Valve Plans Living-Room Gaming PCs for 2013


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
"Certainly our hardware will be a very controlled environment. If you want more flexibility, you can always buy a more general purpose PC."
Note that he said the hardware will be a very controlled environment. I'm guessing this is just so there can be more standardized specs that are easier to target, as opposed to the millions of possible PC configurations. He didn't say anything about controlled software. Maybe I'm taking this too literally, but I suspect people are reading too far into this.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Jun 12, 2008
OK, am I missing something? A plug and play gaming PC with controlled hardware that you use in your living room isn't going to compete against consoles, it is a console. Way to try spin re-inventing the wheel into a PR success. Valve, you seem to be losing your grip.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
So I'd be able to get PC quality graphics in my living room? That's kind of what I'm getting from this. Well that's cool, as long as what Valve offers is at a reasonable price. I mean if it's going to be the same price as a halfway decent PC I might as well just buy a PC that can be upgraded.

Edit: And PC exclusive games of course.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
As my utter disinterest grows with each passing day with the thinking of a "next generation" of consoles, this actually sounds interesting.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
This is pretty big, but I don't like having to run the hardware rat race all the time. I'll still probably plug for a console so I can get the guarantee to play any game without fuss for the next 6 years

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
If it offers the keyboard and mouse option then I'm interested. many PC games benefit from it greatly or require it all togethor.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
gardian06 said:
yeah we won't have to wait 5-8 years to completely replace it (because it can't be modified) we only have to wait 1 year (maybe). I wonder who else has that line of release schedule?


do we really want the word Valve used in the same sentence/comparative to Apple well with "hardware propelled" release rates that's what we get.
Valve's version can't be modified but the systems released by other manufactures might be, just like any regular PC. The problem with apple is that it is a completely closed system with only one hardware platform, just like consoles are today. The only difference (besides what we use the device for) is the lifecycle for apple products is shorter.

I see this being more like android based devices where you have some reference design and numerous variations at different price and performance points. Since these are still regular PCs at heart, I can actually see them being upgradable. Really, I'm thinking more along the lines of the way PCs and PC games used to be, where the games got progressively more demanding technically and you would start running the games at lower setting until eventually you didn't meet the recommended system specs and had to upgrade or buy a new PC.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
rodneyy said:
would they be able to do this? wasn't the thing often said about current gen consoles was their inability to make costs back on unit sales alone and needed to charge extra on games.

now i dont doubt value could make a good go of this but would they be able to make a console that costs the same as others, so makes a loss, then have the games all at pc costs so no overheads to make up the difference?
That is very true, but Valve in a markedly different situation to both Microsoft and Sony.

Microsoft built XB Live from scratch for the Xbox/360, they've also lost a few billion dollars through the Red Ring of Death and court mandated free replacements.

Sony spent even more billions developing Blu Ray and the Cell Processor, neither of which have dominated the market the way they were expected to. They've also built PSN from scratch as well.

Steam already exists, so that enormous cost is largely negated as Valve have the infrastructure ready, they would just be adding more users. If they avoid developing proprietary hardware that's another massive cost avoided.
You can already build system based on a Pentium (or let's be wild and say a Core) or AMD A-series chip, with a low level gpu (AMD77xx or GTX650) for under $500, at retail as an individual consumer.

A similar system, built system on chip and with preset graphics (avoiding anti-aliasing) doesn't seem too outlandish. The software and drivers for that already exists, even more important would be that if they use PC hardware and drivers, they don't need to come up with a new Devkit, which is another huge cost they can dodge.

I think they stand a pretty good chance, but it does all hinge on the release price of the box itself. Even the mighty Playstation couldn't defeat five hundred and ninety nine dollars.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
rhizhim said:
DustyDrB said:
A Valve console? All right. I welcome the competition to the market, if nothing else. That'll force Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo to get their shit together with their online services (though PS Plus is pretty awesome these days, I must admit).

Hell, if the cost is right, I'd probably get one. I'd like to have a PC hooked up to my TV that isn't so big and loud.
but you already can hook up your pc to your tv...
"that isn't so big and loud"
I'd like to not hear the fans and have a big tower there.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
I already have my gaming setup in my living room. PC hooked up to the TV, keyboard on my lap and mouse on a hard mousepad on the armrest. Comfortable when I"m playing, but annoying to move everything aside when I get up. Steam itself is really small on my screen because only certain resolutions work with my TV (which I hate), but I use Steam's website to buy and search for games because a quick Ctrl + makes everything nice and readable.

I can also upgrade my computer whenever I want, peice by peice.

I'm not sure who this is geared towards... many people already hook up computers to their TVs and have Steam, and many people use their PS3's or 360's for other games (many of which are available on Steam). Honestly, I don't find this interesting at all.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
rhizhim said:
DustyDrB said:
rhizhim said:
DustyDrB said:
A Valve console? All right. I welcome the competition to the market, if nothing else. That'll force Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo to get their shit together with their online services (though PS Plus is pretty awesome these days, I must admit).

Hell, if the cost is right, I'd probably get one. I'd like to have a PC hooked up to my TV that isn't so big and loud.
but you already can hook up your pc to your tv...
"that isn't so big and loud"
I'd like to not hear the fans and have a big tower there.
get a better cooling system and ....well.. decorate/hide your tower

[sub] i get what you mean but i think that will be the beginning of acepting that pcs will get more and more restricted[/sub][/quote]
Are those yours? That actually does sound like a fun project. Maybe when I have the money.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Y'know what I can see valve doing? Releasing a certain game as a timed exclusive for people who buy the "steam box." Isn't that kinda what they did when steam was first released?


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Urgh. I know what I'm not getting. I want less Steam and more GOG, not the other way around. There'll certainly be people who would buy that aplenty, though. What exactly would be the difference to other consoles, though, besides the different inventory of games? I don't see the point. In what way is this supposed to not be just another console?


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Meh, I honestly see valve running into tons of problems with this. With consoles they usually have the whole "certification process" where they at least make sure the damn game at least starts when you pop the disc in. Steam really hasn't done this kind of quality control. It's happened numerous times where games have flat out not worked on launch, much to the anger of the consumers, and valve's answer is lol no refunds and they're not exactly putting the pressure on the developer to fix the problem; see Rage or Dead Island. The idea of a streamlined console is that the company is going to go out and try to fix the problem that normally pc users would have to trouble shoot themselves. Valve just can't throw a stream lined PC out there and say good luck. They're going to have to get involved, and considering they haven't done it already I really don't see them suddenly stepping up to the plate.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Not sure what to think of this...

Valve is steamrolling so much of the PC game market, and they're doing it by offering better deals than equivalent consoles (moving past that whole hardware cost issue...which is what they're addressing here, and what others have discussed before in this topic).

On the other hand, I can't help but shake the feeling that giving Valve even more market presence could end badly.
Especially if they ever decide to flip on their policy, ending in one giant DRM-nightmare scenario.

Call me cautiously optimistic.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
This is a good idea. I wouldn't need to buy an expensive gaming computer with all the bells and whistles so that I can play the good pc games and content that can't get elsewhere. Now I can buy a normal, more convenient pc like an all-in-one or a laptop that weighs less than 12 pounds


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I already have a steam gaming console, and I can play it and watch tv at the same time. e_e