Well, the Warcraft movie is a bit rubbish.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
KingsGambit said:
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
That is the worst attitude to have. Forgiving mediocrity or worse just because a video game based movie is functional is letting them off. Have some bloody standards man, expect more. We should hold these things to a *higher* standard. You should be the first to demand they do it better, not give them carte blanche to pander sub-par crap at us! Demand a great movie, not "decent" :)
Well if we compare this to the MMORPG I was angry at the current expansion (Warlords of Draenor) was terrible and not up to par with earlier expansions, heck the Panda expansion was miles better the Warlords of Draenor.

But now the newest expansion to come out soon (Legion) is looking to be even 10x better than Warlords and I believe it will be the best expansion WOW will have in awhile.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Schrodinger said:
Samtemdo8 said:
fisheries said:
Samtemdo8 said:

Heck I would spoil it anyway:

In the lore Anduin Lothar (Travis Fimmel) dies in the second war.

Durotan (the main orc guy) dies as you saw but his son soon becomes one of the more important Orc characters named Thrall:

More interesting lore characters that remained characters in the entire lore began in the era of Warcraft 3.

There is Arthas who is the most favorite story of the entire franchise and alot of his actions affected so many characters.

There is also Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas Windrunner, Illidan Stormrage, Varian Wrynn, etc.

Now I will post my grips with this movie in the next post.
Dude. Dude. Just stop. You just posted what may be spoilers for the films going forward, to batter people who aren't interested in getting up to date on the MASSIVE Warcraft lore, to get them hype for a movie that you keep shitting on anyway.

Like seriously, you said, get interested, then you told everyone the ultimate fates of the characters, which if they're not members of the Warcraft faithful, AKA, the ones you are trying to convince to get on board with a franchise even though you've only made negative comments about the movie's soundtrack, cast, and director, is just a spoiler.

That's not incentive to get involved. That's telling people to read up on a ton of lore just to be in on a movie, and then proceeding to spoil potential upcoming events anyway. That's just so self defeating in every possible way.
Because I have so much to lose if this movie does not make sequals.

I want certains parts of the lore to get adapted, I want this movie franchise to succeed despite the terrible start.

And critics are KILLING THAT CHANCE!!!!!!

Sigh....I just want my Lich King movie done right.
I can only guess how young you must be to act this way, but unless your goal is to alienate everyone and just be "That guy on everyone's ignore list who rambles about terrible movies and some action games" you need to stop. Talk to us, discuss things with us, but stop preaching at us. I don't think you're a bad guy, just a young guy who doesn't know any better, and I'm not posting this to harass you or hurt your feelings. I am trying to say clearly though, what a lot of people are telling you with social cues (and sometimes blunt language) that you seem to be failing to grasp.

Treat other people like people, not ears you can shout endlessly into, or they will be alone. More importantly, you will be ignored by everyone here, and be "That guy who talks to himself and doesn't know it."
I am just a man who at times has selfish desires. This is one of those moments that my selfish desires get the better of me since I really want more movies of Warcraft to be made and I want peopel to get into it as I had. And I just get upset that so much bashing on this beautifully done world. A world that made me fell in love with the fantasy genre ever since I was a little kid. Even though it was not the first thing I saw. Ocarina of Time, the Lord of the Rings movies, and Harry Potter introduced me to the Fantasy genre as a kid, but it was Warcraft that opened my eyes and I have been a fan ever since.

Anyway I apoligize for my behavior and I agree that there is nothing for me to gain to defend this movie and let time play out if more sequals happen or not.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
fisheries said:
Samtemdo8 said:
I posted my apology above. But to reiterate:

I apoligize for my behavior and I agree that there is nothing for me to gain to defend this movie.

And I apoligize for the lore spoilers because in a moment of doubt and stupidity I was convinced that this movie will bomb so badly that sequals will never be made so people will never know the best parts of Warcraft.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
fisheries said:
Comedy Gold
I don't know what's funnier, the conspiracy theories about film critics hating video games and/or fantasy, the even dumber conspiracy theorists who thinks that critics hate all fantasy that isn't GoT or LotR for reasons not explained, the fact that quite a lot of them actually agree with the critics and are just too stupid to notice (Great if you're a Warcraft fan, crap if you aren't), that one idiot at the top who uses The Sixth Sense of all things as his example of a pretentious art-house movie, or this guy:

"Just awesome!Nothing to say more! It's best movie I saw at last few years. So I think movie like breath of fresh air at world of fast-food movies,and this is why critics hate film."
Who seems to honestly think that critics are keeping Warcraft down because it's too good.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
If it's shit call it shit. I'm not going to praise something I didn't like just because I like the idea that someone tried to make it.

That said, I'm not calling it shit yet because I haven't seen it yet. So I'll only say the trailers looked like shit and decide if the movie is any good when I see it.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
slo said:
saphiren said:
slo said:
It is sad to see how gamers of all people are lining up to shit on the first decent videogame movie in years.
Wtf, are you stoned or something?
Sorry, but I can't stand this attitude. The idea that we should like a mediocre movie because it's aimed at our demographic is insulting, *especially* when it's arguably one of the better ones to do so. If you want better anything, whether it's vidya movies or whatever, the last thing you should do is ignore the flaws and settle for something average. Point out the flaws, bring attention to them, and say "This can be done better! Here's how!" Set high standards and don't settle for anything less, that's what'll get us REALLY GOOD movies instead of merely decent ones.
You think that your complaints is what gets us good movies? Hahah. Hahahah. Hahahahahahahah!
You think silence and compliance gets good movies? Dunno why you're laughing.

Mylinkay Asdara said:
Didn't know about the producer thing though. I thought there was some drama I hadn't heard about and I guess that might be it? Are you talking about Blizzcon year before last? I watched that via the online pass - I don't remember it being bad, there were a couple of flat moments, but that sort of thing happens at any live performance, not everyone's going to respond how you hoped to everything you say - especially if they are just waiting for the game presentations to continue. Then again, the Internet is a hotbed of "love it" / "hate it" and very little in between these days.
It's less how bad it was and how flat it was for someone that likes to claim themselves to be "King of the Geeks" and how little he apparently knew about pretty much anything involving Blizzard or Blizzcon. I've honestly barely followed Blizzard since they stopped making Warcraft and I seem to know more about their in-jokes and fluff than someone that was hired specifically for that event. The least he could've done is some amount of research so that stupid mistakes didn't happen.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
slo said:
Redryhno said:
slo said:
You think that your complaints is what gets us good movies? Hahah. Hahahah. Hahahahahahahah!
You think silence and compliance gets good movies? Dunno why you're laughing.
Just a hint: It might have something to do with the hard labor of the people who make them.
And that hard labor doesn't mean shit if they don't know if something isn't as good as they may believe it to be. It means they can't realize it and go back and try again to make it better or do better the next time around.