Valve Unveils Portal 2 Box Art

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Valve has always produced box art in a strictly logical sense.

Left 4 Dead in particular - they're simply going, "it's a zombie's hand (dead), he's holding up four (4) fingers, and it's his left hand. Left, 4, Dead."

Same thing's happening here - it simply portrays the facts. There are portals (portal). There are two (2) of them. There are also two (2) robots. Portal, 2. It's not artwork, it's just a visual representation of the information inherent in the title (and subsequently, the game).

It's like you said - functional. I wouldn't go so far as to call it "ugly," it's very well rendered and compare it to other Valve box-arts (especially Half-Life 2 and the Orange Box), it is well-staged and such.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Valve never was big on box art... "The Orange Box" did make it onto Lisa Foiles' Top Five Worst Boxarts after all. This is quite the improvement.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
The boxart doesn't matter because people are going to buy it any way because, well, it's PORTAL! 2!


New member
Jan 25, 2010
mindlesspuppet said:
DTWolfwood said:
probably would have been better of just using a black and blue background with the stick figure dude next to the 2 in the middle.

I got the same reaction from this cover as i did when i saw this
ME2's cover image is in the spirit of movie posters for old scifi movies/covers for pulp scifi writing (which largely inspired the aesthetic of the game). If people don't recognize that though I can see why they wouldn't care for it.

I honestly never noticed that, but after doing some research.. You're right. And it makes farrrr more sense now! Thanks.