Volition: We'd "Commit Murder" for Freespace 3


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
My eyes just randomly swayed to the side and noticed the words "Volition" and "Freespace 3" in teh same sentence. Sadly, it wasn't an official statement :(
Interplay really fucked up the Freespace franchise in the end, sadly.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
, ever since we've got analogue as a standard controller for consoles no one has done a heavy-duty, top, top quality space sim on console."

What about Colony Wars on PS2. Great actions, sound and some of the best space combat controls ever used in a game (using analog controls). I'd love to see a next gen sequel to this


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Killing someone wouldn't help get the game out there! They need money.

And with that in mind I've set in motion the Perfect Bankrobbery. With all proceeds going to Freespace 3! :p


New member
Jul 15, 2008
thethingthatlurks said:
Uhm, I'm a chemist. If you need some toxins that won't show up on any scans...well, just give me a hint. Or a list of people you don't like, whose houses may or may not spontaneously ignite. This is all hypothetically speaking, of course *winks*

Now, decline of joystick use being responsible for space-sim death? No, Freelancer showed how a space sim can be controlled perfectly well with just a mouse+keyboard.
To be honest, FreeSpace 2 was perfectly playable with just keyboard, with a stick it worked better, but I finished both FS1 and 2 with keyboard only until I got a decent stick to play it with.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I'd do unclean things to get this franchise going again. Not to mention Descent, too. Outrage, where are you!?

Re Captcha: I swear, most of these things can't even be considered as words, never mind read easily. It's ridiculous. Get rid of it, please.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
Azhrarn-101 said:
thethingthatlurks said:
Uhm, I'm a chemist. If you need some toxins that won't show up on any scans...well, just give me a hint. Or a list of people you don't like, whose houses may or may not spontaneously ignite. This is all hypothetically speaking, of course *winks*

Now, decline of joystick use being responsible for space-sim death? No, Freelancer showed how a space sim can be controlled perfectly well with just a mouse+keyboard.
To be honest, FreeSpace 2 was perfectly playable with just keyboard, with a stick it worked better, but I finished both FS1 and 2 with keyboard only until I got a decent stick to play it with.
I beat the first with a mouse. Anyways, I would totally kill for this... >.>


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Zagzag said:
Freespace 1 was THE FIRST VIDEO GAME I EVER PLAYED! It gave me something of an unusual impression of what games were like! I also played the entire thing without a joystick, which I gather is not usual. I was looking into trying to track down a copy of the game for the purpose of nostalgia just last night, so well done on both reading my mind, and really wanting to make me play it again.
aseelt said:
I concur! I will happily kill people for FreeSpace 3.

Especially those Aarons out there.

(Kidding, just to mess with people called Aaron who are reading this. C.F. Yahtzee joke)
Actually it was Adrian :p

EDIT: I actually didn't know you could still get new copies of this game. Thanks for the Amazon link!
you can also pick it up for like 10 bucks on gog.com as a download. pretty damn good deal


New member
Apr 14, 2008
They can make whatever they want provided it doesn't run like complete garbage like their "port" of Saints Row 2 to PC.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Calm down, people, calm down! Volition already has a list of people to kill, ordered and categorized just for you.

They're called hitman missions and you can find them in Saints row 2 ;)


New member
Oct 1, 2009
thethingthatlurks said:
Uhm, I'm a chemist. If you need some toxins that won't show up on any scans...well, just give me a hint. Or a list of people you don't like, whose houses may or may not spontaneously ignite. This is all hypothetically speaking, of course *winks*

Now, decline of joystick use being responsible for space-sim death? No, Freelancer showed how a space sim can be controlled perfectly well with just a mouse+keyboard.

Also, captcha phrase:
uprin lipophilic. This is just fucking creepy now...
I don't know if it's just me, but the mouse control for Freelancer turned me off the game. It was like all the skill and precision of using a joystick was thrown out the window as you just pointed and clicked at enemy targets. To me this would be like playing a FPS with touch screen controls, in that you just tap your screen to shoot that spot.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
Andy Chalk said:
For what it's worth, Jim, there are probably a few gamers out there who'd be willing to off someone for a chance to play Freespace 3, too.

I've been playing a little X³ lately to keep the SpaceSim spirit alive. It's interesting and deep on a strategic level, but it doesn't have alot of soul or character. You never leave your cockpit and playing the game is mostly about handling numbers and tables (in a somewhat cumbersome way).

I'd love to see another X-Wing, Freespace or Elite. I thought there was a new Elite in the works. There was alot of buzz around it for a while, but it seems to have died out.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
TheBlackKnight said:

Try that.
Dude, that looks freakin awesome. What is that? Why have I never heard from this game?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Got my joystick and FS1 right here, within reach of my desk. (And Freelancer, and Descent...) Long have I bemoaned the death of the genre - Freelancer is the last big one I played, and that was 2003. That's why I've been looking forward to JGE so much - a space combat MMO with massive PvP fights? Sign me up!

Going to be so angry if it does turn out to be vaporware... show up at this E3, please!

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
The X games are exactly what I was thinking of when I made the "thick and obtuse" remark. I've got a lot of miles out of them over the years (never even came close to finishing, though) but describing them as lacking the "soul" of Freespace is very apt. They feel sterile. Great games, I'll absolutely buy the next one, but it ain't Freespace.

And a mouse just doesn't do it, I'm afraid. It's functional, sure, but you ain't dogfighting unless you're yanking a stick. That's just how it is.


ESEY on the Kross
Nov 3, 2008
Tiamat666 said:
Dude, that looks freakin awesome. What is that? Why have I never heard from this game?
Indie game without a marketing budget and mouth-to-mouth propaganda and a wee bit of coverage on modDB.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Zer_ said:
I beat the first with a mouse. Anyways, I would totally kill for this... >.>
Oh I agree, I've been missing a good new space combat sim for some time, X3 and such are neat, but they're not the sims of old (Wing Commander, FreeSpace, to some degree the Lancer games).


Wing Commander
Jul 27, 2009
Why don't they just create a new IP, if they want to make a space sim so bad? We've been waiting for a classic space combat sim for over a decade!

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Who do I need to kill to make this happen?! Because I totally will.

But seriously, the demise of joysticks is certainly one factor, but a lot of the blame has to be pointed squarely at Interplay, their marketing campaign for Freespace 2 was practically nonexistent. Apparently their focus at the time was yet another shitty licensed Star Trek game, which nobody remembers now what with how it was shitty.

I never played that game with the joystick anyways (or any of the Descent titles either), it was/is still perfectly playable with just the keyboard; I won't lie and say it's not tricky, because there are a bloody lot of controls and you only have so many hands, but that would still be an issue even with a joystick - there are just so many buttons and options and while some are hardly ever used you would be surprised just how many of those come into play on a regular basis (or will once you've mastered those functions and realize they're available to you).