Compatriot Block said:
Honestly, I have no problem with people watching the show. That said, I am kind of looking forward to when I don't hear about it anymore without looking for it. It's mostly because 4 years is a long time for anything to stay in the spotlight, especially a niche show.
I think the size of that spotlight thing was always a bit overstated.
There were a few months back in spring 2011, when bronies were actually pretty loud about spreading the word, and making sure that as many potential future bronies as possible hear about it.
Since then, I would even say that's compared to it's recent significance in online geek culture, the fandom's presence was relatively subdued compared to others, due to hater oversensitivity. Basically every time anyone would even try to post a pony-themed image macro in a thread that is already full of Futurama/Star Wars/Spiderman/anime/etc. image macros, and someone will lose his mind about bronies overtaking the Internet.