Huh. Okay, here are some of my thoughts:
- A stormtrooper with his helmet off? Will we have stormtrooper protagonists? I'd like to see that. Or is that just a rebel in stormtrooper armour? This has potential, I always wanted more characterization of the regular "bad guys" in Star Wars movies. Like in that A New Hope scene where two stormtroopers talk about a new type of glider or something while Obi-Wan disables the tractor beam on the Death Star. Of course, this dude might also just be a guy who starts out as a stormtrooper but then joins the rebels or something.
- A rolling droid? Stupid. At least the rolling droids of the Trade Federation looked kind of menacing when standing up/ready to fire. Yeah, those were kind of cool, actually. Then again, this robot will probably be more of a comedic foil like R2D2. Still stupid, though.
- Okay, that lightsabre with the little lightsabre crossguard on the handle actually makes sense (assuming you can handle it without slicing your own wrists off) seeing as the only thing that can withstand a lightsabre seems to be another lightsabre, but it still looks kind of, nay, very dumb and impractical/suicidal.[footnote]Which reminds me, why don't they use lightsabre technology for almost anything else? Melee robots with lightsabre claws to slice enemies, lightsabres as projectiles that will not only penetrate enemy installations but sink through them, lightsabre fences that function as barricades against advancing armies, lightsabre grenade lobbers (with a "star" of lightsabres that activates upon launch) and so on and so on. This technology is so powerful, I'd use it as much as possible if I was designing weaponry.[/footnote]
- Millenium Falcon? I guess that had to be there for fan service. I have to admit I like the other kind of fan service better.
Overall? A mixed impression from the trailer. Let's see what else they'll show us.