Warhammer 40K's story, how is it even remotely appealing?


New member
May 31, 2011
Considering the warhammer franchise is one of the few miniature ranges publicly available worldwide. Perhaps if there were more competition on a public scale rather than online shopping for historical ranges as an example this original post would cease to exist as an issue.

Oh and I have heard worse fantasy world stories *cough dragon age cough*


Apr 8, 2010
You just haven't met the commissar Ciaphas Cain, otherwise known as the patron saint of sarcasm. Because honestly, that's the setting. It's a silly, incredibly over-the-top sci fi parody of everything fantasy. In fact, that's what it was when they first released it.

There was only one problem: The 90's 12 year olds thought it was super hardcore and spent all of mommy and daddy's money on a 3000 point army. What we have now is an incredibly richly detailed, open and ridiculous futureverse where anything can happen. The original writers were clever enough to leave enormous gaps (which are unfortunately getting filled by the newer, significantly less talented writers like Matt Ward) and honestly just make people like me laugh at it and have a hell of a time watching the walking demon tank eat someone alive.

tl;dr, modern stuff bad, original stuff is a parody. You're taking it too seriously.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
I like medieval history, and the whole story is basically that but in space. Also, the aesthetic is really really unique, because you have this beautiful Gothic future where the good guys are legitimately ugly, and I actually admire that because the world I live in is so damn shallow.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Who does this cater to?
Saviordd1 said:
its overly violent and its practically childish; something an "edgy" thirteen year old would make up.

...obviously caters to younger males.
I think you answered your own question.

Oh and plain Warhammer is better.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Who does this cater to?
Saviordd1 said:
its overly violent and its practically childish; something an "edgy" thirteen year old would make up.

...obviously caters to younger males.
I think you answered your own question.

Oh and plain Warhammer is better.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Saviordd1 said:
Its totally over the top. Thats the beauty of it.

The Heresy novels have had some amazing moments and some rank up with the best written books Ive ever read.

Everyone is fighting to survive.. or just to be a bunch of dicks. For the Imperials, when you are surrounded on all sides by an infinate number of hostile alies, the only thing you can do is fight a never ending, brutal war.

And as far as the misogynistic thing goes, meet the Adepta Sororitas, or Sisters of Battle. An all female military force.

But each to their own, I love my 40K. Always will.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
As someone who loved Warhammer and 40K growing up but while losing interest in the table-top games, still digs a lot of the stuff it turns up with (Specially when there's a new glut of Chaos models and half the time I'm thinking "The FUCK is that thing?"), Games Workshop's stuff is an awkward one - it has two sandboxes full of stuff that'd be Fantastic to use in a story-line, but because the Grim, Unrelenting Darkness is apparently the one part of the lore teams can't throw away, we're ultimately left with Very one-dimensional and I've always found Bland characters, and oh-so-predictable in terms of story-telling. Maybe it's just been how I've perceived the many attempts gaming's made with the material, but when it came to Retribution's campaign, I appreciated the orks campaign more than the others, partly because the idea of Space ork Pirates who spoke in a mix of Irish and Jamaican accents was comedy Catnip, but also because they actually had some believable motives for what they did, even if it was football hooligan logic of "What's that? Let's punch it in the dick"


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Apr 9, 2008
I think that seeing Warhammer 40K as dark is kind of missing the point. Sure, looking at the universe as a real place is horrific. There's few worse places you could exist, almost no where that contains objectively more suffering. But the point to Warhammer is not to take it seriously. It's to create a world so absolutely devoid of the good and pure mucking around in morally grey areas, that you can focus entirely on just how cool all the horrible things are. If you had Tyranids fighting the rebels from Star Wars, then you would be emotionally invested. You would want to see the characters you like succeed, you would hate the villains, and you would hope that pluck, determination, and a morally upstanding philosophy can triumph over adversity. But when Tyranids fight Space Marines, well, you have no moral investment, and you can observe glorious, stupid violence without any nagging moral considerations. And when undead space robots, super bugs, quasi steampunk religious fanatics, maurading green monsters and insane cultists with chainsaws all go for each others throats with no need to consider any moral justification because EVERYONES an asshole, you can enjoy the pure, unadulterated carnage. Because no matter what happens, you don't have to worry about the good guy losing getting in the way of enjoying the chaos, and that is surprisingly cathartic. maybe only good in small doses, but still.

Basically, Warhammar operates on the same principle that made the EA/Zynga court debacle so fun for us.

Ethan Bewley

New member
Jun 25, 2012
It saddens me to hear that people dislike Warhammer. Although I do understand where they are coming from.It always manages to entertain me, though. It sticks to scientific possibilities and gives us a glimpse of humanity's possible future. As far fetched as that sounds it is a potential outcome.

Praise the Emprah

*NOTE: I am not trying to force Warhammer upon you, I am simply expressing my opinion. This is the Internet, get over it.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
GunsmithKitten said:
I actually never found that a plus in any franchise, and also why WH Fantasy > 40k big time for me. You can at least sympathize with the Empire/Brettonians/Dwarves/High Elves (sometimes) and they're clearly more progressive than the forces around them.
I know next to nothing about WH40k beyond what was in the first strategy videogame+expansions. But the Tau didn't seem that bad what with the whole all racial/species cooperation and doing things for the 'greater good' of everyone in their society. Granted they are an empire so presumably there's some empire building going on but comparatively they seem to be a lot less shitty than everyone else.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Saviordd1 said:
TheBelgianGuy said:
Yeah I wasn't clear, but I'm aware its a tabletop strategy game, and I don't mind that as it looks fun enough.

But I'm not talking about people who find the game fun or cool looking, I'm talking about the people who take the story 100% seriously.

But either way you have a point.
Wait what? People take the WH40k story seriously? Is that even possible? I personally love the universe, because it's so batshit over-the-top ridiculous.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Saviordd1 said:
Admittedly this might be due to over-exposure from a friend who won't shut the hell up about it, but I really can't see the appeal of the story of Warhammer 40K. (I emphasize story because the games are pretty fun gameplay wise)

The entire setting seems like a big case of Darkness Induced Audience Apathy [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarknessInducedAudienceApathy].

I read through some wiki pages and listened to my friends and have played enough of the games to know the basic premise and factions; and I couldn't give less of rats ass who wins. 90% of the characters are jackasses and the ones who aren't are probably dead knowing this setting, and that's not getting into how there are no actually "good" or even "meh" characters.

Hell reading the wiki alone made me feel uncomfortable, there's no hope, its overly violent and its practically childish; something an "edgy" thirteen year old would make up.

Not to mention its a tad misogynistic (Such as there being limited female soldiers that aren't part of the female only faction, the eldar or the dark eldar) and obviously caters to younger males. (Something that irks me to no end)

Can someone explain the appeal of this universe to me? Because to me it all seems over the top and plain stupid.
well it depens on your mindset really. noble minded folk usually like it for humanity, 'even if humanity isa shitpool full of misery, there are individuals, towering above the masses being a beacon of light in all the darkness' they imagine themselves one.

then you have people who like it for the orcs ( fight cause its fun, randomness, and anoying your opponent cause you just blew up hish high tech million billion dollar/euro space mahreeens elite.. with a few idiots in a truck that by all logic should not work but it does.. and orcs never really lose.*cough*)

chaos loonies depens on the major god they are playing, tau is peple who like order and giant fricking lazors+having the biggest gun

imperial guardsmen like tanks tanks tank/elite 'normals' and the EMPRAH himself is alwaysa good motivator. i mean seriusly if he existed in reall life humanity would have been one and we might not kill each other all day long everywhere :D


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Not cool dude, not cool. I just lost another 2 hours...

Also: Captcha made a "that's what she said" joke out of this.