Valve Says "Hang In There" For Half-Life 2: Episode 3


New member
Nov 22, 2007
I think Valve knows as much as anyone (and I think, to be honest, they'd already started to figure this out when Episode 2 came out) that the episodic experiment just hasn't worked out like they (and we) would have liked.

That's ok. Sometimes you try something and it just doesn't work, and you have to change tack.

That's clearly what Valve have done. They've taken the rather simple notion that the frustration of not knowing when the story is going to be continued is temporary, but a bad game is forever.

People forget that once upon a time, the two biggest vapourware jokes were about Duke Nukem Forever and Team Fortress 2. Unless I missed it, not a single person has brought it up that TF2 was announced in 1998, and only came out in 2007, and just went dark for a period of years with absolutely nothing heard about it. I was there. I remember! I remember watching the original gameplay videos (on 56k dial-up!) where mouths flapping along to voice coms was a revolutionary feature. Then nothing was heard again for years.

As it turned out, they churned through a bunch of different designs for it because each one they tried just wasn't fun enough. You forget that it took forever to come out, because once it's out, and it's good, the wait doesn't matter one jot.

I'd bet the same thing is happening with the next Half-Life game. Hold your horses, it'll be good when it comes out.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
They need to hurry up seriously, I don't want to be in my 40s when we finally get to play as Gordon Freeman again!


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Valve's game making model:
Start working on Half Life. Come up with a new project and cease current work on Half Life. Work on a new game. Release the new game to critical and commercial success. Continue working on Half Life. Come up with a new project and cease current work on Half Life...


New member
Jun 20, 2009
This is good news. Long waitings don't bother me; but the lack of information had me worried they forgot about it.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Plurralbles said:
so they really want to win MM don't they? I mean... shit... release the game and then I'll care and vote for you. For now and for forever, BLIZZARD all the way.
Kinda ironic, considering how often Blizzard churns out new games... -_-
yeah, the Starcraft: Ghost thing was kinda' bad.

But they created an international sport... which, yes, CS is a professional game, but it was never on 3 separate channels and created fandom more rabid than american's when it comes to football.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
... It better be Half-Life 3 instead of Half-Life 2: Episode 3.

I'm not buying if it's Episode 3, unless it's dirt cheap. The sheer lack of gameplay hours across Episode 1 and 2 combined was not worth it.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I'm sorry but saying "yeah we're doing it" doesn't convince me. Tell us something or shut up. Hinting at us to death isn't going to work.

Tomo Stryker

New member
Aug 20, 2010
Gxas said:
I'll bet they're making a new engine for it.

Speaking of which, I (finally) just finished Portal the other day. I must be one of the only people ever who finds the Source engine extremely clunky and nearly unplayable...
Umm, actually no. That is partly why I don't love Half Life or Portal like everyone else. It feels like your sliding on ice and almost everything you bump into holds you up. Not really a bad thing, but it takes away from the immersion of your trying to step into the suite of Gordon Freeman.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
All I can think of when I read this news post is "How is Valve winnin March Mayhem again?" The other developer with the when its done mentality at least has the sense to tease their fans a bit with stuff like gameplay...or screenshots...or trailers. Valve just tells everyone that it'll be done when its done and to stop askin about it.

On the plus side, I do still think the picture is adorable.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Halflife 1 did a number of things. first they made a great engine used further for a number of mods, among them the multiplayer game that have been played the most in the west, ever. Counterstrike.
The way the story was told was different to any other game, and although it wasnt all that deep, it was a hell of alot smarter than games like Quake, Shogo etc.

With Halflife 2 we got steam, source, the gravity gun, a great continue on the story, two great followup episodes, loads of games made with source etc etc.
The game itself wasnt that huge, it was all of the things that happened around the game which made this a huge happening.

I really do think Valve feels obligated to deliver twice as much for each new round of halflife.
To make it an actual shift in generations. Atleast for PC gaming.

Who knows, maybe they are actually making the whole singleplayer of halflife 3 controlled by a AI director? Perhaps they will create a world where everything, every single object/building can be manipulated all the way down to dust?

Maybe they can really throw us a revolution and let us LEAN and go PRONE!!!!????


New member
Jan 21, 2010
It will be Half-Life 3 and probably even worse yet again.. Bring back old school Half life where you had to survive an hour with 1hp and no bullets!!


New member
May 3, 2009
As long as games like Portal 2 are still coming out I can wait. I liked HL2, Episode One and Episode 2 a lot but out of the ValVe games I've played they're actually some of their weakest titles in my opinion. Besides even though ValVe takes forever with their games at least they eventually release them and delay them for logical reasons unlike another company I won't name (let's just call them 2D Zones) HL2 took about 5 years and TF2 took 10 and Most agree that both were worth the wait.

I do think they're planning on making it a full sequel (or a very long Episode) and I would rather have that than an Episode at this stage.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Gxas said:
I must be one of the only people ever who finds the Source engine extremely clunky and nearly unplayable...
Compared to what? The only engine that's more well polished while being flexible is probably Unreal. Though I will say it's unstable as hell. I've never seen an engine so hostile to alt-tabbing.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Plurralbles said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Plurralbles said:
so they really want to win MM don't they? I mean... shit... release the game and then I'll care and vote for you. For now and for forever, BLIZZARD all the way.
Kinda ironic, considering how often Blizzard churns out new games... -_-
yeah, the Starcraft: Ghost thing was kinda' bad.

But they created an international sport... which, yes, CS is a professional game, but it was never on 3 separate channels and created fandom more rabid than american's when it comes to football.
I'm not questioning Blizzard's capability, considering I'm a big Star Craft fan. The irony I pointed out was that both of them have unbelievably long development cycles.

Blizzard can afford that because of revenues from WoW, Valve can afford that because of Steam.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
CM156 said:
I think at this point we can expect the next instalment in the amount of time equilivant to Uranium-234's half-life
In 703,800,000 years then. Thank god there's minecraft.

Rivers Wells

New member
Aug 26, 2010
I can't help but get the feeling that Valve just dangled the carrot a little lower to give me hope. Seriously though, I'm already over it. Valve makes amazing games but there scheduling is abysmal. They're probably the most solid example of the business side, not the creative side, of a company lowering the standards of the company overall in terms of output. They'd be the best there is at what they do, if they could ever just do it.

All these years and not even a screenshot? I'm picturing a greasy car salesman instead of a PR Chief.