UPDATED: New Fallout Coming From Original Fallout Devs


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Fallout3 added some new things to the genre, and it really made it more interesting in its own way.

But the biggest thing I'd want in a fallout game is having your SPECIAL points actually mean something. In fallout2 I played a sexy diplomat who would persuade and seduce people into doing what she wanted. I managed to go through a significant portion of the game after the initial tutorial without getting into a single fight.

There was also things where having a small intelligence would mean that you could barely form coherent words, and dialogue options were added based on your SPECIAL stats. The % chance to persuade someone based on your charisma/speechcraft in fallout3 was really just pathetic.

That said, if you just wanted to play an action-based character, fallout3 does a far better job. Its just that you have no choice whether to do that or not.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Darth Sea Bass said:
Oh christ no obsidian bollocks up every series they get involved with in my opinion! Lets judge the evidence shall we neverwinter nights... brilliant. Neverwinter nights 2... bug ridden piece of shit. KoTOR... amazing. KoTOR 2... total crap.
Well... unfinished products tend to be buggy? :/

I personally prefer 2 to one, because it's easily the better written of the two. Most of everything else is the same so...

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Honestly, I've played all three...and I defintely think that Fallout 3 is superior, and is the way to go from now on. That isn't to say that it couldn't borrow from the older titles, but I think the new direction is the right one to go.

Add a bit more overt humor for the older Fallout crowd (Fallout 3 does have plenty of subdued humor - you just have to look around for it), more ways to get through things without violence or using other methods like the older Fallouts, and maybe a bit more town/NPC action with the Fallout 3 formula and you'd have absolute diamond crusted platinum gold.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Fallout 3 did not suck, even after months you can pick up the game, start a new character and have fun. Hell, I haven't even gotten at the Bobbleheads yet, so I still have something to do when I pop in the game for a few hours. It never ceases to be fun and the downloadable content has been pretty good so far.

Personally, I doubt any of this is true however. Fallout 3 not only got every old school Fallout guy to buy it, but made itself a new audience too, many of which will NOT go for the Overhead perspective of the FO1, 2, Tactics, etc. Unless its another FPS with better story, and a meaningful SPECIAL (and speech skill), which would be GREAT!!, I don't see it ever being made.

I think its just a rumor.

Personally, I'd like to see a Fallout game NOT based in the USA. China would be interesting, we'd get to hear their side of the story. Or if it stays in the states Chicago would be sweet too, there is already a little story for that in FO3.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
Now this sounds interesting.

Though they probably can't do a game today where you can be a porn star and kill a bunch of kids. Ah well, as long as you can play through the game in dozens of different ways that don't always involve guns, I'm happy.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
I don't really see why we'd really need another first person romp (nothing against first person games but making every game like that is not something I'd want), especially if the guys at Obsidian don't want to do that sort of thing.

But we've yet to see whether it'll be anything like the first two Fallouts. I have faith in Obsidian, though.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
As someone who has not played the first two Fallouts, I will say that I love Fallout 3. However I do know about all the backstory and history that is in the first two games and I will say that appriciate that Bethesda made the game take place on the East Coast of the United States rather then in the well established West Coast. However, while seeing a twisted verison of America is very entertaining, I want to see a fallout that takes place some other place in the world, like Englend, or Australia or China or even France, even if its only for a little bit I want to see how the rest of the world fared the nuclear war: I want to see if Englend is under a brutal Faschist regime (like Norsefire in V for Vendetta) or if in Australia the remenents of civilization is battling leather clad nomads (like in Mad Maxx) or if China has adopted a democratic government (Kinda like at the end of World War Z) or If France has a massive highly profesional and highly trained military that is taking over every thing in sight and winning. My point is that while I love the twisted America of the Fallouts, I want to see what happened to the rest of the world, so far we have only seen little snipits of whats happenng outside The U.S.

Another idea I thought would be cool would be to have you play as a charaters thats surviving in the U.S RIGHT AFTER the nuclear bombs have been dropped. Think about it, before the actual game starts, you play through your childhood (like in Fallout 3), but its in pre-war America, you are constantaly inindated with tidbits of what was happening right before the War (like T.V and Radio messages) while growing up and picking your stats and what not. Then the game really starts with a family member frantically waking you up and telling you somthing like "Ohhh my god, I saw a mushroom cloud apper above the city, its actually happening, war" From there on you and your family have to survive in this new apocolyptic world.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
Slycne said:
Interesting, although Vegas is slowly becoming the World War II setting for cityscapes. Come on videogame developers there are plenty of other interesting locals in the world. Fallout New Dubai anyone?
I'm guessing they do Vegas so much as it gives them a challenge. Vegas is a rather diverse area (relatively speaking0, what with the neon lights, the casinos, the suburbs, and all that jazz. Personally, I look forward to this because I want to see what alternate Vegas will look like. However, for other locations, there are a few that would be good. A few I would like to see (for Fallout) would be Chicago, New York, Toronto (see what post-war Canada looks like) and, as mentioned earlier, Miami.

I didn't mind Fallout 3, thought to me it seemed a lot shallower then Oblivion. I'm also not exactly fond of how PS3 owners got shafted, but hey, life sucks and you move on.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Saying that the Vegas location has been done to death is fine, but you are forgetting (or perhaps don't know) some of the Fallout history.

Fallout 2 had a town called New Reno, filled with casinos and crime families. These casino owners and Mob families left Vegas because it had been almost completely destroyed. After the great war, there was nothing left worth fighting over.

The name New Vegas, suggests the city has been rebuilt/repopulated. If there is one thing that the Fallout universe is built on its change (you know, aside from War, which as we all know, never changes). Fallout 2 had San Francisco, with significant Asian influences and an oil carrier that (as far as the Player knew) housed the last remnants of the U.S Government. Fallout 3 had an Aircraft Carrier populated by a team of dedicated Scientists and civilians.

Just because the game is titled Fallout New Vegas, does not necessarily mean it will be the Vegas we know today, especially since it was almost totally destroyed.


New member
Jun 22, 2008

Yeah, I'm pretty excited, I guess....

OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP I CAN'T BELIEVE IT THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

The only question I have is how well the "Black Isle" style Fallout would would work on consoles. Then again, Black Isle never really was the type to dumb something down, so I'm not even going to worry about it. I seriously haven't been this excited for any game ever, without knowing any details at all.

Well, I'm off to play some Fallout 1...


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
I have a lot of respect for Bethesda, now that they've done this. I am honestly impressed. I just posted in the other topic about the leaked version of the "Van Buren" project what I'd like to see, but I'll say it again. I want to play the game from more than just the "gun-toting, blast-em-all" guy. I want to talk to everyone and be able to complete my objectives that way. Unless of course its a deathclaw or some Mercenaries out for my bounty. Being able to talk your way through the first one was amazing. I never thought about games that way until well...until I played Fallout 1. Truly a defining experience in my gaming life so far.