Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Introduce self.


>Rich: Mental breakdown.

You have seen what no man ever should.

For a brief moment, you gazed into eternity.

The ultimate, darkest truths of the universe, the catalyst of its creation, the harbinger of its destruction; all have been revealed to you.

The horror.

The horror.

You drop your UNCLE'S P90 and collapse to the ground in MANLY TEARS.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Strife
You cannot strife because you're supposed to be DEAD! You can't be figured out right now! You have to disappear from the Dersite eye to make sure the Guardians are safe!

You grab GS and the both of you hide behind one of the STRANGE PLATFORM. You hope your years of playing MGS don't fail you...

Ow! You just felt the sting of GS' hit! That Graceless Shithead!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: Be the stealthy guy. It is with the utmost skill that you tuck yourself and your rather violent friend behind one of the platforms. Though your instincts, honed by years of gaming, scream at you to pull out a cardboard box to hide beneath, you find that your INVENTORY is sadly lacking in the box department; looks like you'll have to be satisfied with hiding behind this little stone platform here.

You know, the one that's only a couple of inches high. That you've got two people hidden behind. No way this can possibly go wrong.

On the plus side, of the two guys that just flashed into existence before you, it looks like one of them is currently sobbing in PANTS-WETTING HORROR AND TERROR, and the other guy is some strange mix of catatonic and apathetic. Odds are neither of them are going to be attacking you anytime soon.

And it's not like some other guy is going to spontaneously teleport on top of this platform, right? That'd just be the most contrived, unlikely situation ever. Nah, there's no way something like that is going to happen.


>Dirk: Make something like that happen. As you begin to investigate the STRANGE PLATFORM, you lean closer and closer, in order to get the best look you possibly can. But, there really isn't all that much to see; it's basically just a big, flat rock with a bunch of lines carved into it.

With no better option, you reach out and touch the odd dais, hoping that maybe this'll do somethOHGODWHAT.

In a SUDDEN, UNFORESEEN, AND ALL AROUND SHOCKING PLOT TWIST, you find yourself warping across space. An instant passes, and you find yourself torn from your Land and placed in a small, purple chamber. Judging by the decorations, you're willing to bet that you're back on Derse. ...And judging by the people around you, you're willing to bet that some kind of shenanigans are afoot.

One the one hand, you've got Chas and a sobbing Rich collapsed in the center of the chamber. On the other, you've got another Dersite Prince (Process of elimination would suggest that it's Xavier) and a Dersite Agent, crouching behind a tiny platform like kids playing hide and seek. And they're failing pretty miserably.

So yeah. Shenanigans are afoot.


Rich: The horror indeed. [Jy-0ZwgeSvc] Okay man, that's enough crying. I mean, seriously, you've been going at it for a good two minutes now. You're going to get dehydrated if you keep this up. Look, there's already a puddle forming. It really shouldn't be possible for you to cry this much this fast. Sure, I get that it was a horrifying trip; you've made that pretty damn clear. Let's just... try and calm down, okay? You want a soda? How about some ice cream? Huh? Will that make things better? ...No, apparently not.

Well, as much as I'd like to sit around and try and make you feel better, I've got shit to do and an unspecified amount of time to do it in, so let's get this moving along.



Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Talk to everyone

Whenever we get enough time for a memo, we shall put it here, perhaps?


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>MetroidNut: Present schedule for memo.

I'm available for basically the rest of today. Monday and Tuesday could be tricky, but I'm probably going to be available between about 9:00 and 12:00 EST. I should be available in the early afternoon on Wednesday. After that, I've got no idea.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Be speechless at sudden stupidity

Ok,this place has DEFINITELY gotten to you.How in the hell could you not have realized that that object was a METEORITE?!?!Ok,maybe you are being a bit hard on yourself,but screw that!People are counting on you.Its one thing to endanger your own life,but what about theirs?How do you expect to hel...............What the?Ooooooooo!Shiny metal!

>Completely forget about self rant and be distracted by the shiny metal

Distracted would be a bit much.Interested would be more correct.Fascinated would also work.Curious would do in a pinch as well.How often do you see METEORITES filled with machinery and jagged metal,purple material in particular which you make a mental note of.

Ok you admit that before this whole thing started you had never seen a METEORITE before,up close anyway,but still this can't be normal.You have to wonder if its anything like the SKYNEEDLE that you help Letage with.Similar technology possibly?Although the PURPLE color makes you think of Derse so that could rule that out.

You make your way through the CRATER,avoiding still smoldering areas and areas with metal,that looks a bit too sharp for you to stand on.Sure,you may use SWORDS but at least you don't try to stand on them.Unless your MOTHER made you.Something about learning to control ones balance?You can't help but wonder if your MOTHER was trying to kill you somedays.Although with everything you have seen you have to question everything you were taught.It seems way to convenient that you learned all of the stuff for no good reason.A thought crosses your head.

Is it possible your parents and siblings knew we would come here?That would be a chilling thought.

A thought which vanishes when you spot the STRANGE PLATFORM hidden among the rubble.If you would have to guess,and going by the marks around it,it looks like someone or something had hidden this underground and the METEORITE'S impact uncovered it.Its not very large and closer examination reveals a mysterious pattern inscribed on the center.What could that possibly mean?

You walk onto the STRANGE PLATFORM and decide to see what happens.You so hope it doesn't kill you.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Don't even breath
OK, this everything is cool! You're only cornered by two DERSITE GUARDS! One of which is WAILING WITH BLOODTHIRSTINESS, whose somehow salivating so hard, its forming pools around his feet! And the other his killer's demeanour. Calculative, cold, distant. He's killed people. Numerous people. It only takes a simple glance for you know as much. But, hey! You've had harder trials! Like this one time, where you had to-

You're lying to yourself; you're fucked. You're brained is completely wrought with stress at the moment. Of all places, you had to pick a two-foot pillar for two people! BANG-UP JOB, KIDDO! There's only one thing to do now.

>Xavier: Strife

You jump from your spot behind the pillar and wildly swing your KUNAI KNIVES around, your stress causing you to forget all your STABBULAR (that's not a word, but you're coining it!) practice. You believe that your actually attacking, when in actuality, you're several feet away from them. "Hurt you more?! DON'T MIND IF I DO!"


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: Stepping on the platform causes you to DIE INSTANTLY. DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200.


In all seriousness though, you know the drill. Flash, zip, you're on Derse in a room next to all of your buddies and friends. One of whom is still sobbing in fear, another who is raving like a madman while utterly failing to do any harm to anyone, and two that look like they're about to do something that is certainly not friendly.

Well. This is nice.


>Xavier: Get your head bashed from behind. You suddenly feel the head of GS's wrench slam into your noggin.

"Will you go ahead and shut your damn trap? Doesn't look to me like these punks are tryin to kill ya."


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>GM: Sing a heartfelt ballad to your dashing and roguish cast of PCs and Trolls.


Happy anniversary, you glorious bastards.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Real Connor: Post months after everyone left so the irony of no one seeing your post is fulfilled.(That was a joke, I stopped trying to be cool a long time ago)

I'm pretty sure I have no right being here, at this point. But I've been trying to figure out a concussion to the events that happened to my stupid self insertion for months now, and also had to disappear for pretty obvious reasons that I'd like to not get back into. Hence why I'm assuming when I post an explanation of (Beta) Connor death, that none of the original members of the RP will see it, but whoever may find this thread and read all of it in the future may at least hear a logical end to his death, and why IC he chose to do what he did.

I deserved to have myself kicked out of the RP, but my dumb ass character deserved better than me.

>Sburb Writer Connor: Explain yourself before I smite you for returning.

This is mainly because, after all his studying into the medium, and his time spent walking through that path on one of the many islands, he figured something out. Something he wasn't supposed too so early, and for which not for his poor tactical choice of trying to kill a much higher ranking player(for which he was aware entirely of this, but chose to do anyways due to his own self proclaimed idioticness), he might of been helpful to others.

A short time before he attempted his knowingly stupid choice which resulted in the complete failure of his session(during the time right before he jumped into the 3 gate of his world and ended up at Chas's house), for which is due to the fact he was by removing their chance of figuring out the Ultimate Riddle entirely, which would of given everyone in his session a chance to enact better choices that did not have to lead to a scratch, creating another assumed to be failed session as the other RPs have out right stopped posting on the newer thread.

The reason for Connor to of lost his mind(for which, assuming the character is like me, would be an inaccurate phrase considering the circumstances IC), was because of one main reason.

First of all, like me, he took medications for his bipolor disorder NOS, and since he entered the medium, he had completely forgotten to take them(one of his many character traits i forgot to mention, as I assumed logically they would be more mine than his at the time.) If memory serves he would of been off his mood stabilizers for about 2 days, perhaps 3.

This would have driven him, much as it did me, in a very manic state. As at the time I couldn?t comprehend RPing someone other than me, he acted a lot like I would of if in that kind of state, and both of our traits to be insufferable were strongly showing to both the characters in the RP and my fellow RPers. For the fact it took me over, and reflected on my character, is something I?m sorry for, and I have no excuse.

But I think it still works for the character we?ve built up for him, and here?s why.

If memory serves, my character had several conversations with the Trolls, on various points in the timeline. Near the end, according to the canon of the RP, Connor was contacted by Sam T?s rust blooded troll, asking if he were dead yet. When we wrote the conversation, it was assumed this was much more far in the future than the time Chas killed me for trying to kill him.

This is when he told ?Red? to tell the other, noble blue blood troll, ?Blue?, to contact him in the past, and according to most people would be the unstoppable stable paradox loop that caused by the powers that be (most likely the Horrorterrors, as you might think), for Connor to start going insane via a single conversation about pointless things related to troll society that had no importance to be argued over, whether she felt strongly about the subject or not.

This also annoyed Chas enough to be willing to kill Connor so easily, but I would assume only in the self defence sinaro that Connor put him in assuming he did not try to defeat Chas without listening to his annoyed commented on being beaten with a baseball bat violently but also kinda pathetically due to Connor?s low level on the latter.

However there?s a lot more to the story then that, a lot I didn?t post due to fear of backlash for even being there in the first place, and stuff that I?ve thought or recently that makes more sense in some ways and would probably fill the plot hole of my avatar?s death pretty well.

Now, according to this RP?s canon, the mind aspect is similar to light in the sense where you can make predictions. And the Bard aspect, as described in the main Homestuck canon, is a class though the actions of their own they will cause the ultimate failure or total success of the session.

My character fit both these requirements, due to information explaining why he would EVER chose to try to get himself killed when he knew it would. That is thanks to the Totem of Mind, or the Glasses for which he could get strange visions of the future with, for which he could change thanks to his class of mind.

Though these glasses, during the one time he wore them, he realized something. Something that explained his theory of looping paradoxes and how they don?t affect the causality of his actions, hence why he was so weak and weird after he took them off.

He figured, that if he can see the future, and change the events in motion, then wouldn?t he be able to control his actions in a way against fate? He pondered what he already knew about time travel in paradox space, at least for how trollian loops through time forever, but he thinks that if fate is not chosen by the players/heros of the sessions(for which due to his theory on time travel at the time made little sense, thanks to his understanding of Causality [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality] mixed with the Trollian time paradox that acts as a stable time loop), then it must be controlled by someone else. From all he knew from everything he?s seen on his planet, there is light, and then there is darkness, which in his session is represented by prospit and derse respectively, but from his experience with derse personally, not everyone there is evil. And what is really evil is basicly just corrupt, but not fair to say evil unless you?re talking about leadership, and even that, that?s pushing it.

He assumed that meant that if Derse wasn?t fully evil, then what they represent isn?t fully evil ether.

So that means that, if the powers that be (for which we know as readers of homestuck as Skia and the Horrorterrors) control fate, but Derse is conflicted between indifference and corruption and has little evil beyond circumstance, then it?s possible to do something that conflicts with both the motivations of light and darkness in fate, leading to either free will or subconscious influence of the person?s mind that causes them to commit the actions they commit. But that means all heros have free will, whether they are aware of it or not, regardless, as it?s doubtful either party, light or dark, would be willing to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL as he would've put it at the time.

This, is the basic idea behind the answer to the Ultimate Riddle(for which is Connor made a different choice, he could've learned the whole answer). The idea that the actions committed are not a part of a weird time travel related fate, but due to the motivations the heros have, unaware of their ability to use free will, assuming that every action is pre mandated by time, when really, if they didn?t have the will to go on, they wouldn?t.

Connor had free will by the point he accepted the Horrorterror?s offer to become grimdark, for which he was able to do thanks to his personal land in the medium and said Horrorterrors, and because at that point he had no will to live, nor to help his friends and nor to fulfill his role as a hero, which in fact because he made the choice that caused ultimate failure, means he was making the choice his role as the Bard of Mind was meant to fulfill and in fact was fitting his role. His actions were the direct cause of their failure, because when it comes down to it, Connor's choice wasn't based on logic or reason, but personal feelings. He had given up with the game, and although he knew the basic idea behind the riddle, and could of learned the rest if he continued playing, he couldn't go on with it. He was too weak from his distressing thoughts about his friends, hate friends, sexuality, troll society, and his own self loathing, that he just made the choice to go out with a bang, because he knew that's what he wanted to do. Even if the Horrorterrors didn't mind destroying any bit of the Riddle they could find, and even if Connor had the mind to figure it out and he knowledge that he can choose his fate, he was weak of heart and he could do to stop him from filling his role as a Bard of Mind and, you know.

Obviously this means he does have free will to fate, but not to himself. In the end, the Ultimate Riddle he will never of told anyone nor finish figuring out will not even have the chance to fall on deaf ears or otherwise.

He died with more regret than anything else.

And as a character in a story, I think I could've done worse with him.

Although, if my character was never written in the first place to attack Chas against my intentions, then chances are I would've never been able to think of an explanation for his death while I was being kicked out of the RP that made sense, and would of been upset over not having a conclusion in my head like the one I just wrote that made sense with his aspect and class, gave him some development, and made him into the "row row fight the power" kinda guy I always wanted him to be. And I guess the RP realistically was gonna die anyways from how I remember it, so if I wasn't kicked out then I wouldn't get a conclusion anyways, so over all having this ending seems preferable to me to it just being unfinished. I dunno.

Also, if anyone from the RP read all that and didn't think they wanted to murder me for any part of it, then I apreciate it and I'll say thanks in advance if you don't report this post.

Original Theory for what the Ultimate Riddle's Answer is from this tumblr post. [http://bladekindeyewear.tumblr.com/post/32791870832/the-answer-to-the-ultimate-riddle]


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
Benndak said:
Connor Lonske said:
>Real Connor: Post months after everyone left so the irony of no one seeing your post is fulfilled.(That was a joke, I stopped trying to be cool a long time ago)

I'm pretty sure I have no right being here, at this point. But I've been trying to figure out a concussion to the events that happened to my stupid self insertion for months now, and also had to disappear for pretty obvious reasons that I'd like to not get back into. Hence why I'm assuming when I post an explanation of (Beta) Connor death, that none of the original members of the RP will see it, but whoever may find this thread and read all of it in the future may at least hear a logical end to his death, and why IC he chose to do what he did.

I deserved to have myself kicked out of the RP, but my dumb ass character deserved better than me.

>Sburb Writer Connor: Explain yourself before I smite you for returning.

This is mainly because, after all his studying into the medium, and his time spent walking through that path on one of the many islands, he figured something out. Something he wasn't supposed too so early, and for which not for his poor tactical choice of trying to kill a much higher ranking player(for which he was aware entirely of this, but chose to do anyways due to his own self proclaimed idioticness), he might of been helpful to others.

A short time before he attempted his knowingly stupid choice which resulted in the complete failure of his session(during the time right before he jumped into the 3 gate of his world and ended up at Chas's house), for which is due to the fact he was by removing their chance of figuring out the Ultimate Riddle entirely, which would of given everyone in his session a chance to enact better choices that did not have to lead to a scratch, creating another assumed to be failed session as the other RPs have out right stopped posting on the newer thread.

The reason for Connor to of lost his mind(for which, assuming the character is like me, would be an inaccurate phrase considering the circumstances IC), was because of one main reason.

First of all, like me, he took medications for his bipolor disorder NOS, and since he entered the medium, he had completely forgotten to take them(one of his many character traits i forgot to mention, as I assumed logically they would be more mine than his at the time.) If memory serves he would of been off his mood stabilizers for about 2 days, perhaps 3.

This would have driven him, much as it did me, in a very manic state. As at the time I couldn?t comprehend RPing someone other than me, he acted a lot like I would of if in that kind of state, and both of our traits to be insufferable were strongly showing to both the characters in the RP and my fellow RPers. For the fact it took me over, and reflected on my character, is something I?m sorry for, and I have no excuse.

But I think it still works for the character we?ve built up for him, and here?s why.

If memory serves, my character had several conversations with the Trolls, on various points in the timeline. Near the end, according to the canon of the RP, Connor was contacted by Sam T?s rust blooded troll, asking if he were dead yet. When we wrote the conversation, it was assumed this was much more far in the future than the time Chas killed me for trying to kill him.

This is when he told ?Red? to tell the other, noble blue blood troll, ?Blue?, to contact him in the past, and according to most people would be the unstoppable stable paradox loop that caused by the powers that be (most likely the Horrorterrors, as you might think), for Connor to start going insane via a single conversation about pointless things related to troll society that had no importance to be argued over, whether she felt strongly about the subject or not.

This also annoyed Chas enough to be willing to kill Connor so easily, but I would assume only in the self defence sinaro that Connor put him in assuming he did not try to defeat Chas without listening to his annoyed commented on being beaten with a baseball bat violently but also kinda pathetically due to Connor?s low level on the latter.

However there?s a lot more to the story then that, a lot I didn?t post due to fear of backlash for even being there in the first place, and stuff that I?ve thought or recently that makes more sense in some ways and would probably fill the plot hole of my avatar?s death pretty well.

Now, according to this RP?s canon, the mind aspect is similar to light in the sense where you can make predictions. And the Bard aspect, as described in the main Homestuck canon, is a class though the actions of their own they will cause the ultimate failure or total success of the session.

My character fit both these requirements, due to information explaining why he would EVER chose to try to get himself killed when he knew it would. That is thanks to the Totem of Mind, or the Glasses for which he could get strange visions of the future with, for which he could change thanks to his class of mind.

Though these glasses, during the one time he wore them, he realized something. Something that explained his theory of looping paradoxes and how they don?t affect the causality of his actions, hence why he was so weak and weird after he took them off.

He figured, that if he can see the future, and change the events in motion, then wouldn?t he be able to control his actions in a way against fate? He pondered what he already knew about time travel in paradox space, at least for how trollian loops through time forever, but he thinks that if fate is not chosen by the players/heros of the sessions(for which due to his theory on time travel at the time made little sense, thanks to his understanding of Causality [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality] mixed with the Trollian time paradox that acts as a stable time loop), then it must be controlled by someone else. From all he knew from everything he?s seen on his planet, there is light, and then there is darkness, which in his session is represented by prospit and derse respectively, but from his experience with derse personally, not everyone there is evil. And what is really evil is basicly just corrupt, but not fair to say evil unless you?re talking about leadership, and even that, that?s pushing it.

He assumed that meant that if Derse wasn?t fully evil, then what they represent isn?t fully evil ether.

So that means that, if the powers that be (for which we know as readers of homestuck as Skia and the Horrorterrors) control fate, but Derse is conflicted between indifference and corruption and has little evil beyond circumstance, then it?s possible to do something that conflicts with both the motivations of light and darkness in fate, leading to either free will or subconscious influence of the person?s mind that causes them to commit the actions they commit. But that means all heros have free will, whether they are aware of it or not, regardless, as it?s doubtful either party, light or dark, would be willing to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL as he would've put it at the time.

This, is the basic idea behind the answer to the Ultimate Riddle(for which is Connor made a different choice, he could've learned the whole answer). The idea that the actions committed are not a part of a weird time travel related fate, but due to the motivations the heros have, unaware of their ability to use free will, assuming that every action is pre mandated by time, when really, if they didn?t have the will to go on, they wouldn?t.

Connor had free will by the point he accepted the Horrorterror?s offer to become grimdark, for which he was able to do thanks to his personal land in the medium and said Horrorterrors, and because at that point he had no will to live, nor to help his friends and nor to fulfill his role as a hero, which in fact because he made the choice that caused ultimate failure, means he was making the choice his role as the Bard of Mind was meant to fulfill and in fact was fitting his role. His actions were the direct cause of their failure, because when it comes down to it, Connor's choice wasn't based on logic or reason, but personal feelings. He had given up with the game, and although he knew the basic idea behind the riddle, and could of learned the rest if he continued playing, he couldn't go on with it. He was too weak from his distressing thoughts about his friends, hate friends, sexuality, troll society, and his own self loathing, that he just made the choice to go out with a bang, because he knew that's what he wanted to do. Even if the Horrorterrors didn't mind destroying any bit of the Riddle they could find, and even if Connor had the mind to figure it out and he knowledge that he can choose his fate, he was weak of heart and he could do to stop him from filling his role as a Bard of Mind and, you know.

Obviously this means he does have free will to fate, but not to himself. In the end, the Ultimate Riddle he will never of told anyone nor finish figuring out will not even have the chance to fall on deaf ears or otherwise.

He died with more regret than anything else.

And as a character in a story, I think I could've done worse with him.

Although, if my character was never written in the first place to attack Chas against my intentions, then chances are I would've never been able to think of an explanation for his death while I was being kicked out of the RP that made sense, and would of been upset over not having a conclusion in my head like the one I just wrote that made sense with his aspect and class, gave him some development, and made him into the "row row fight the power" kinda guy I always wanted him to be. And I guess the RP realistically was gonna die anyways from how I remember it, so if I wasn't kicked out then I wouldn't get a conclusion anyways, so over all having this ending seems preferable to me to it just being unfinished. I dunno.

Also, if anyone from the RP read all that and didn't think they wanted to murder me for any part of it, then I apreciate it and I'll say thanks in advance if you don't report this post.

Original Theory for what the Ultimate Riddle's Answer is from this tumblr post. [http://bladekindeyewear.tumblr.com/post/32791870832/the-answer-to-the-ultimate-riddle]
i know right


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
:Walks into thread after being gone for several years.Clears throat,brushes dust off shirt,and picks up mic:

Hello all,its been a good long while since I posted in this thread.Years infact.Hard to believe its been so long since then.Alot of stuff has happened,good and bad.About a week ago I got nostalgic for Homestuck,it not having been updated for awhile,and while I caught up on it it reminded me of this thread.Over the last few days I have gone back over this thread,as well as the short Troll and Alpha games we did,and it reminded me of all the fun and joy it had all brought me.Now I know this thread is old and long since ended,but after reading Connor's long and revealing post I felt I would add my say.Its probably against a rule to necro a thread this old and normally I believe in following this rules.But you know what?Just this once I will ignore it.If I get trouble for it I will accept that,but I wish to say some things.And if know of you read this and this thread fades into obscurity then I will accept that.

I remember when I joined this PbP.It had been years since I had roleplayed in any official capacity,and Homestuck was something that I had come to really enjoy as a webcomic,so much that I binged on it over the course of a week(A guy does have to eat and sleep after all :p ).I loved the story and the characters,watching them grow as people and adventured in this new world they found themselves in.It inspired me to want to play in this world.And one day while looking over the Roleplaying Forums on this very site lo and behold a sign up for a Homestuck PbP.I remember debating about giving it a go and through I was rusty decided I would try and do as good with this game as possible.And while I don't know if I succeeded in that or not,I know that I had alot of fun.Heck,I know I made mistakes,but all part of the fun right?Ill admit that I'm sad we never were able to finish the story,but otherwise no regrets.

Pappytech,you were an awesome GM.Seriously,after being gone from roleplaying for so long I couldn't have asked for a better Storyteller to get back into roleplaying with.And I mean that truthfully.

Benndak.You crazy :censored:.Chas' descent into madness was really fun to watch and I felt he played off my character well.If things had continued I suspect that our characters would have ended up becoming rivals.And I would have enjoyed every second of it.

CJ1145.Your art captured Homestuck well,and while I didn't get to play with Dirk much I did enjoy seeing him become almost like the groups Guardian Angel-Big Brother(without an 1984 bits).KaminaSprite would have been proud.

WafflesandBacon,Connor Lonske,MetroidNut.You guys were wacky,and if you three had gotten together I could totally have seen a Three Musketeers thing going on.

And last,but certainly not least,SamuelT.The trolls.Easily my favorite characters out of this game,and the ones I enjoyed interacting with the most.My character and I both felt for their situation,and that made us desire to want to help them all the more.Sure,they were trolls,but not bad people.

And what I want to say to you all is this:Thank you.Thank you all for an amazing year of wacky hijinks.For sporks and ninjas.For past,present,and future shenanigans.For awkward feelings and epic showdowns.For life,the Universe and everything.

Thank you all.I wouldn't trade this year of fun anything.Its been an honor.

:Bows to you all,puts the mic back on the stand,and walks off stage: