"It was garbage, but it had been cooked by an expert. Oh, yes. You had to admire the way perfectly innocent words were mugged, ravished, stripped of all true meaning and decency and then sent to walk the gutter. The problems were clearly the result of some mysterious spasm in the universe and had nothing to do with greed, arrogance and wilful stupidity. Oh, the management had made mistakes - oops, ?well-intentioned judgements which, with the benefit of hindsight, might regrettably have been, in some respects, in error? - but these had mostly occurred, it appeared, while correcting ?fundamental systemic errors? committed by the previous management. No one was sorry for anything because no living creature had done anything wrong; bad things had happened by spontaneous generation in some weird, chilly, geometrical otherworld, and ?were to be regretted?."
- Discworld 'Going Postal'
- Discworld 'Going Postal'