Uwe Boll's Next Masterpiece Arrives In December

Feb 13, 2008
I like Uwe. He makes bad movies that are bad for just being bad.

Unlike certain other directors who make awful movies, and sell them as a re-mastered, artistic re-imagining.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
Zulnam said:
The funny part is he did a movie named Rampage back in 2009 which was ACTUALLY not that bad. Funny part? It wasn't related to any game.

Just goes to show... No, he's an asshole.
He also did Tunnel Rats back in 2008. Which was also a good film and had nothing to do with games. People forget these films because he is famous for making bad films.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
Uwe Boll is a genius. People really need to recognise that. Anyone doubting his genius should note this article here. What's it reporting, and why? He's as funny as Ed Wood except he has independent media by the balls in a way that Ed Wood never managed.


New member
May 30, 2009
The plot sounds kinda like that of the ultima series, then again i dont think uwe has even heard of them let alon played them to rip them off.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
So an ancient magician summons a "warrior of the future" and the best he can come up with is Dolph Lundgren?

What about Mad Max? John Connor/The Terminator? RoboCop?


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I read the words "Uwe Boll" and "Masterpiece" in the same sentence and threw up in my mouth a little. . .

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
"Who finds himself transported back to a mystical age of sorcery, dragons and savage hand-to-hand combat. This modern-day warrior has been summoned to defeat the forces of darkness and fulfill an ancient prophecy."

Anyone else think of Army of Darkness when they read that part or was it just me?

I've gotta admit, the cover looks good, nice sword showing the reflection of two people, Lundgren facing to the left, a fire breathing dragon. It's only ruined by the woman who's face looks artificial.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Eh, I'll grant him that the only movie of his I saw, Postal, was ok. The source material was so trashy, there was not much to ruin. It was impressive that I was still repulsed by some scenes despite the fact that I knowingly sat down to watch and Uwe Boll movie based on Postal, but most of the terrible jokes actually worked. And his own role was kinda funny. "My critics accuse me of funding my movies with Nazi gold. And what can I say? It's true. We have to spend it somewhere."

Giving this one a miss though. I don't trust Boll to do anything other than trashy schlockfests.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Sounds pretty similar to the plot line of Army of Darkness. Pity Uwe didnt get Bruce Campbell in on it.

I'll watch this though. I find Uwe's films to be generally pretty bad with the over the top acting but its good for casual watching or something to have on in the background with friends around.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I've actually thought that Uwe boll might want to try his hand at doing romantic Vampire movies, given the usual quality they are right up his alley, and who knows he might actually wind up with a sincere following of people calling him a cinematic genius given the standards by which such movies are judged. I already consider his work a step up from the "Twilight" movies because heck, I at least found his movies like "House Of The Dead" entertaining on some levels and have watched them more than once just for fun, which is more than I can say for "Twilight"... I was forced to sit through the second movie and really... it wasn't the kind of bad you could appreciate on any level.

That said, I'll also say that Uwe Boll does deserve some credit for touching material most people won't even attempt. To some extent his work reminds me of a lot of the stuff Roger Corman has turned out over the years... If it wasn't for the ofttimes beloved liscences I'd think people would be treating some of these in a similar vein to movies like "Sharktopus" which have become sort of geek cult classics due to the horrendous ridiculousness of it all.

Let's see what happens though, just going by the odds eventually he has to turn out a good video game adaption movie, even if it's by accident.

Also as a side note I'll say that Dolph's movie credits are probably because he wasn't the star of "Rocky 4" but he WAS the star of "He-Man" and it's probably his most wide spread starring role given that it was released as a blockbuster, and despite the reasons for it remaining in memory it's kind of a cult classic. "The Expendables" has him in a major role and is a current success. What's more in both "Rocky" and "Universal Soldier" he was the bad guy and this movie is presenting him as a hero. In "The Expendables" he's a mess and plays a bad guy role for part of it, but also arguably redeems himself and presumably gets to be one of the good guys in the next movie. Just some points to consider.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
"...transported back to a mystical age of sorcery, dragons and savage hand-to-hand combat. "

Oh dear god, why do they even let him make movies... Has he even ever made a good piece of cinematographic work?


New member
Jan 15, 2009
i am amazed how the hell he still can make movies. did he win the lotto or what?? so far every movie i have seen from uwe, sucked big time, bloodrayne, alone in the dark (and still used a song from nightwish for this movie).
even my friend who has never played any of these games said, that the movies all suck.
well, i guess it will be a movie you just have to shake your head how bad it is.