We Are Our Avatars IV (Uh, closed for real now)


New member
Jan 29, 2012
So...Hi everybody. Welcome to the thread...Anyway...

The premise is simple.
Your character is your avatar.
They have the same powers, personality etc.

[HEADING=2]WE HAVE A TV TROPES PAGE. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Roleplay/WeAreOurAvatarsEscapist][/HEADING]

You have to contribute to the plot in some way.
Either by adding to a conversation, fighting, or getting past obstacles (picking locks, hijacking cars etc).

You control your character ONLY.
You can't use other players' characters. UNLESS: the character is plot-necessary, but the player is unable to post (must act in character. If you are in this position, it would help if you asked another player beforehand to take over your character).

No Over-Powered Characters
-Characters can't instant-kill other characters (killing should be pre-decided)
-Characters should be weakened if they attack too often
-Characters shouldn't have too many different combat moves.
And please try to explain powers simply. You may be a genius on your character's universe, but other players mightn't have even HEARD of them before.

No excessive posts
Just saying
"Dave opened the door and turned on his torch. He looked around and saw the desk, with the plans on it."
is good enough. We don't need a few paragraphs about his thoughts and feelings, and an accurate description of the room and plans.

Spoiler Tags
One little note:
This RP is probably going to contain at least minor spoilers from character universes, like references to who can live or die in Mass Effect or what happens in the most recent Bourne book or film. Please don't react negatively: it might affect the character in a big way, and you could end up confused as to why the character is acting 'out of character' from your perspective.
But that's not what I want to talk about. USE SPOILER TAGS FOR VIDEOS, PICTURES (Unless they're small) AND LARGE AMOUNTS OF TEXT

Things you should know
-OOC means Out Of Character. Use this if you want to ask a question or make a suggestion.
-Use @[player name]: to address a character specifically.
OP means over-powered.
-Use italics for thoughts. [*i]text[*/i] without the *
-If a player missed a few pages, please give them a summary (a few lines explaining what you did since their last post).
-If you have to leave, either kill your character or put them On A Bus (give a valid reason for them to leave, ie they fell into a temporary wormhole).
-My word is law (you could say, I am the law). If you think a character is OP, take it up with me. I will make a judgement.
Posts MUST Make Sense
-If it isn't from your character's universe, they don't know what it is.
-We're on Earth. Remember that.
-If you break this rule, the nonsensical post is retconned.


This thread will have one and only one main, overarching plot, unlike the other threads we have done. There may be other, smaller plots added throughout the thread. If you wish to do a plot, PM me and we'll see if we can do it.

Now that that's all out of the way, I'll be explaining the setting in due time. You will all have to wait a bit though.


New member
Jan 29, 2012

The setting is Earth. A different Earth from ours, but a very similar one. In fact, there is but one key difference between our Earth and this new one. The difference? People. Or rather, the absence of people. All across the globe, not a man, woman, or child can be found...or so it would seem...Cars, buildings, telephone poles are all there, but nature has already begun to reclaim what man fought so hard for.

Your character will arrive in a forest, with a large mansion being visible in the distance. It is winter, and very cold, with snow covering the ground.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
The red haired man prodded a mushroom.
"I swear, I was in the middle of something different...


New member
Feb 21, 2012
[HEADING=3]Transport Ship Everything Under the Sun[/HEADING]​
A transport ship quietly zips through the Void, as it should. The Void is cold and mysterious, only the Super Soldiers known as the Vanguards and Wardens have been able to harness the powers of this plane of existence or rather plane inbetween existence. A universal membrane gently presses against the cargo hold of the ship as a single pod, iced in the glass disappears.
[HEADING=3]The Day After...[/HEADING]​
Two people, a man and a woman, stood by the cargo ship as it docked with another asteroid, a resupply area of most commerce. One of the people, clearly a superior angrily looked at other. "You lost her?! How many of the Magus Satellites does she have control of?" he barked.

"Magus' 0 through 5." the female replied.

The superior's eyes became slanted as he gritted his teeth. "You do realize that when she finds out about this, my head is going to held for her on a silver platter right?"

"Connection is still established, and she can directly contact her, but... finding a way back. It's not possible as of now."

"God help wherever she is now... Aurora-1... The PERFECT clone of the legendary founder of the Alopex Unit, Winter Madelynn Anderson...."

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
OOC: Sod it, someone needs to post. Allez!

Among the saplings of the woodland fringe, the slow, steady thud of ironclad hooves could be heard had anyone been around to hear them. A fine, chestnut brown stallion plodded through the snow, its breath clouding around it nostrils. In the saddle sat a man with his head bowed and his arms wrapped around his sides, shivering against the cold. Clad in an expensive, dark blue doublet underlain by a chestplate of flawless steel, gently curved to misdirect any blow to the chest, he was not dressed for the cold. From beneath the wide brimmed hat with a large plume in the headband, his breath also steamed. Raising his head, he revealed beneath the brim a youthful face unusually weathered by the elements, toughened and baked brown by the sun and strong winds. His dark brown hair fell to his shoulders and a slender moustache and sharp goatee framed a mouth that, although usually set in a roguish grin was now twisted into a scowl.
"Brrr, when did it get so cold?" He said out loud, seemingly talking to the horse. "And the snow? It's so thick! Did I fall asleep?"


The memes, Jack!
Mar 25, 2012

Somewhere else:
A young woman, roughly eighteen years of age stood opposite a creature, frozen in a large chunk of ice. She build, blue eyes and mint-green hair, tied in a ponytail. She wore a sleeveless red dress with floral patterns, flowered white tights, two long red gloves, red boots, a purple-pink cloak with the same flowered design as her tights and a metal tiara.

She stared at the frozen creature, never making a sound. The creature spoke to the woman telepathically, but she never replied. She just kept staring at it with dull, nearly lifeless eyes. Eventually, the creature began giving of a pale-blue light that was visible even through the ice covering it. The light radiating from the creature kept intensifying until it was glowing brightly. Then, a lightning bolt shot out from the ice and struk the tiara the woman wore, shattering it.

As the tiara shattered, the woman was freed from its mind controlling propperties. But things came back to her too quickly. Unable to cope with the sudden influx of information, the woman's vission grew blurry, and eventually, she fainted. Not only that, but her body disppeared as she was teleported elsewhere.
The woman's re-appeared in the snow and dirt in some forest, where she slowly regained consciousness.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
OoC: Ok, so I'm not joining myself, at least not right now, but I'll be watching and wishing you guys the best of luck.


New member
May 18, 2012
OoC: Might as well try to start things off I guess :)

Taokaka's Story.

As the snow fell to the ground, a young cat-girl walked threw the forest in a yellow cat eared hood, she shivered as the snow fell on her tail.
"Brr....all this cold Is making Tao hungry...." She said to herself as her tummy rumbles. as she kept walking, see started to see a Mansion in the distance. "Oooo......that's look REEEAALLLL fancy!....I bet they have LOADS of food in there! the young cat girl started to run towards the mansion, in the hope of finding something to eat.

Kyr Knightbane

New member
Jan 3, 2012
A cat that runs like a human? How very strange
The hooded assassin thought to himself, breath fogging up in the snow. A mansion in the distance would provide a decent refuge against the cold, however getting there undetected would be key
Better get higher up to survey the area
He runs up the tree and begins moving silently from branch to branch, nearing the mansion

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
As the man on horseback progressed the trees began to thin out, and he caught sight of the mansion in the distance. Something seemed off as he surveyed the scene beyond the outskirts with his piercing green eyes. Something seemed wrong, and he pulled gently on the reins.
"Ralentir, Couleuvrine. Ralentir." The horse obeyed his commandswith discipline, and the rider scanned the surroundings with growing confusion.
"Strange... where is the road?" he wondered. As he searched, he caught sight of the peculiar figure running out in the open, and watched it curiously.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
Charlie looked around and noticed a mansion in the distance.
"That is either a safe haven, or a trap. How to tell..."
He opened his briefcase and took out an axe. He started swinging, smacking the metal head into the base of a tree repeatedly.


The memes, Jack!
Mar 25, 2012
The woman at last fully regained consciousness, suprised to find her face in the snow. She shot up and wiped the snow of off herself, gasping slightly as she did. She shakily got to her feet and looked around a bit. Where was she? Did she know this place? No... this was definitely a place she did not know. Or was it? In truth, she couldn't remember.
Not seeing anything through the trees, the woman began aimlessly wandering around, rubbing her arms and greatly shivering as she did. She was in no way dressed for the cold.


Sexually identifies as Tiefling
Sep 13, 2008
Six small blue figures with red hair and kilts were walking around the forest. All of them had swords as big as them "Crivens! t'is isna the chalky hills."
"Shut up Wullie. I know where I'm goin'! Dat mansion over t'ere must have something to be drinkin' an' if were lucky t'ere wiil be fightin' an' stealin' too"

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
The finely clothed rider examined the mansion more closely as the figure approached the front.
Ah, it is a fine dwelling. He thought. The architecture looks as though it was constructed recently, and by a forward-thinking craftsman, but I have not seen such a building before, and it should not be here. Am I in the right place?" As he pondered however, he detected the rhythmic thud of an axe into a tree trunk andhis head snapped to one side. Lowering a hand to one of the bandoliers crisscrossing his cuirass, he checked that his exquisite wheellock pistol was loaded and ready, before bringing his mount around and setting off in the direction of the unseen woodsman.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Pushing through the last line of thick, claustrophobic trees, the Gunslinger pushed back his hat[footnote]It's not shown in my avatar, but Roland Deschain wears a cowboyish hat[/footnote] and stared up at the huge mansion. He hadn't seen a structure of this grandiosity since he'd rode out of Gilead. Better take a look. I need supplies... he thought.


New member
May 18, 2012
The Cat-girl looked up at the mansion before entering it, amazed by the size of it. MEOW! this place pretty huge!...It makes Tao look tiny... she then walked up to the entrance and knocked on the door with one of her huge paws. Helllooooo? Is anybody home? meow! She called out.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Binnsyboy said:
Pushing through the last line of thick, claustrophobic trees, the Gunslinger pushed back his hat and stared up at the huge mansion. He hadn't seen a structure of this grandiosity since he'd rode out of Gilead. Better take a look. I need supplies... he thought.
OOC: Aha! I actually considered him as a character before! Didn't think I could portray him right though. Kudos and good luck to you!

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Random berk said:
Binnsyboy said:
Pushing through the last line of thick, claustrophobic trees, the Gunslinger pushed back his hat[footnote]It's not shown in my avatar, but Roland Deschain wears a cowboyish hat[/footnote] and stared up at the huge mansion. He hadn't seen a structure of this grandiosity since he'd rode out of Gilead. Better take a look. I need supplies... he thought.
OOC: Aha! I actually considered him as a character before! Didn't think I could portray him right though. Kudos and good luck to you!
I identify with him quite a bit (mainly due to having a strange upbringing. Not THAT weird, but... anyway, yeah, I think I can pull it off. I'm playing him pre-book events. So he doesn't know the Ka-Tet, and has his fingers and youth.