Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave

The number of rulers that were broken, lost count when I was about eight... It all stopped when I went to high school, and my old man's been apologising for it ever since. Do I regret it? Yes, of course I do... But do I hold it against him? No, to him, having the crap beaten out of you as a kid was a normal Saturday afternoon... that he was capable of acting normally by 21 was quite an achievement...


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Oh yeah all the time. Stopped when I was around 14. Wasn't abused just got my ass whipped when I miss behaved which was often. I guess I'm better for it. Sure helped me build a tolerance for pain.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
CthulhuMessiah said:
I got spanked once. I never acted up again until my teenage years.
Yea, pretty much this. Hate to have a small post, but this sums it up nicely.

Aiden Raine

New member
Oct 3, 2011
my mom was a hardliner for discipline.. or as I like to call her, a crazy *****. my dad wasn't so bad. he would spank us when we did something bad, but that was about it. he was pretty apathetic about discipline unless we did something to really deserve it.

mom, on the other hand, as I said, crazy *****. she had anger issues and an authority complex. used to break wooden spoons over our asses. then she switched to a plastic spoon. much worse. talked back, we got slapped. said something she didn't like, we got to lick a bar of soap. pissed off at noting in particular, she'd just scream at us and slam doors and cabinetries.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
I believe that it's alright to spank children if they are at an age where they cannot be reasoned with. When they are very young, they don't understand anything more than pain=bad. I was only spanked twice. Once when I was 3, once when I was 5. The first was when I endangered my life. The second time was when I endangered anothers life.

Once a child is older, you can be more... "creative" with punishments. For example, I hit my sister once when I was 7. Rather than spanking me, my father made me write "I will not hit girls" five hundred times. To this day, I refuse to strike a woman.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I was spanked when I did wrong, at least by my mother. It was pretty ineffectual, and I was tough enough that it didn't hurt by the time I was nine years old... so I actually preferred that to what my dad would do. He never laid a hand on me, but he would assign monotonous hard labor, watch me do it for hours, and correct me when I did it wrong. His father used to get drunk and beat the living shit out of him, so he never hit my brother or me.

Looking back, I think that was the best thing he could have done, and I've thanked him for it.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I got the belt. It quickly put me in line and taught me not to bark if I wasn't ready to be bitten.

Seriously though kids today are too soft, they curse and carry on. They all need a little fear. Especially when they get older and think they're able to kick everyone's ass.

Also OP, it's disgusting you or your brother struck a woman. Let alone your mother.

My younger brother raised his hand against my mom just once. (He obviously didn't learn like I did.) She picked up a lamp and smashed him in the head with it. He learned the lesson then.

On a lighter note, I once tried to flee the belt, got into my bedroom (which didn't have a lock) and tried to press myself to the door to keep her from getting me. (Cursing at her all the while)

She broke the door down on me and beat the hell out of me.

Taught me to respect others. Also helped me learn after my first real world fight not to use my physical strength to solve problems.

Humza Ahmad

New member
Sep 22, 2011
Yup, and I hated it and I resent them for it. I don't like my parents for all the punishment that they call normal in their country.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Kakashi on crack said:
renegade7 said:
My dad was hitting me this one time but I kicked him in the balls REALLY hard ( he threw up a little ) and I never had to deal with it again
I kicked my dad in the balls once and got thrown (yes quite litterally thrown) accross the room...

corporeal punishment. Taught me a lot of things and made me resent my father at the same time.
Well in my case it was more like I was pinned to the floor by the neck and being beaten at the age of 8...


New member
May 8, 2011
Yeah, I got spanked when I deserved it. I don't resent my parents at all for spanking me, and if I have children, I plan on spanking them when I feel it necessary. We all act like little bastards sometimes and occasionally, for us more stubborn ones, physical punishment is needed. My parents used to use a belt, but they never once hit me when I didn't deserve it and they never hit me with a closed fist. Me and my dad mess around sometimes now by punching each other but never hard enough to hurt each other. I've been hit harder by my friends, but that was when we were testing who could punch the hardest (I came in third just in case anyone cares).


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Woodsey said:
emeraldrafael said:
your older brother hit your mom back? What kinda soft shift is your family running? if you hit any woman in my family you could expect to be the immediate black sheep and someone clocking you. Unless youw ere a girl of course.
When I first read that I thought ewe'd gone in for a classic sheep pun.

OT: Once or twice on the arse. Usually stopped before it happened again.

Anything more than that is a waste of time, and introducing equipment for it (belts, paddles, sticks, someone mentioned scalding hot water) is insane.
hunh, i should thinking about it now. thats kinda disappointing that I missed the chance.

Supertegwyn said:
emeraldrafael said:
Where the bloody hell do you live? Victorian England?
No, I live around Pittsburgh.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Never. I've never been hit in my life.

Actually I've got a vivid memory that sorta described my parent's attitude towards violence against kids. He found this piece of wood in a camping trailer we were renting that had the words "attitude adjuster" written on it. My dad took it and broke it in half.

Guess I got served with good parents... :3


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Asian family here, got disciplined by the cane and belt mostly by both parents and teachers until 11 or 12. Although this one particular teacher I had preferred to use a thick 1 meter ruler. And he also played golf.

Personally I think there is a point to using violence as a method of disciplining in that the children won't fully understand what they did wrong at a young age and pain usually makes a better deterrent than say, sitting in the corner. Of course, this becomes less effective as they grow older but by then they should be able to (in theory) comprehend their actions and thus the act of disciplining will involve a lot more arguing.

Naturally there is a difference between abuse and discipline, I see that most of you guys are aware of that.