CD-R said:It looks like her PR team is trying to get involved now. Thats funny.
Hi there,
It appears that you have recently read an article on Fox News in which Dr. Carole was misrepresented on her views on video game violence. I hope you understand that it was the publication that chose to represent Dr. Carole's views in this light, and that the statement was taken out of context. Her books also do not condemn the use of video games. If you would like to take it up with the author of the article, we can provide you with his contact information.
It is clear, however, that this statement has unintentionally caused you some deep emotional turmoil and we would like to rectify the situation.
Please contact [email protected] with your contact information, and we will be in touch to clear up any misunderstandings that may have been caused. It is important that we create a dialogue regarding this situation.
Please be aware that there are real people who are being affected by your comments. I'm sure you are a reasonable person and know we can approach this situation in a kinder and more civil manner. Thank you.
The Team at Dr. Carole Lieberman
whats really funny is that none of the one star reviews these comments are on even mention the Fox News thing.
chewbacca1010 said:Gee, I love when gamers get wound up by some "professional" and then, to prove how well-adjusted and mature we all are, turn around and do something uber-mature like vote down their product on Amazon and encourage others to do the same. And posting her address and phone number online? That is a sure recipe to make the world view gamers in a better light.
Who honestly cares what this woman says? Anyone encouraging people to bomb this woman are almost as bad as she. Grow up, people, and ignore her like we ought to.
EDIT: and before someone jumps in here, I don't give a fuck about the Democrats. We're not running for elections. Bombing her book won't change her mind or anyone else's, so acting like maligned children is only going to do more harm than good since it gives us all a terrible reputation. Besides, video games will never be outlawed since the industry makes too much dosh and is tied to too many powerful media companies already. Stop whining, stop bombing her book and stop wasting time that could be used to play Fallout 3 or something.
This is why I hate the term "gamer". Events like this paint us "gamers" as a bunch of overly-defensive crybabies. No one is out to take out media poison away from us. Well, maybe some are (*cough* Jack Thompson *cough*) but no one takes them seriously. Besides, anyone who is easily swayed enough by the likes of Fox is not someone we need on our side anyway. Ignoring the fools is the best possible thing we can do because giving them attention just spreads their argument to a wider audience and gives them more media attention they don't deserve.![]()
So you're telling me, that her PR team just gave out her email? When they know that people are angry about her blatant hypocrisy?