Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I have never ever been abused by my parents and I think its quite odd when people say its alright to abuse your kid.

Tyrant T100

New member
Aug 19, 2009
Yes and I'm a better person because of it.
I was an absolute shit as a young child and would constantly test the threats my parents made against me for misbehaving. Getting a smack was the only thing that would get me to stop being a prick and start behaving.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Yup. The first time I did something wrong I was hit and told when I'd be allowed to do it. I'd say it worked well.

For example, the first time I swore (I think I was around 9 years old) my dad gave me a smack and told me I could swear when I was an adult. Upon my turning 18 both of my parents would openly swear in front of or even at me. I was allowed to swear as long as it wasn't directed at them in an offensive way.

I'd say this worked well considering that compared to my younger sister (who was raised without violence as a punishment) I'm a saint.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Yep, never worked, was still an arsehole to them because hitting doesn't work like if they'd just fucking sat down and talked to me, things would of been better.

My Daughter is 2.5, the thought of hitting her makes me feel sick. I have no idea why people think physical abuse is OK.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Some light slaps, taught me what is good and what is wrong. Nothing over the top, probably thanks to my mom, since my father is somewhat of an unemphatic ass.

In my everyday travels of life, I strive to be like my caring mother rather than my idiotic father. I guess that is what he taught me, that he is wrong.


Aug 3, 2008
I don't think so, although I can't really remember. Maybe a slap on the hand if I kept touching stuff.
I know my aunties boyfriend would, even though he had absolutely no right to. He was fucking insane too, I'm glad she got rid.
I must have got off easy with my parents because I remember my dad punishing my siblings to the point of abuse, with belts and scalding water etc. The worst I ever got was him drilling it into me that I was thick, stupid and useless.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
your older brother hit your mom back? What kinda soft shift is your family running? if you hit any woman in my family you could expect to be the immediate black sheep and someone clocking you. Unless youw ere a girl of course.
When I first read that I thought ewe'd gone in for a classic sheep pun.

OT: Once or twice on the arse. Usually stopped before it happened again.

Anything more than that is a waste of time, and introducing equipment for it (belts, paddles, sticks, someone mentioned scalding hot water) is insane.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Aigaion said:
Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it.
I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit.
I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it.
Beatings don't make "authority fearing, well behaved children", they make resentful, hateful people who go and take out that aggression on others.
Yeh this is pretty true, I was the only one of four kids (Im the youngest) to not be hit, and I am by far the most successful at school and the most well behaved
For christ sake my older brother locked our elderly grandma in a room for a few hours because she wouldn't let him watch cartoons, something seriously fucked him up


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I did too. Looking at my nephew now... I'd say rightly so. I'm starting to get irritated by these new points of view suggesting it's just as bad as beating your kid to death.

i love headcrabs

New member
Apr 25, 2011
I was hit a couple of times with the wooden spoon after that I didn't do anything that bad so I wouldn't get hit by it


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
My parents would whop me a good one if I acted like a total asshole. Couldn't hardly call it a beating, just a clear message that you shouldn't act like an asshole.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
Heeeell no.
What people are talking about here is making me feel ill.. I mean, seriously? You're talking about being knocked out and it's "Okay"? o.o

Anyway, no. And it's worked - I'm a nice person that hates hurting people. But if I'd been brought up with violence, I'm sure as hell I'd be a bully.
Plus if they'd done that when I was little, they'd have to deal with the Now-Me (Taller, bigger, fitter and stronger than them) and my Brother who's a black belt in martial arts.

Seriously though, guys. A lot of what you're talking about is just abuse and plain wrong. Do NOT take that kind of view with your own kids.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
DasDestroyer said:
Just once, but they made up for it by getting angry, yelling and punishing me over every little thing.
Got lower than a B- for my homework? An hour of yelling and telling me how worthless I am, followed by a week without being allowed on the computer.
Actually, I need your advice here.
My girlfriend is in the same kind of position, and then some. I won't go into details because it's actually very depressing. (She's been told to move out in the morning so many times, and when she was complimented by her mother, she started crying. She's also been brought up to hate her dad, who's a fantastic person, but she's okay with him [though he doesn't get the praise he deserves]). Basically an incredibly mental abusive parent.
But she can't see it, and it's damaging her self esteem and mind set terribly. I worry about her every night and day.
I need to know if there's something that can help her break free of that kind of thinking, because it's just plain awful.
I don't know if your two experiences are anything like similar, but it's worth the chance - So, is there any advice you can give me to help her?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I was hit as a kid right up until I hit puberty. At which point my boner creeped my dad out and he stopped putting me over his knee. These days I look back at being treated like an animal as a child very fondly. In fact I often reenact my favourite childhood memories in the bedroom ;)

One thing that does make me reconsider however is the fact that my own son doesn't appear to have learnt the lessons I did despite me carrying out his abuse in an identical manner to my own father. He responds to all stimuli, be it visual, auditory or anything else, with fear and shaking. It doesn't matter how hard I hit him, he just won't shake this weird instinctive assumption that the world is a horrible place and that he exists only to be tormented by stronger people. I don't know where he got this idea but maybe if I keep reinforcing the superiority of my own worldview (through violence and terror) he will finally learn his lesson and stand tall.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
A few times, but not as in "beat up" or anything serious. I was a dick, and I still am, in a way. I deserved it. I'm not defending it and saying you should beat your kids, but I would have "spanked" or slapped myself as well.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Got maybe 2-3 slaps from 10-15, all of which I will freely admit I deserved. I got shouted at a lot more, but most of the times, I did deserve those as well, for the most part.