I grew up on console gaming (started with the NES). I've owned SNES, Genesis, N64, PS2, Gamecube, 2 360's, PS3, and Wii. Until about a year ago, I could count the games I played seriously on a PC, on one hand. In the past year, I don't know if I've turned on my 360 more than 2 times, my PS3 is used exclusively as a Blu Ray player, and my Wii was sold off long ago. Since then, I've played nearly everything on the PC or my iPhone.
Are there occasionally technical issues? Rare, but sure. The thing is, there's issues on consoles now as well, since the motto now is "ship now, patch later" on consoles as well. Only it takes a LOT longer to patch on consoles. My 360 is constantly trying to sell me anything other than games and slowing everything down to do so, and trying to sell me digital things which are going to vanish shortly (when the Nextbox comes out and they of course start turning servers off) for ridiculous prices.
I'm sorry, but PC gaming is just better right now. I hope console gaming returns to where it was 10 years ago, where I could trust that when I put a disc/cartridge in, it will just work, there won't be ridiculous security/monetary concerns, and everyone can be happy. But that's not what console-makers/game publishers want. They want to shove as much advertising, as much extra crap which would have been free unlockables, and as little time testing as possible down our throats, and then berate us for thinking we then own the games and can do with, and resell as we please. At least on Steam, I'm paying FAR lower prices, so even if I don't get to transfer the game, I've paid little to do so.
Also, and this is a bit off-topic, I know, but the other answer is tabletop gaming. Many board/card games are just more fan-friendly and more fun than video games right now.