virginity for sale!


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Man, virgins aren't even that much fun. I'd rather have a woman who wasn't a virgin. As luck would have it, non-virgins are in better supply, too!

Drake the Dragonheart

The All-American Dragon.
Aug 14, 2008
she is going into "family and marriage therapy" that is just dripping with irony. I can just see that conversation: "Honey, no one else has worked for us, lets try the most expensive prostitute ever!"


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Drake the Dragonheart said:
ok so what I want to know is what school is she attending that costs 925,000 a year? I know Harvard is 250k or 500k a year.
I don't believe she is planning on re-selling her virginity every year so I'm assuming she's trying to fit the whole bill.

Drake the Dragonheart

The All-American Dragon.
Aug 14, 2008
BallPtPenTheif said:
Drake the Dragonheart said:
ok so what I want to know is what school is she attending that costs 925,000 a year? I know Harvard is 250k or 500k a year.
I don't believe she is planning on re-selling her virginity every year so I'm assuming she's trying to fit the whole bill.
true, and she can only sell it once as it is something once it is gone you don't get it back. She is selling it for 3.7 mil. Well if that just to cover school, then assuming she goes 4 years she is attending a school costing 925,000 a year.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Wasn't Frankie Boyle the one who said we should deal with terrorists?

72 Virgins? We'll give you 50 sluts! Or 2 women from Dundee.

Anyways, yes, the whole virgin thing is kinda overblown tho, it could be a beautiful experience with a woman you love and have a genuine emotional connection with, but just banging a random woman isn't gonna be any different except it'll be horribly awkward and you'll probably hurt her and then there'll be crying and you'll wonder why you didn't buy a speedboat.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
beddo said:
cobra_ky said:

tl;dr version: a woman is auctioning off her virginity in order to pay for grad school. she has a degree in women's studies and her sister paid her way through college after three weeks of prostitution. the bidding is now up to $3.7 million(!)

now she's running it through a nevada brothel, so it's all legal, and she's explicitly stated that she is doing this of her own volition and considers it empowering; clearly no one can argue this is anything but awesome.

my issue is: is this really worth $3.7 million? really? sure, maybe <a href=> if Kim Kardashian was involved, but otherwise i can't see it being worth more than six figures. am i wrong on this? what's the going rate on virginity?

EDIT: <a href=>this huffington post article has way better pictures of her for some reason.
This is an insult to all the women and children who are traffiked and/or forced into prostitution all over the world.
i didn't want to turn this into a prostitution debate but...

is giving change to a beggar an insult to mugging victims?
is our volunteer army an insult to child soldiers in africa?
is consensual sex an insult to rape victims?

the difference is choice.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
So it's ok for women to take advantage of the positive aspects of them being the finer gender, but as soon as something goes against them because of it, all hell breaks loose.
If I was a girl, I'd definately do it, but as a bloke I think it's disguisting. It is not equal opportunity so either stop with that bullshit or don't take advantage of being able to exploit men.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
cobra_ky said:

tl;dr version: a woman is auctioning off her virginity in order to pay for grad school. she has a degree in women's studies and her sister paid her way through college after three weeks of prostitution. the bidding is now up to $3.7 million(!)

now she's running it through a nevada brothel, so it's all legal, and she's explicitly stated that she is doing this of her own volition and considers it empowering; clearly no one can argue this is anything but awesome.

my issue is: is this really worth $3.7 million? really? sure, maybe <a href=> if Kim Kardashian was involved, but otherwise i can't see it being worth more than six figures. am i wrong on this? what's the going rate on virginity?

EDIT: <a href=>this huffington post article has way better pictures of her for some reason.
this whole situation just reminds me of Memoirs of a geisha, which is prolly going to result in the same way, the top bidder will be a Filthy Rich Old guy who longs to feel young by taking virginity Legally. because any other girl who would sleep with an old rich guy has probably been around the block a few times

Bourne Endeavor

New member
May 14, 2008
Mister Benoit said:
Well, if she was gorgeous or something I'd understand, but seriously, look at her.
I would not care if she was Keira Knightley or Jessica Alba; no woman is worth $3.7 million for essentially a one night stand. This has to be some idiotic joke as I cannot fathom someone paying such an obscene amount when frankly there are girls who are far better looking who would charge $100 an hour tops.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Dude. Harvard and other US universities of similar caliber don't charge anywhere near what you're imagining even if you don't get financial aid. Check it out:

Though the extent to which you overestimate the cost just drives your point home.

And she is neither cute enough nor shown that she's awesome enough to be worth 3.7 million.
That stuff about education though: talk about irony , I think most people wouldn't want someone they considered a whore as a marriage or family counselor.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
grad school tuitions are irrelevant. the free market has spoken; this what society says her virginity is worth. the question is why?


New member
Apr 25, 2008
coldfrog said:
Whatever happened to stripping through school, where all the guys get a view for a lot less money each? C'mon, share, don't be selfish!


New member
Oct 28, 2008
What the hell? 3.7 million? I could understand a couple thousand, but MILLION? For a girl who doesn't know what the hell she's doing and of average attractiveness? There are some real idiots out there.

I'm not going to claim that what she's doing is morally wrong. I have no problems with prostitution as long as no one's getting abused or infected or strung out on drugs, but this just makes my head hurt. As for me, access to my promised land will remain limited to the first guy I date who doesn't get scared off in the first four months.