I played 40K for a while without delving at all into the mythos. When I did, I turned right around and wnet back to just enjoying the game. It's just...so over-the-top, in the worst of ways.
Matt Ward's "chronicles" are little more than a little burp in the vastness of the universe. Probably will be undone in the future.GunsmithKitten said:Well, MOSTLY rubbish, but after hearing the infamous Matt Ward penned chronicle of what the Grey Knights did to the Sisters....FOR NO LOGICAL REASON WHATSOEVER....I gotta raise suspicion in his case.
Bequin makes a comeback as a major protagonist in a new trilogy, the new novels will also force a confrontation between Eisenhorn and Ravenor. I cannot wait for it, hopefully Dan Abnett will be back on form like he was for Prospero Burns. The Gaunts Ghosts: The lost series was sort of bland.Starke said:Honestly, I wouldn't go that far. The Eisnehorn trilogy is good, but it's got some flaws.Candidus said:If you really want to understand, take a risk. Spend some money on the Eisenhorn trilogy from the Black Library (unless you're one of those really cool people with exceptionally refined taste who look down on the Black Library... /sarcasm). There is no finer science fiction out there, in my opinion. No superiors at all, only peers.
W40K is written on a lot of levels. It's a multifaceted universe with a huge ensemble of contributors that are relevant to a wide range of audiences. Some are repellant to me. Many are not.
First off is Eisenhorn himself, in two prongs:
The books are written in first person, and to be honest, it's not Abnett's strong suit. He literally says as much in the introduction. We loose a lot of material over the course of the books because everything is from Eisenhorn's perspective. While it works as a cop out, it also means we're left to infer any character flaws he may actually have because he sure as hell isn't going to put them in his report.
The lack of personal flaws is a pretty serious, and pretty solid problem. It's only in context with the glut of really genuinely badly written protagonists that saturate most media these days that this one gets lost. He is constantly surrounded by more flawed, and to an extent, more interesting inquisitors, while he marches on, the designated hero, accruing scars to demonstrate his prowess. This only gets worse as those scars, injuries, and lost equipment don't really work against him in the long run.
I'd get into serious spoiler territory here, but off hand, thinking of any serious failure and setback he suffers, and you can point to an event usually in the same book, where that new disadvantage actively benefits him.
At the same time we've got Bequin, who goes from being an actual character in the first book, to a random background object that Eisenhorn would like to bang, but can't so he angsts about it... the aversion people feel towards blanks mysteriously vanishes between the events of the first and second book, along with her presence... she does the mother hen thing briefly, and then... stick a fork in her, she's done. She wanders around aimlessly for the rest of the book and well into the second one.
Now... it's possible he's simply forced himself to overcome his natural aversion to blanks... but he never says that (to my recollection). It would make sense, given that the Distaff is basically a tool for his personal usage. But, it's not in the book, so this is more wild speculation than legitimate analysis.
With the caveat that I haven't finished it, and I've already run into some stupidity in the writing, I'd actually hold up at least the first Ravnor book as superior. Ravnor himself is a much more flawed character than Eisenhorn, and the shift between first and third person actually gives the first person elements some actual context.
All of this said, Eisenhorn is a really good trilogy, and some of the best tie-in fiction I've seen, but it really doesn't rise to the level of best of sci-fi among actual science fiction classics.
Then there ya go. I wasn't really able to get into the Horus Heresy books, mostly due to lack of time, with work. I'll come back to it once the current projects are done... though that could be a while, and it's not the only thing at the back of my perception waiting for that to happen.Zykon TheLich said:I've just read The Outcast Dead, which details the exact events (on Terra, not Prospero), and from that I'd say the Emperor just flipped his shit and didn't give Magnus a chance to explain...Magnus said "Hi Dad..." (in a sort of astral projection form he manifested himself in the room on Terra) and the big E told him to GTFO.Starke said:As I recall, the message was so powerful it litterally rendered itself undecipherable. All it was was a psychic scream so powerful it blew out the telepathic defenses, the Emperor had put up.
On top of that, the Emperor already had serious reservations with Magnus and his use of psykers and divination. So the message was perceived as an attack, rather than an actual astropathic message.
That caught my attention as well and led to a very lively debate amongst my group. When one places themselves inside the context of the mythos, you can understand why the Grey Knights did it.GunsmithKitten said:Well, MOSTLY rubbish, but after hearing the infamous Matt Ward penned chronicle of what the Grey Knights did to the Sisters....FOR NO LOGICAL REASON WHATSOEVER....I gotta raise suspicion in his case.Augustine said:Accusation of misogyny are frankly rubbish, serves to demonstrate that your understanding of the material is superfluous. Judging the universe of 40k, which is composed of hundreds of books, by the current model line-up and skimming of wikis is nonsense, and you should know better. Yes, supposedly, only men can undergo treatment to become Astartes - whoopty-do. And only women can give birth in real world - should we accuse it of misogyny as well?
Yeah, I was aware of the general trajectory for a third trilogy in the works. And, after just savaging the Eisenhorn books, it might sound strange, but I am a fan. This is some really good tie in fiction. And I do like that, at least with the Inquisitor books, he seems to be addressing most of his shortcomings as a writer, as he progresses. I certainly wouldn't hold Eisenhorn up as the best of science fiction, but again, for tie in fiction it is shockingly good, almost to the point of being able to stand as competent material in it's own right... almost. It also makes me regret that there aren't any books from the perspective of Amberley Vail, though that's completely unrelated.J Tyran said:Bequin makes a comeback as a major protagonist in a new trilogy, the new novels will also force a confrontation between Eisenhorn and Ravenor. I cannot wait for it, hopefully Dan Abnett will be back on form like he was for Prospero Burns. The Gaunts Ghosts: The lost series was sort of bland.
I tend to agree with what you are saying.Starke said:I certainly wouldn't go that far. I'll admit, I keep coming back because of a trifecta of good games, depth, and humor. There's some really funny stuff in 40k. Ranging from over the top crazy things like the entirety of Ork culture, to more subversive and, weirdly enough, at times, subtle jabs at militarism, bureaucracy, and fatalism.Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:I adore the universe.
As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the most complex and deep universes in science fiction.
With the number of factions and faction within faction, the political intrigue, the moral and existential question, it's simply amazing.
And with the amount of games, codexes, books and other material, it's bar none the most [i/]alive[/i] universe I have ever seen.
Furthermore, the hopelessness only adds to it. When a situation is hopeless, it makes the heroism in that situation that much more incredible.
Take Red Dawn for instance (the REAL one, not the new one). Part of what makes that movie so cheesily inspiring is that they really can't win. The best they can hope for is to do some damage. Yet they still fight.
Many people who enjoy 40k say "Yeah, it's cheesy as hell and I love it for that".
Well maybe I just have brain damage, but I always prefer to take things like that seriously.
It can be really funny, and it's a nice to be able to sit back, get some perspective, look at the insanity, and just laugh to let a bit of the steam off sometimes.
Well... their fluff changes all the time.GunsmithKitten said:One big problem.DevilWithaHalo said:snipsville
Grey Knights have long been established to be IMMUNE TO CHAOS EMANATIONS. This was the case in their original fluff, it was repeated again in the Epic 40k rule sets. They don't get corrupted, period, full stop. The artifact wouldn't have done shit to them. It's precisely why their job is to poke at the greater daemon up close with force weaponry while the rest of the battle goes on.
Alright, I'm pretty late to this one, but here's a suggestion for you: read the Horus Heresy series. Start with Nemesis (the 13th book) and then go back to the beginning and read from the first book. Nemesis is what got me into the the universe and maybe it'll do the same for you? I really liked it because you're supposed to know that the heroes fail, so it's like watching a slow-motion train wreck.Saviordd1 said:Admittedly this might be due to over-exposure from a friend who won't shut the hell up about it, but I really can't see the appeal of the story of Warhammer 40K. (I emphasize story because the games are pretty fun gameplay wise)
The entire setting seems like a big case of Darkness Induced Audience Apathy [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarknessInducedAudienceApathy].
I read through some wiki pages and listened to my friends and have played enough of the games to know the basic premise and factions; and I couldn't give less of rats ass who wins. 90% of the characters are jackasses and the ones who aren't are probably dead knowing this setting, and that's not getting into how there are no actually "good" or even "meh" characters.
Hell reading the wiki alone made me feel uncomfortable, there's no hope, its overly violent and its practically childish; something an "edgy" thirteen year old would make up.
Not to mention its a tad misogynistic (Such as there being limited female soldiers that aren't part of the female only faction, the eldar or the dark eldar) and obviously caters to younger males. (Something that irks me to no end)
Can someone explain the appeal of this universe to me? Because to me it all seems over the top and plain stupid.