We Can Still Do More With Xbox 360, Says Bleszinski


New member
Feb 12, 2010
clinging to 6 year old hardware and saying "good 'nuff" is like driving a car held together by duct tape and prayers

sure, it may get the job done, but if it's time has come, let it go on a more positive note instead of replacing it when cell phones have more processing power


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
Wasn't there an article on this very subject a few weeks ago? A dev (Id taking about Rage I think) were stating that having to trick the system was creating to much work and eating up development time they could be putting to better use.
Dec 16, 2009
is frame rate issues down to graphics or memory?
so long as the next gen can cope with that, i dont care too much about graphical or other improvements


New member
Aug 18, 2009
This is just retarded. Seriously. It doesn't take that much logic to understand that the hundreds of thousands of dollars developers push into optimizing games for hardware six years outdated could be spent optimizing a game for up to date hardware, with far better results.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
I think consoles have real trouble with shadows at the moment. I was playing Uncharted 3 the other day, and it looks amazing until you see the edges of a shadoe up close. They have really jagged edges and don't look that great at all. Also, we need hardware that is actually capable of running four player splitscreen on consoles.

We're at the end of this console generation and we need new hardware so that progress can be made. Old console hardware is holding us back. Or least make console gaming as much fun as it used to be.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Sober Thal said:
Balobo said:
Sober Thal said:
Balobo said:
Sober Thal said:
*Looks at how Oblivion looks on 360, looks at how Skyrim will look on 360, hopes for great new games in the next few years. We don't need anything new yet.

Well, that's what I hope to be thinking after another few days.
Eh, I heard Oblivion was only allowed to run on one core and current games have access to all three cores. Plus, Skyrim doesn't look all that impressive and still runs at the standard 720p 30 fps.
Looks impressive to me. As long as it doesn't run as crappy (horrible frame rate slowdown) as Dark Soul's, I'll be happy.

*fingers crossed
Actually looks pretty ugly to me. Especially interiors. Yuck. Hoping the PC version is cleaned up at least a little, although 1080p + 8XMSAA will help a lot.
Now that I have played the game for a few hours, all I have to say is: We have different ideas of what looks 'pretty ugly'. I see pretty, while you see ugly. I feel sorry for you if you can't enjoy this game because of how it looks. If your PC version (that gives the devs a headache, lol) doesn't look a lot better, then I really pity you. I'd bet a dollar that it looks a lot better tho...

Either way, cheers! Skyrim is fucking great so far! I hope you don't think 'yuck' while playing... that would suck.
Just because it looks ugly doesn't mean I can't enjoy it :p