and Nintendo chose to make a console that's only as powerful as the current generation with a stupid touch pad controller. So why will you buy from them and not us?"

Me: It's mostly because when they fuck me up the ass, they have the common courtsey to use some lube as so I at least feel good about my purchase.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
LoL why do people care if gamestop gets bent over on this deal? Its not like they havent been ripping people off for years themselves. Who buys used that much anyway?
Is there another way to easily sell games? Besides, its not like they are holding you down and forcing you to accept their offer.