Update: Xbox One To Take Cut With Every Pre-Owned Sale


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I just ordered an Nvidia 680 too shore myself up as a PC gamer for the upcoming jump in graphical fidelity thanks too the new consoles, I was -going- too spend that money on an X1 but all of this B.S has shown me the light, and that light is the Desktop Tower.


The Red Comet
Dec 3, 2008
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
Well stated. And I too am a little amazed that the publishers cut is getting so little play. Considering that such a move could bring more publishers to support the platform and make games for it, and we all know its the library of games that keeps a system afloat. If it has a great library of games, there will be plenty of people who are able to pay to play them.
The publisher's cut is and should get little play because this system is an action by Microsoft. And they're not doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts either, Microsoft is making sure they're getting paid too. Publishers have been annoyed with things consoles force on them like licensing fees, patching approval, and even content approval for a while now, and I'm sure they're less than thrilled at the idea of Microsoft "big brothering" a used game solution on them too.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Karloff said:
Prices quoted by MCV for pre-owned hover around the £35 mark, inclusive of the retailer's cut, so of that figure the retailer sees no more than £3.50. The £35 is the activation fee, so presumably that would be set in advance by Microsoft independently of conditions in the retail market. Stinker or classic, the price tag may be the same.
Wait, so there is no price fluctuation? I can't even wait for a drop in price beyond $35 (Unless it's a sale I assume)? This is just silly now.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Milanezi said:
So... MS is saying, with the next gen they ain't gonna get ANY games from anyone at all if they're used... Hmmmm assholes.
MS isn't saying that actually. A small online magazine with an alleged retailer source is saying that MS has control over the sale of used games by retailers.

It's an unconfirmed rumor at this point, and even if true it says little about the policies regarding lending, personal sales, or giving away games.

Marak Daga said:
hello pc. im glad i have you for many reasons.
That really does not make much sense. The vast majority of PC games do not support used sales at all.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Was about to get angry, but MCV are clearly pulling numbers out of their arse. Their source says retailers would be forced to set the price to £35 on pre-owned games, it mentions nothing about what cuts of that go where.

If it were correct it would mean that, due to retailers only getting a 10% cut of the £35 resell price, they could only offer to buy it off you for £3.50 at most, meaning after one use of the game you bought for £40 it has lost over 90% of it's value to you. This would entirely kill any incentive for anyone to trade-in games... Good job there's no evidence of any of this being true.

I would be interested to see who gets this £35, as the retailers cut will effectively be the most you can get back for a used game... unless microsoft were to subsidise the retailers purchase of your game.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
So there is no reason to buy second hand xbone games. Therefore, for many, there is no reason to buy an xbone.

This is like when TSR got Random House to be their distributor. The business model they got was not beneficial to them in any way.


New member
May 14, 2012
Eldritch Warlord said:
Marak Daga said:
hello pc. im glad i have you for many reasons.
That really does not make much sense. The vast majority of PC games do not support used sales at all.
Instead, it got sales, which - on the consumer side - has the same effect: Really cheap games.
Also, it is more or less the ONLY thing the PC doesn't support (next to local games, usually but even that is half the time supported in smaller games), so...

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Really? We're jumping on the rumour mill again so soon, even though most of the shit floated about the XBox "infinity" were complete and utter shit?

omicron1 said:
Do they honestly think TV and sports hounds will compensate for the massive install base bleedout they've set themselves up for?
Let's see...Halo, Call of Duty, Madden...I think they're set.


Seriously, though, XBox already seemed like a dudebro console, so I'm betting they really do think this will do it.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
RJ 17 said:
At that point, why not buy it used for a lower price?
Oh, I dunno, supporting the developers instead of the vultures at gamestop?
>implying publishers and retailers aren't greedy vultures who refuse to lower the price of games

Just look at digital games: they cut out the cost of retail and manufacturing and shipping disks and they cut out the possibility of reselling yet they still sell these games at prices that are often higher than retail (like a game that's been out for 2 months being $20 on a store shelf and $60 on PSN). They have the power to fix this without grabbing the used game industry by the balls. But then again, for all I know you're a Microsoft employee who joined yesterday to defend the xbone while using you username as a lame excuse to disprove that theory


New member
May 24, 2013
What happens to the console if it can't phone home to Microsoft?

I'm not talking a day to day problem with internet. I'm talking about end of life on the console. Do all the games I've purchased now become one player only? Does it work at all?

Think about your old systems, such as Nintendo, Dreamcast, PS2, etc. If the hardware works, you can still play. With the Xbone, will my right to play is disappear once the next generation that replaces the Xbone is introduced?

Do licenses get transferred to the next generation and by doing so, create vendor lock-in?

If Microsoft Azure stops serving (for example, Xbone is a bomb and Microsoft doesn't support it because of cost), you could end up with an expensive paperweight? If Azure fails, does that lockout all the Xbone systems?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Charli said:
I'm starting to feel dirty just for using windows 7...

I mean I would do everything in Linux Mint but... adobe, adobe and their picky ass shit.
No doubt. I dual boot kubuntu on my machine, but there are just so many things that still aren't compatible.

But, take solace that you haven't provided MS with any more revenue than when you first got 7. I also kept my install discs, so when it comes time for a new PC, there won't be any of that Windows 8 crap.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Goodbye Used games...

Hello Jailbroken Xbox's with free games to boot!

*Note, doesnt' pirate for Xbox and never owned an Xbox. Just a hobby-Clairvoyant*


humm odd
Sep 10, 2008
im not sure how much this will impact the big sellers but i think the mediocre titles will feel a big hit.

being able to trade in your old game has a psychological impact on buyers. if they know that even if the title is terrible and they have a bad time playing it they can go back and trade in recouping some money and making the whole process less risky from their pov. if you squeeze the retailers by either giving them a small cut or restricting their resale price, then they will start to offer less money to buy back your game or stop alltogether. before they had all the money from the resale. now they have to split that 3 ways (them,microsoft,publisher) with the added bonus of the price they can ask being only a slight discount on a new game.

how many will be willing to pay for something second hand when they could get it for new for only a little bit more. then there is the added risk inherant to any transaction to the retailer, i belive (im not 100%) that all new games are on a sell or buy back agreement. so they sell as many as they can and the publisher will buy back some that they dont sell. a used game they do not have that saftey net. if it does not resell they are out of pocket. so they find themselfs with a game that is less desirable than a newer one, with less cut to them and more risk.

this leads back into my original point. if you find a retailer unwilling to buy back your game or only offering you a much lesser value for it would you be as willing to buy a game on a whim without that safty net to lessen the blow of a game you dont like. you will still buy the games you are interested in but would you wait a little longer, check out reviews, talk to friends, do your homework on the likelyhood of you enjoying the game.

if you have £50 to spend and in the old system that would let you get through 3-4 games buying them then reselling if you dislike or are finished with them. the new system you only buy one game as buyback is limited and you would get so little for it. microsoft and the publisher might see their cut going up but if the half formed games that sometimes get pushed out the door to fend for themselfs dont get the impulse buy, the why not i'll give it a go sales they could see their bottom lines hit even more than leaveing thing alone.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
Worgen said:
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
LoL why do people care if gamestop gets bent over on this deal? Its not like they havent been ripping people off for years themselves. Who buys used that much anyway?
Is there another way to easily sell games? Besides, its not like they are holding you down and forcing you to accept their offer.
Proabably not an easier way to sell games, but I wouldn't know, I dont sell many games. Because I don't buy many games that I dont plan to keep. And the voluntary nature of the rip off does not make it less of a rip off. lol.
So how is it a ripoff?

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
Yeah, nvm, I don't even watch TV, anymore!

Guess I might consider getting the PS4 or ditching the whole console scene and sticking with mah gaming PC.